Week 28-29: “A Great Week of Baptisms!” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! This will be short, the least the shortest of my emails. For the highlights of this email, I will talk about the baptisms that happened this week! For sure this is a good one!


I will type down as to which Zone these Baptisms were, the Fernandez Family are of Lipa Zone and Jacqueline Llano, Rolan Atonducan are both from San Pablo Zone.

• Fernandez Family

On the 16th, the Fernandez Family had their baptism set up! I wasn’t able to witness their baptism on videocall, but I was able to talk and congratulate them after their baptismal confirmation. It was the best feeling, ever!

Just the thought of planting and nourishing their conversion on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, brought great joy in their lives and great happiness in my mission, too! I would never thought of preaching with the Spirit Conversing the Family. It is true as they say, “…it’s the Spirit that converts a person.” It is not by you, but the spirit.

I love the Fernandez Family, I am excited to to see in the near future after the mission, participating in Church events and receive callings in the Church.

• Jacqueline Llano

On the 19th, Jacqueline Llano on her 11th age, proven her desire to get baptized. It took her months to teach and being engaged in the church. She wants to get baptized, it was not by immediate baptism, but her ‘burning desire’ got into us.

She was set up on Saturday, and we had a great witness on her baptism. I was so happy for her, she waited a few long to get baptized. My heart was filled with warmth and joy, as she was stepping down in the waters of baptism. It was the best feeling, ever!

Also to make you laugh a bit, I also wore black (surprise, attending baptism and in a ‘funny color for the event.’ hehe), both of my companion, Sister Arbutante, we wore the same color. I know it sounds and looks funny to see both missionaries attending baptism and wearing black. Terrific, right? Atleast, we look nice and decent on that day.

But anyways… Hehe. I clearly made you laugh on that part. It was the best feeling ever!

• Rolan Atonducan

On the 20th, Brother Rolan came to an excitement. We finally got a ser up date for Brother Rolan’s baptism! I did not set up a BGD on him on Sunday, but he did (I meant both him and his wife did, haha). It was a great astonishment to witness his desire to get into the church and get baptized by the right hand of authority of the Priesthood.

This has been my long awaited baptism, it took him a year and a half to be taught by the missionaries. It is an excitement in my mission, to get him kick-in his desire to be part of the church.

He got married with his wife, Rean (three days before his baptism). We got a message from them that Brother Rolan, asking if he could get baptized on the 20th. I was surprised by his desire, the leaders of the church too, and my companion.

We made it happen! We set up the date for his baptism and talked to the leaders of the church. It was already set. We were doing preparations and started the program. I will never forget the part, as he was stepping down into the waters baptism, the whole room was filled with love and excitement for him and his family.

It was the best feeling, ever! I had an amazing week of witnessing baptisms, and part of them I was able to teach them, and to see their joy getting into the Church and the Gospel, is an excitement. All my patience, became a blessing. Heavenly Father, knows the efforts of the Missionaries and knows the right time and in the right event.

I do love the mission, it is an exciting experience to the preach, serve and to witness baptisms from time to time. You get the chance to realized the worth of a soul and the joy of the gospel brought into their lives. I clearly understood the importance of serving a mission. This is an incredible part of my mission. I cannot wait to see more on what’s ahead.

Anyways, before this gets longer. I had daily consistent dinner appointments with the Stake President and his family the, Guevarras’, it was even way cooler to be with them. I am getting into the family and the activities brought in their home.

What else I had in mind? Ooof, there will be transfer calls this week, on Wednesday! I don’t like the sound of it, because I got transferred two weeks ago. I don’t want to transfer again, I had a hard time packing my stuff and in all. But! If this is what the Lord wants, then I’ll grab it! But also! I will miss the ward, I hope I won’t get transferred. Hehe. Well see, the Assistants are picking up jokes at me.

Also! I read an article (again) sentout on my email from a good friend, “The Fourth Missionary.” It was tough to read, I would cover my eyes and go back a few lines (haha, kidding), but it was so into me. I was so humbled by the article, I grew much in the mission, I realized I need to grow more and experience the unexperienced!

Again, this is a short email right? Oh I bet you are laughing at this one! Hehe. Okay, to wrap everything out! Thank you for reading my email, I appreciate you reading it despite of my earlier promises of making this short, but I do hope to see you smile and laugh, because if you did. It does make me smile, and it will make my week if you did! ♡

And, if you happened to have anything in mind and you want to say it out. Sendout anything, I would definitely read it!


Sister Dilag
Sacramento • San Pablo

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