Week 25: “Companionship” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had a fantastic week! The highlights of this week are my companionship with Sister Estrella. Service with the Sisters’ of our Zone and a Companionship Study with Sister Lohner. I bet you will find this interesting. 

Teaching Appointments

We had three referrals this week, and we were able to contact them. It was miraculous. The three of them were: Sister Precy, Sister Kim and Brother Ragan. For this week, I thought of talking about Sister Precy. 

Sister Precy is a Potential Investigator. She is willing to have appointments with us and surprisingly, she is willing to learn more of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We set an appointment with her the other day, and we talk about Eternal Families. 

We get to know her a bit and as we get to know her we address the message. It was fitting for her concern because, she is currently away from her family. She felt peace as she was listening. It was great to her from her. We will be setting an appointment with her on Tuesday!

Sister Missionaries: Sleepovers

We had a phone call from the Tanauan Sisters’, their neighbor had tested Positive for the Covid Virus and they were concern of their safety. We rushed to call President and Sister Lohner on their concern and address us to move them to Sto. Tomas Apartment. 

The Sto. Tomas Sisters’, Sister Cusile and Sister Catacutan stayed in our apartment for almost two weeks. I missed them. They moved back to their apartment, along with the Tanauan Sisters’ Sister Rio and Sister Madriaga. They are doing alright in the apartment. 

Studies: Sister Lohner 

We had the opportunity to have Companionship Study with Sister Lohner. We talk about, “Humility” and “Sanctifying our Hearts to God.” Both of these topics were great. I thought of sharing this quotation:

Christlike conduct flows from the deepest wellsprings of the human heart and soul. It is guided by the Holy Spirit of the Lord, which is promised in gospel ordinances. Our greatest hope should ne to enjoy the sanctification which comes from this divine guidance; our greatest fear should be to forfeit these blessings.” (President James E. Faust)

We had a great time, we had similar common on our studies. Interestingly, the conversation went so well. I personally had a great time with her. We ended up messaging her on our teaching appointments. She enjoy reading every update we sent her! 

Also! Yesterday, the Browns (Senior Couple Missionaries) came over to our apartment to pick up the Sto. Tomas Sisters’ and they drop off our letters and received my favorite Brownie Cookies! We received a bunch! I love the Lohners and the Browns! 

I bet this is an o-kay email to read! I thought of summarizing this a bit, and for sure you are looking for question updates. I think you have to wait til’ next week for more stories! 

I have to apologize for not responding to your personal emails directly to me, my Missionary Email had a technical problem, all your emails were not sent directly to my email. I had to figure it out somehow, or if you have anything in mind, let me know! 

I appreciate your effort of reading my email! Thank you! I had a great week. I will love to read and know updates on you. ♡ 


Sister Dilag 

Sacramento • San Pablo 

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