Week 31-32: “Woops, Where Did I Go?” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had the busiest week, again. Who knew I will be this busy by the mid-year of my mission. But! Throughout last week and this week, I definitely got sick and it wasn’t the best feeling ever. Although, I still work and work from time to time. It kinda makes you want to fall to bed. Again! I had a great week. This will be long (the usual). So I hope you find this interesting!

Teaching Appointments

I had a few stories to share with you. I bet this is exciting. These are all in their Primary Ages we got Kate, Allyna, John and Mark on this email. They are all my favorite to teach! I hope as you go through the reading, you will find these people fascinating.

• Kate Pandiño & Allyna Dazo

We met Kate (11) and Allyna (10) on Facebook Messenger, they were referred by the Members of the Ward. We had daily discussions with Sister Kate along with her Sister KC. It has become a routine of ours, the Pandiños are a must on our list of teaching appointments. They’ll be sad if we had not set an appointment for them.

It is exciting to witness their desire on keeping commitments to be closer to Jesus Christ and to come along to Church. Surprisingly, they want their parents to come along on their Discussions. We haven’t had the chance to have a teaching appointment with them.

To give you a bit of background of Sister Kate’s parents. They were Former Active Members of the Ward, but gone Inactive for 6 years. We haven’t had a set-up appointment for them due to late working hours at work. We tried our best to call a few times with them, but ended up with random conversations about, “Responsibilities.” We might have to focus on them soon, while things are getting heavier for them. We hope, later this month.

As for Sister Allyna, she was referred by her cousin, Sister Kate. We taught Allyna every single day and she has become the best example of understanding the Gospel. She is active and willing to understand the lesson provided for her. She is great!

I love them all. It is incredible to see both of them listening and applying these Principles and Doctrines given to them. I have never been more happier to understand the, “Joy” of teaching them the Restored Gospel. It has brought “Hope and Happiness” into our lives. They are a favorite of mine!

• John Ernesto & Mark Louie

We met John (9) and Mark (12) on Facebook Messenger, by their siblings, Sister Lara and Sister Iya (Members). They are both Part-Members, and are both curious to know the Church. It is exciting to find out they are Part-Members, because they knew a bit of a background of the church. This means lessons will be easier for us to teach, but the challenging part of teaching them is their Data Signal.

I had this one time, it was raining heavily outside. We start to give them a call, and as the videocall went on. The background sound was too eerie to listen. It cracks on and off a few times, before it settles in. Needless to say, we had a hard time listening to them. It was hard to reach out through the little data with had that time. “Challenges teaches you to be Patient.” I guess my patience went a little far off, but I should learn to understand that the Spirit was there to prompt us to stop and let the data roam into their area. It did! We were able to provide a good lesson about, “Prophets.”

We love them! I had a great time teaching Principle by Principle with them. They agree to do their commitments and follow the example of Jesus Christ by understanding the Gospel. It was a great experience with, we will be having appointments with them thrice a week.

The (White) Missionary Handbook says on page 35 “Because of increasing legal complexities, be extremely careful around children…Never be alone with a child.” We never were, we had an adult coming along on our Discussions. Just to clarify everything up to this email, we are following safety precautions for Children underage.

I never thought I would be teaching children in the mission. It has been a great privilege to be teaching and loving children as the Savior does. It is hard to teach children, but as you prepare to find ways on figurative teaching plan. You will receive a good outcome on your teaching.


On the 6th, I had exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders of the San Pablo Zone. It was fun! The Sisters of San Pablo 1Sister Rafon and Sister Pangan, and San Pablo 2Sister Lianto and Sister Gaspar, went for a visit on our apartment. They are excited to learn of the use of ABP and other Teaching Skills. I love Exchanges, it gets you the chance to learn from other missionaries, besides of “What you know.” Hehe.

During on our exchanges, I had a ‘very’ bad fever. I wasn’t feeling right and it wasn’t the right time to work. But, as the time goes ticking. I knew I had to stand and work. So, while I’m running fever-ish, I worked throughout the day with our teaching appointments. The Sister Training Leaders were surprised on my effort, I was able to stand even though it seems I couldn’t. It takes a bit of, “Courage and Faith” to find a way to work, even though tough times are hard to stand.

But! At the end of the day, it was all worth it. They learned the right way to use the Area Book, Gospel Library App and other Techniques. Our Exchanges turned out to be the best! I had a great time with them and I love them so much!

District Meeting

On the 7th, we had our District Council Meeting. The Missionaries of the District were: Elder Jamorol, Elder Sumiran (Nagcarlan), Elder Solis, Elder Badar (Alaminos), Sister Rafon, Sister Pangan (San Pablo 1) and Sister Arbutante and I (San Pablo 3). We had the best time. I had the best time with the District, they are loving and concern to one another.

