Week 26: “Family Home Evening” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had two evenings of Family Home Evening with the Lipa 2nd Ward Members. It was the best, it felt right back at home. I thought of sharing a few topics for this weeks email. I bet this is exciting.

Teaching Appointments

• Castillo Family

We had a great Family Home Evening with the Castillo Family along with the YSAs’ of Lipa 2nd Ward, including the EQ President, President Lina. This family has been a favorite of mine, they are amazing. They touched my heart.

We had an object lesson, we based on a strand of hair, stretched the hair, stick the hair on the glass, light a candle and try to burn the hair. It was a fun lesson, every single one of them tried and couldn’t manage to find a way to cut (burn) through the hair.

We were discussing, Helaman 5:12 (Come, Follow Me) about our Foundation in the Church. The ‘Glass’ represents the Gospel. The ‘Hair’ represents Children of God, and the ‘Light of the Candle’ represents ‘Adversaries.’

As we were discussing, I thought of sharing this, “The Adversary may come, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be the source of Foundation to overcome the Adversary.” (Sister Dilag, Aug 2020).

It was a fun night, I had a great time with the Family. We had games and great conversations. We had doubled our dinner on our Sunday too! I love this family.

• Lina Family

We had an another event with the Lina Family. I will talk about our Family Home Evening with them, and then continue on with the Birthday.

The Linas’ are an amazing Family, they love Missionaries and they love serving. We were picked up and dropped off to their home, we were able to have Family Home Evening with them, along with the YSAs’.

We discussed the, Importance of the Living Prophet. We had an activity, writing down the role of a Prophet. They had a good amount of notes about the Prophet. Each of them wrote down, “Sharing the Message of the Restored Gospel.” It was great.

It somehow came into my mind, “It is a blessing to have a Living Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, whom continually share the Restored Gospel and continually receives revelation from God, because he Loves us and he Loves you too.” (Sister Dilag, Aug 2020).

We had a fun night of discussing and eating a bunch, Seafood! I love Seafood. We had great conversations and great stories heard from one to another. It was a great time with them.

Also, we celebrated President Lina’s Birthday! It was a fun night. The Members were there, we had a great time of talking, conversations were great and everyone is a helping hand on the Birthday! I love the Linas’ they are my favorite family!

Mission Updates: President and Sister Lohner

President and Sister Lohner came for a visit! They visited the Lipa Zone and went door to door with the Missionaries’ Apartment. We were surprised they came over! It was exciting to get to know and see them. As the story goes.

We had a ring on our doorbell, and surprisngly as we look over outside our apartment, it was the Lohners’ and the Browns’! I was excited to see them. I definitely missed seeing and talking to the Browns’ and an opportunity to talk to the Lohners’!

They came into our apartment, we had Hugs with Sister Lohner and Sister Brown! It was Mom hugs. I had fist bumps with President Lohner and Elder Brown too.

We had pictures with them and great conversations. We get to see similar of likes. I had a fun time writing down my name on Sister Lohners’ quilt. We both had interest on making quilts! They drop-off face masks by Sister Hurst. It was lovely! We picked two facemasks, it caught my attention to choose a faskmask of stars and music, because it’s my favorite.

We happened to talk about my life abroad, which I would love to talk too, but with little time left and they have to explore others Areas and Zone. We had to pause it and talk about it more on Letters and in Person. They are really interested.

I was afraid, my accent will be gone shortly. Afterall, my Mission Language currently is, Tagalog and I get into the deep side of the Language. I could feel my vocals changing everyday.

But! As we were talking, surprisingly I got compliments that I do sound native and I don’t want to say that I am making them liken my accent. I do feel terrible on my vocals, but they love it. It felt relief somehow, but I know in the long run of the mission my vocals may be or may not be gone? Hehe.

Also, I gave them a welcoming letter. They love my handwriting of the Philippines San Pablo Mission outline draft. It was the best feeling!

I love the Lohners’ they are the loveliest and nicest Mission Parents in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. It is the greatest feeling and greatest joy to have them around the mission. The Lord does provide miracles for those who are in ‘pure intent’ on serving the Mission. It is wonderful to see them loving the Mission and the Missionaries of San Pablo!

For the time being, these are the highlights of my week. I had a fun time. I love the Area, the Members, my Mission Parents and the Lord. This has been the greatest blessing of my life. I hope yours too!

Have a wonderful week! ♡


Sister Dilag
Sacramento • San Pablo
February 2020 – September 2021

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