Week 61: “Brand New Missionaries.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had some events to share with you. It would not take this long. Hehe. I bet I will say everything in this email. 

Events: New Missionaries 

We had some changes and newly guests in the mission. It has been exciting to see the brand new missionaries coming over to the Philippines San Pablo Mission. There were newly called, Young Missionary Leaders in the Mission. We received update on the changes of our work too. 

• TransfersNew Companion 

On the 27th of April, we had our transfers. Every Missionary transfers out in a different area and receives a companion on their respective areas. It is a great opportunity to grow and to learn from the other Missionary whether teaching or planning. The Missionaries will develop Christlike Attributes and exercise to be Obedient.

We received 10 Brand New Missionaries serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. It was a great blessing for the Mission. We thought we will wait to long to get Missionaries on their assignments. It was a smile in our faces. We are so happy to see them online! 

On the 25th of April, a quick previous story. Our Mission President, President Lohner called us. We immediately received the update on the Brand New Missionaries, and my companion Sister Guarde will be trainingSister Garcia from Calumpang (Cabuyao Stake). She will be a trainer, before she’ll end her Mission Term. As she received the phone call, we both jumped with excitement and hugged so tightly missing each other. I was so sad, I felt a good connection with her. We became close! I am so happy for her long time service in Tayabas. She was released on her Young Missionary Leadership to be a Trainer. 

I received an update from President Lohner. I will leading the areas on my Young Missionary Leadership with a New Companion, Sister Villacanas. My immediate reaction was surprised, I felt unsure to lead three areas with a Leadership Calling. As long as I have my companion, Sister Villacanas. I think we will be successful. 

Sister Villacanas is an amazing Missionary. She is speaks softly in direct conversations. She teaches by understanding, and so far her ability to speak different languages is ‘very surprising.’ I had a fun time talking with her, she’s informative and I enjoy listening to her as she plays piano. I hope to see great things, as we get along. 

• WorkLucena 2nd Ward

On the 2nd of May, we start to work for Lucena 2nd. We visited a few Member Families and slowly visiting some of the investigators we taught. It became an excitement for the Missionaries. We are just grabbing the opportunity to visit some of the people. The difference were our time and fixed appointment. 

We received instructions from the Stake President of Lucena, President Bentayen. We are allowed to teach outside, if we follow safety protocols and secured our appointments. We got excited to visit a few of the families and individuals being taught online. 

We worked in Lucena 2nd, for a couple of days. It felt like special, because we had chances on inviting Members on Finding and Teaching our Potential Investigators. It was a blessing. We’ve done all we could have to gain trust and build stronger connection for the Ward. We get into Meetings and Correspondence to our Needs. We felt excited to work with Lucena 2nd Ward.

• TeachingTayabas Ward 

On the 2nd of May, just yesterday we taught Sister Hazielle Luna. We had a fun time teaching her Eternal Families with Brother and Sister Ambas. We taught her online via Zoom. It took us a while to finish the discussion, because she shared some of her experiences. She shared her experiences meeting with us. She added her experience inside the Chapel, she felt the Spirit. It was amazing to listen to her, she felt it was the right way for her. 

Despite of the challenges she had with her work and family. She kept going and attending online. She kept her commitments to pray, read the Book of Mormon and attend online Sunday Services. It is amazing to see her effort on understanding the teachings of the Church. 

There was a part she add up, “I would like to know more about Temples, and the blessings I would received after I get Baptized.” It was amazing. I never met someone like her, desperately wanting to learn and be into the church. She will be having discussions with us from to time. I felt she needed to know more. It was surprising we were chosen to be her friends and teachers to teach the Restored Gospel. 

Mission Updates: Linking Arms 

• Linking Arms 

On the 30th, we received awesome news from our Mission Leaders congratulating our Areas on the Linking Arms. It was progressing and salute to the Members’ performance. There were multiple of slides showed on screen during our meeting with the other Leaders. It was amazing to see Bishop Ahries Lorca and Brother Leon Ambas Jr. They shared a few of their thoughts on Linking Arms and Missionary Work. 

The Mission Leaders added our Baptisms on our Areas in Tayabas, Quezon. I felt surprised, and abit shy they posted us on the slides. But, I felt blessed to be in Lucena Zone in Tayabas. It is a great area with amazing Leaders contributing to the work. Just in the middle part of my mission, I witnessed miracles and great experiences. This is the greatest work, all the hard work pays off. 

• Brand New Missionaries

The Philippines San Pablo Mission received 10 New Missionaries. They came from other parts of the Mission and they are very new! These Missionaries were: Sister Garcia, Sister Flavier, Sister Vallejo, Elder Panopio, Elder Balgos, Elder Dela Cruz, Elder Atienza, Elder Oyardo, Elder Dela Cruz and Elder Mabini.

The Mission provided an online meeting for the Missionaries both of the Trainers and the New Missionaries to meet their new companions! It was awesome to see their smiling faces as they went closer on camera. 

We are so happy to see and meet them online. I get the chance to meet Sister Garcia and Elder Dela Cruz. They are amazing! 

This is all I could share. More to come next week! See you all soon. ♡


Sister Dilag

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