Weekly: July 29-August 4: “Look to God and Live.” Alma 36-38

Today, we discussed repentance. Two questions I pondered were: “What should I do in prayer?” and “Why does repentance matter, and how do I practice it?”

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ: Alma 38:13-14

I appreciate the emphasis in this scripture. In prayer, we don’t need to boast about our achievements or compare ourselves to others. God does not value boasting; instead, He often assigns us challenges related to our achievements, making things more difficult. The lesson here is twofold: humility and gratitude. We should strive to be humble to understand things better and be grateful for ourselves and others who work together to create peaceful outcomes.

One Percent Better” by Elder Michael A. Dunn of the Seventy, General Conference October 2021

This talk highlights the importance of change and improvement. The essence of repentance is that “it is not an event; it is a process.” Even if we don’t like being in our current situation, experiencing both the downfall and the rise is valuable. The promise is that repentance is “the key to happiness and peace of mind.”

I testify of God’s love for us. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. Through His sacrifice, we have the Atonement and the opportunity to be with our Father. He understands that we are subject to sin and temptation, so He sent the Holy Ghost to guide us. Our feelings are valid and often come through intuition. We must follow these feelings and seek confirmation on what to do.

I conclude by affirming that these things are true.

— Jeth

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