Week 4-14: “Sorry, No Smartphones.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I will be serving in the California Sacramento Mission (Official Assignment) and the Philippines San Pablo Mission (Temporary Assignment.)

I am giving you monthly updates! hope this finds you entertaining.

Heads Up! I received my mobile device! I can communicate with you virtually. However, I cannot reply unless it’s Monday (P-Day). We are advised to communicate families and friends through email! If I got the chance, I might communicate you back using messenger!

I apologize for the long delay. I never got the chance to access any social media nor email! My family is in charge on my social media platforms (meaning ‘cleaning my online proselyting usage’) while I am waiting to receive instructions from my Mission President, President Davies.

Incredible mission I would say. It was a full blown conversion for our missionaries in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. The title says it all, we don’t have access to any social media apps (platforms) during our quarantine. We currently got our touchscreens on the hoop!

It’s crazy to think our survival in the mission. We use keypad phones to communicate members and investigators. We are working ourselves everything we can to communicate. Though there were times, I personally don’t find it ‘effectively’ but the whole experience was promising and humbling. ‘Promising’ the Lord outstretched his hand to us, we fully converted ourselves to the gospel. ‘Humbling’ we take our time to study, without complaining.

No Internet Access, No Smartphones

I couldn’t imagine weeks of studying! Crazy, I know! It was difficult to communicate and compose an email. I had weeks of not compiling every update. The whole quarantine was an eye opener. We are on the edge on becoming, “PMG and Book of Mormon Scholars” in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. Which President Douglas Davies (with Sister Barbara Davies) is expecting us to be.

I guess I’m close ‘on the edge?’ I couldn’t tell! My companions could tell, yet I remain humble by this point. I am not 100% great, but I will try my best!

Teaching (using Keypads)

Oh yes we did use our keypad phones! Philippines San Pablo Mission is working on track! We cannot stay here and do nothing, right? We got to share lessons either text message or phone call!

This would be pretty long, I know I said before I will do, “Weekly Updates.” I apologize for making you wonder and worried. I will make it up to you and answer few questions. Hehe. I hope this made your day!

Q/As: These were answered, few weeks before the lift!

How long did it took you to wait for the lift?
It took us closely three months to wait. We had no smartphones and it was difficult to communicate members and investigators through out our cycles. Although, we manage to pull through out communication using keypads.

I received smartphones! I can communicate you better!

How many investigators ‘friends’ were you able to teach?
I honestly will say a few, but not many. Hehe. I couldn’t tell the number difference. I will tell you, we were able to teach important potential investigators. I am looking forward to see three upcoming baptisms, I am working on with my companions.

Statistics: I have 3 baptisms coming up, 4 part members to teach, 1 potential investigator and 1 family teaching. Surreal! We’ll be having a Baptism Zone. I’ll update you on the baptisms.

How’s adjusting to ‘quarantine missionary life?’
It’s a humbling experience. I cannot imagine myself without techy devices in the mission. I spent my time studying and preparing for the mission. I was able to pull off lessons and I feel confident in teaching, both in Tagalog and English.

How’s Spanish and Tongan working for you?
Every morning I pull off my Spanish and Tongan outlines. Unfortunately, I am not consistent with it. I am into Tagalog conversations and we have once in a week English. It is nice to appreciate my native tongue. I could feel my accent changing everyday. Is it a good thing? Or a bad thing? Kidding! Hahaha!

How were you not homesick?
I was for a few days and then I wasn’t! I love my companions. They are family! I couldn’t imagine my quarantine experience without them in it! Sister Guzman, Sister Gonzales, Sister Loerwald, Sister Limnoan and Sister Amper.

What are your studies?
I took advantage of my time to study scriptures. I was able to finish them. It was an accomplishment. I still will continue to study.

What do you do every week?
Every thrice in a week, we had zone conferences with my Mission President and his wife. Every Saturday night, we will have our family home evening, listening to Disney movies (not watching, we listen it by our keypad phones). Every Sunday morning, we have MTC Devotional (we listen again through keypads). It is funny, but great experience!

Any potential talents you might learn in this quarantine?
Holy cow! I got a few potential talents? Hehe. I can teach both English and Tagalog. I can cook different dishes. I clean like a mom. I wrote different stories. I draw a few ones. I write brush stroke strokes (no brush pens.) I type faster using keypads. I can be a fitness trainer? Kidding! I workout twice a day.

I think those are ‘my’ potential talents in the mission. I couldn’t think of the rest.

Who are your companions? Any drama involve?
No, we never faught! We couldn’t do it. Joking there! I am currently living with my (STL) Sister Guzman, Sister Limnoan and Sister Amper. I spent a few weeks with Sister Loerwald (she went back to the States) and Sister Gonzales (she transferred to a different area but still in the zone.)

We are family! We are looking forward to celebrate our quarantine life in the mission. We’re planning to bake a cake or probably buy one. Lol, we got no oven here.

Crazy Calamities in the Philippines San Pablo Mission
I find this cool, there were calamities every month in the mission. We had Volcano Eruption of Mt. Taal (Jan 2020), Evacuation Missionaries from Batangas (Jan 2020), COVID-19 (Feb 2020), Quarantine without Smartphones (March 2020), Extended Quarantine (April 2020), and Tropical Depression (May 2020). I guess Locusts are next. Joking there! This year is crazy!

Weekly Interviews with Zone Leader and Assistant to the President
I get weekly interviews from my ZL, Elder Galang. Every friday, he would ‘follow up.’ It was nice to talk to him, he would suggest pontential productivity. I could see the importance of improving. Another interview from the AP, Elder Badar. Every sunday, he too would ‘follow up’ in the mission. It was also nice to get interviews with him, he uplifts and appreciates. Elder Galang will be ending off his term by July 2020. Elder Badar will be ending off his term by February 2021.

Chit-chat with my Mission President, President Douglas Davies and Sister Barbara Davies
I had a chit-chat with President and Sister Davies. We were talking about potential baptisms and my teaching skills in the mission (using keypads). It was long, I couldn’t tell the conversation. It was really nice to talk to them, we spoke natively in English. I was pretty much open with them, they were open too. It was funny too, we laugh in our conversations.

I really love this time with them, it was special. They will end their term by the 1st of July.

You know what, I appreciate the Philippines San Pablo Mission. I start to love the mission. I realized it as my Mission President and his wife talking. It was a daughter and parent talk. I am looking forward to work here.

I hope this email is worth to read. I know it’s long, but I appreciate your time reading it. This explains why I am gone and haven’t responded to your messages. I will make it up starting right now! Let’s get connected! I hope this made your day!

Let me know your whereabouts! I would love to read them. ♡

Sister Jeth Haines Dilag

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