Week 44: “New “Short” Year.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! A new weekly email for you. This might be the shortest (probably hehe). I hope this amuses you, I had a few to tell, and I would tell a bunch in the long run. You can skip other parts of this email, but if you want to know my transfers, it’ll be on the bottom section. 

Events: Celebrating New Years and Farewell & Birthday 

I had a bunch to tell and I will try my best to mininize the email better. I will say, this week was a bomb! It went to full pack of appointments. I couldn’t remember the last time I sat on my study table. I was out in the field and our support is getting on the swing. I will say, we did kick our feet on the ground and walk to save support. 

We did visit unfamiliar places and unfamiliar members in the ward. It is interesting to encounter different situations and concerns. I couldn’t believe I am experiencing all of these. I thought of my parents’ missions, I can imagine my parents’ situation of understanding everything: concerns, problems and doctrine support. Phew, I do love their effort! And, now I am experiencing their experience too.

Going back, those are my thoughts throughout serving. Mission is tough, and tougher as it gets. I get to adjust and listen a bunch. I do get tired sometimes, but the Spirit would prompt you to work smart, even though you could feel exhausted. Haha. I do appreciate significant instances of the Spirit prompting to work and to help others on my best effort.

• Visiting Less-Active Members 

On the 29th, we had an amazing rainy experience on our farthest areas: Sta. Filomena and San Juan. It was tough and long way to get there, with all the mud in our remote area. I couldn’t brush off the fact we are walking on mud. It was a tough walk, but good experience. As we were walking on the muddy road, we passed by a few Less-Active Members. It was a surprise visit, it took them a few minutes (each of them) to think if they would let us in. I mean it was, “okay” to not let us in, because of our current pandemic crisis, but it seems they felt the need to listen. It was nice of them to give us time. 

We had a discussion with the Abanas and Matalogs they were actively participating on Church Activities  and suddenly they stopped attending church. It was sad to hear concerns, but we felt prompted to start over the lessons again. I was impressed on our teaching, to think we were re-teaching the lessons was a great idea, to remember our covenant with God. Surely, as they were listening to our message, they felt excited to come to church again. Somehow, I felt the Spirit making us feel good, and if I feel good and it’s the Spirit.

• Visiting Member Referrals

On the 30th, we were invited by a Member of our Ward to visit their home. It was exciting! I felt impressed to see them and talk to them in person. These were the Buesas‘, their son is currently on the mission to the Philippines Laoag Mission, Elder Buesa. They love Missionaries, it has been the longest time they haven’t heard from missionaries. 

As we got to their home, we had the opportunity to meet their referrals. It was so nice of them to brought two investigators: Sister Jemailah Reyes and Brother Armando Jimenez. I had a great time with them, we had the chance to share a message on the simplest way of Lesson 1 of Chapter 3, Preach My Gospel. I couldn’t describe exactly as we said, but I honestly couldn’t believe I was saying all of it. It came to mind, I felt it was the Spirit pouring out words on our message and it became clear to them to understand it. Sister Jemailah Reyes and Brother Armando Jimenez felt good listening to our message, and commiting to do things they haven’t tried such as praying and reading the Book of Mormon. It was an impressive experience!

Mission Updates: Transfer Call 


I had a videocall from my Mission President’s Wife, Sister Lohner. We were able to talk on a bunch of things, and usually we talk much in the mission. It was a good conversation with her. I would laugh on her part, she slide over to my transfer call, before the Assistants and my Mission President would tell. I was speechless as she was talking about it. I couldn’t speak the entire time, she kept talking and I would sit and watch her on screen. She was so excited for my transfer call. I couldn’t say if I was, but I was speechless. Haha. I do love her, I do love to listen on her impressions, good language study too. 

But, digging into the transfer call. I received a phone call from the Assistants. I will be transferring to Batangas Zone, Bauan 1A. I was surprised. It was the farthest side of the mission. It is a huge area. I start to sob and cry later on, and the Assistants were sad on my leave. 

It is hard to leave San Pablo 3A. I love my stay with the members, investigators and area. It is my favorite place to stay, like I’ve grown much here. It became more like a home. I did cry, and until now I will miss a bunch.

Testimony Meeting 

Yesterday, I was able to meet the Members and share my testimony with them and announcing my leave to Batangas. They were shocked, wept and much more. It felt so sad to see them sobbing bit and bit. I start to sob too. I told them on my leave on Thursday and we planned out, appointments with them, and then I got a phone call from the Assistants. I will be leaving on Tuesday morning. I was surprised, another change of date. 

Good thing, the Guevarras’ invited us over to eat dinner with them, on my farewell. They were sad on my transfer, but they would cheer me up, to see the good of it. It felt better and I do love them! 

Anyways, shortest I got, I had to rush because tomorrow I’ll be heading to the mission office then sweep away to San Pablo. It seemed long, but few. I hope to write some more on my trip and stay to Bauan, Batangas Zone. 

Happy New Year! Also, birthday coming over! I cannot wait to celebrate a birthday! 


Sister Dilag

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