Week 3: “News Report” CoronaVirus and Philippines San Pablo Mission.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I will be serving in the California Sacramento Mission (Official Assignment) and the Philippines San Pablo Mission (Temporary Assignment.) I will be speaking English for 18 months. 

I am giving you updates on my training! I hope this finds you entertaining.  

I am currently in the Philippines San Pablo Mission with the other batches. We did not finish our 19 day training due to the CoronaVirus. It affected our Philippines Missionary Training Center and it’s close for a few months. 

I will be overviewing my week (explaining each day) in a week. 

Thursday and Friday (March 12th and 13th): Breaking News

To cut everything short, we are all leaving tomorrow towards our Mission Areas. It was announced that the Philippines MTC will close and Manila Area will be under lockdown. Everyone in the MTC booked our flights and other public transportation to move to our assigned areas and temporary areas. 

I cried and everyone else cried. The CoronaVirus made a huge difference in our time. I missed Abraham District, Zone A and other friends. 

So we packed our luggage as soon as we heard the news. We need to move fast. That being said, we need to move on and go forward. 

Saturday (March 14th): Philippines San Pablo Mission

We got into the area! I love my batchmates they are amazing! I got to meet and talk to them, while riding on the van and as we get to the mission home. We met President Davies and his wife, Sister Davies. They are both loving, fun and amazing. We also met the Assistants to the President, Elder Miller and Elder Hilam, both of them gave us an overview of the mission and mission rules. Also the Seniors; (1) Elder Seely and Sister Seely and (2) Elder Snyder and Sister Snyder. They are all friendly. 

As we got into the mission home. It was too early to meet up with our Zone Areas and Companions so it was challenging for them to set up everything, but they managed it. 

District (currently) in the San Pablo Mission Home:

Elder Baylon

Elder Rivero

Elder Castillo

Elder Nisperos

Elder Namoro

Elder Raguinan

Elder Tomlin

Elder Kunzler

Elder Radke

Sister Barcarse

Sister Limnoan

Sister Amper

Sister Gaspar

Sister Pangan 

Sister Loerwald

Sister Patterson

Sister Wright

Sunday (March 15th): Sunday Services 

We had our Sunday Services in the Mission Home and it was lovely and spiritual. We learned about the Atonement and Jacob 1-4. We were able to have an activity and it was great! We got the chance to talk with the other batchmates! 

We are currently staying in a hotel until we get our update on our mission companions and zones! I am excited to meet them and able to work!

Also, San Pablo is beautiful. It is a city like province type, it’s different in Manila and Quezon City. I love it here! 

Monday (March 16th): Yay! P-day! 

I am currently typing down everything. Everything went so fast and I couldn’t believe I am in San Pablo! I am starting to love it here. The people here are friendly and accomodating! I can’t wait to meet my companion and the zone! I truly love my district (batchmates). 

I am grateful to be here in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord.   

I will update you next week! I would love to receive emails from you. Please do keep in touch. I hope this email is entertaining-ish! 

Thank you!


Sister Jeth Haines Dilag 

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