Week 22: “Lipa” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone and Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads upI love Lipa Zone and Batangas Zone! As you follow along the email, you will appreciate my love for my current Area. This will be long and I promise you it will be a great read. 

Here are some of the best highlights of my week: 

Teaching Appointments

This week was interesting! We had a good amount of teaching appointments. I thought of typing down two interesting stories for you: “Gadianton Robbers” and a “Progressing Family“, Fernandez Family. 

Gadianton Robbers 

This sounds creepy, but I promise you it is ‘very’ interesting. I will talk about my first experience teaching them. There are a few interesting experiences, but I will only talk about one individual experience and I will not tell you the name (for private matters). 

A few days ago, my companion and I were proposing a service project at Church. Our service project is, “Teaching ABAKADA.” We invited a few children with parents to come over to our service. We focused on teaching grammar and vocabulary, both English and Tagalog. We had a great discussion.

During our teaching service, we were introduce by a New Referral, refferred by a Member, Sister Fabian. My companion and I were glad to have a New Person to Teach on the hook. We got the chance to talk to her, ask her number and had BRT and HTBT with her. 

A few minutes talking, we were surprised by her thought process of knowing our backgrounds. It is not ‘literal’ but our ‘adversaries’ (Hehe, this is the best way I can describe it). My companion and I didn’t want to entertain her, because it was getting creepy. 

We found out she had spells and other resources of healing. Which I had no clue as to what she was talking about. I find it odd and unusual, but we kept talking with her, because we were planning to set an appointment with her, by the following day.

We had our first virtual teaching online. It was a good discussion. She was getting along, the conversation, but as we were getting along. Something wasn’t right. She looked at us with big white goofy eyes (she never blink) and with a creepy smirk (kinda like a smile). It was too creepy.

We started to wrap our words and pause with stutter. We couldn’t speak, it was a difficult time teaching her. It was controlling our minds out! I held hands with my companion and then we ended up, our discussion. It wasn’t great. I will say, we didn’t feel the Spirit. 

Fernandez Family 

The Fernandez Family is a Part-Member Family. I love this family! They are receptive and outstanding. We had a conversational discussion about the Book of Mormon and Doctrine Lessons. It was interesting to witness their testimonies. I had a great time teaching them.

A few days ago, my companion and I decided to visit and discuss with the family, in person. We went to their area and brought two of our Member Present, Bishop Rapsing and his wife. During our discussion, we provided a video presentation of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It was a great video, we showcase the Prophet’s revelation and the restoration of the church. 

As we were discussing, the home felt peace. We saw the Fernandez Family wept as they appreciate the effort of the Prophet Joseph Smith, revealing and restoring the church. They bore their testimonies with tears on their face. We felt the Spirit. After the discussion, we left. 


District: District Two 

I had a great District Council Meeting with the Elders of Lipa 1st! The Missionaries of the Meeting are few: Elder Epat and Elder Aquino (Cuenca and Lipa 1st), Sister Estrella and Sister Dilag (Lipa 2nd). Although we are small, we had a great discussion. 

I had a good amount of notes of the Salt of the Earth. To make it quick, Elder Aquino gave emphasis on our work in the Mission, “As like the Saviour, Jesus Christ, he is the Light of the World.” 

I love our District! It was family and you can tell we are like siblings as we talk! We laugh and we get along with our discussions. It was a great Meeting!

Exchanges: Sisters

I had the opportunity to have virtual Exchanges with the Sister Missionaries of Batangas Zone: Batangas Sisters and Rosario Sisters and Lipa Zone: Tanauan Sisters. 

Every week, we will set up our virtual exchanges with them. In a cycle for every week, we get to choose 1 Sisters’ Area on our exchanges and then the next week different Sisters’ Area. 

I love the Sisters of Batangas Zone and Lipa Zone! They are great teachers and great Missionaries. I love to listen to their virtual discussions. I love, they are willing to listen and to have virtual practice teaching with them. It was a great experience!


Also, we celebrated Sister Madriaga and Sister Abierra’s birthday! Sister Missionaries of Batangas Zone: Rosario and Batangas. We love our Sisters. My companion and I had our surprise virtual greet with them. We sang and celebrated with joy! I love the Sisters!

Mission Updates: Getting the Hang

Are you getting along with your companion?

Yes! I absolutely love Sister Estrella! She is my favorite companion (for real). We are like real-life family sisters in the Mission. We had similar principles in the Mission. We plan ahead and teach ahead. We are ‘so’ open to one another and very close! 

Getting the hang in the Area? 

Dang! I flippin’ love Lipa 2nd, Lipa Zone! The City noise and the elevation of the Mountains. It’s definitely my favorite spot. It fogs up and gets chilly. Also, we are close to Mt. Taal! 

Are the members nice? 

Super nice! The Members love Service! I had a great time getting to know them! We had family prayers with them and family discussions! I had moments of surprise, where the members will hit the doorbell to us and give us food, just like anything you could think of! I love them all! 

Why did you indicate, “Gadiantion Robbers“? 

I know! I thought of, “Why not indicate this crazy experience?”. Again, my first time. I will never forget my companion laughing as I was talking to the New Person refer. I had no clue, I know, but it was a good experience. 

Did you miss San Pablo Zone? 

I do miss San Pablo 3A, San Pablo Zone! On Sundays, we had our virtual MTC Devotional Discussions with President and Sister Valdez with the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Missionaries. I would swipe the Zoom Meeting to see and check my former companions and other Missionaries. They all look great and fine! I’m glad to see they are getting along the area. 

How’s the Leadership Calling? 

It’s alright, I’m getting the hang of it. I’m adjusting to the best I can. I also find it exhausting, but I had fun! It’s a fun call, I get to realize an attribute on my two weeks of training. “Humility” and “Patience.” I had pondered these two attributes and received inspiration from God, to think of the people than myself. 


We will be having transfers tomorrow! I have no clue if I am transferring or my companion. I received updates. I might be here for two weeks! I am not sure as to what will happen. I will update you on my next weeks’ email. 

I bet this is a long read. I appreciate your effort reading my email. I had a great week and it will leave a mark on my mission. I am grateful to serve God and his children, bringing them closer to the Saviour. 

I would love to see your week! Send out pictures or any posts, whenever! ♡


Sister Dilag

Sacramento • San Pablo 


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