The Alaminos Elders had their Workshop. They talked about, “Responsibilities of Stake and Ward Leaders, and Ward Mission Plan.” It was a long title, but worth to listen. It talks about having a weekly meeting with the Ward and being engaged with the Members. It was timely, because we have not received any update on our current Ward Missionary Leader (Yesterday, we got our update on the Ward. Yay! Another blessing!)

We talk and share a bunch, until Elder Solis asked, “What can you do to have Meetings with the Ward?” It basically questions on ways we can improve our relationship with the Ward. I simply replied back to his question, “Provide Member Lessons.” It is the-most-basic answer, but if you think of it on the other way. There are numberless of ways we can be close with the Members. We need the right set-up and right conversation to do it.

Overall, it was a great workshop. In a few minutes of our time, I felt the need to find ways to be engaged with the Members, and build that trust. I hope we get most of them this month!


This week, I pondered on 3 Nephi 23: 5. This was the time that Jesus went to the Americas to brought up his Word to his people. As he was bringing up the Word of God, he gave emphasis on the Prophets pertaining to the, “Book of Mormon.”

5 And whosoever will hearken unto my words and repenteth and is baptized, the same shall be saved. Search the prophets, for many there be that testify of these things.

If we give our time to listen to words of the Living Prophet, Apostles, Seventies and other Church Leaders. We may understand the world around us, through their tesimonies it can increase our sustainability towards them. Like on our October 2020, General Conference President Nelson expounded, “Embrace the ‘New Normal.’

I know that the Lord promises to each of us, if we listen to the words of the Prophets. We may be saved. We may understand the prophetic role of the Prophet, and indeedly Prophet Russell M. Nelson is called of God.

Mission Updates: Fever-ish

What are you up to lately?

I had been teaching a bunch of kiddos this week. I do love the children’s response on getting into the lesson, bit by bit. We do have an adult in our lessons and we often times have to ask the parents if we could teach their kids on video. Well the parents exclaimed, “Yes!” So we definitely have this opportunity as a blessing. My love for children has been increasing!

What did you show-off this week

I was able to help a layout design for the Guevarras’. They were looking for Freelancers to help them on their desired layout for the Cheeseboard, and I participated on helping them out on their layout. It took a while to workout with Photoshop, I was getting the hang of things. Surprisingly, the layout went well! Alot of people were interested on ordering the designs! Which I couldn’t do it, because I am currently on mission. And! I was able to do a few random handwrites for this week. Sister Lohner, loved it and she was able to share it with her family.

How come you got a fever?

Hey! I-don’t-know. I got no virus or anything, the Lohners’ are keeping an eye on me (lol) but not on my fever, but I have rashes. They don’t want me to work for a couple of days. But! I still work. Hehe.

Perhaps, I got this while at the apartment. The weather was so ‘drowsy.’ Lol, it was raining hard and all of a sudden it gets hot! So my body wasn’t totally into the weather. It changes into a different scenario. Not good, but I am all well! The Members, Sister Missionaries and Neighbors are so kind to drop off my needs. I love my area!

How are the Maligons?

I love them! They knew my Homeward and a bunch of friends back in Quezon City. Which is a coincidence, because they happen to live in my area. I don’t happened to see them much at my Stake, or maybe I didn’t have the enough time to meet everyone out! I feel bad. But! It was a great dinner, they are all outstanding leaders. They cooked my favorite dish, Sinigang! I love them! Best of the best!

How’s your companion getting the hang on things?

Sister Arbutante is doing an amazing job, of keeping our Appointments same. She is also working hard on her English and Tagalog. I am teaching her the best I can! I love her so much, and I know she will get into that language barrier slowly. I do know how she feels, and it is challenging. In situations like this, companions must find a way to be humble and teachable. I had a great time with her, I learned alot from her too!

District Prayers?

Every night we have District Prayers. We call by 9:30pm and ended up whenever the prayer ends. We pick up whoever is assigned to pray. Elder Solis happens to be the last, and I often choose him because he prays the longest! Hehe. Then, he will then pick me (most) instead of the others, because I pray the quickest! I don’t know but it is very funny. We automatically know who’s going to be the next.

There was this one time, Elder Jamorol was praying. While praying, we heard a stuttering glitch noises, and we taught we heard ghost whispers at the night. The glitch noise came from the Alaminos Elders and their signal was so poor that it stutters alot! It ruined our focus on the prayer and later by our night by ending up not sleeping or half asleep.

I bet the last parts of this email are the goofiest and funniest. I do love to make you laugh, and it is nice to laugh a bit while this makes you yawn for the most part. I do appreciate your effort on reading! This is the best way I can communicate with you better!

I hope you have a fantastic week! ♡


Sister Dilag
Sacramento • San Pablo 

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