Week 21: “Young Missionary Leader.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lipa Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I bet you’re surprised by the title. I received updates on my second transfer, new companion and new leadership calling. I’ll ‘try‘ to explain everything. As you go further to this email, you’ll be surprised by the amount of stories and updates to share on my transfer, but I’ll make it few. 

Mission Updates: Lipa Zone

• Transfer

This week I got transferred to Lipa Zone. I was surprised by the little amount of time I had in San Pablo Zone. I wished I could stay longer. I had a few teaching appointments to visit, but due to calls I had to leave soon. 

On Wednesday, I got a call from the Assistants, “I am transferring today!” I was surprised on their updates. I only had 15 minutes to pack and I had to say my ‘good-byes‘ to everyone in the Area. It was rushed! My companions: Sister Amper, Sister Limnoan and Sister Guzman were surprised and helped me pack.

While packing, the Senior Couples: Elder and Sister Brown had a phone call with my Senior Companion, Sister Guzman regarding on my transfer. They say, I’ll be staying in Lipa Zone for a couple of weeks (but not sure, if I’ll be staying there for short). 

We had a carpool (but with protocals), and went to the Mission Home. I met a few Missionaries ending their term: Elder Vinluan, Elder Galang, Sister Riparip, Sister Badua, Sister Villasan and Sister Gonzales. I appreciate their presence, they are great examples of missionary work. I’ll be missing two of my Leaders in the Zone: Sister Gonzales and Elder Galang. I personally appreciate their time. I learned alot from them on my previous zone. I am grateful to have incredible leaders. 

• Companion

While at the Mission Home, I met my second companion, Sister Estrella. She is called as Sister Training Leader – Lead of two Zones: Lipa Zone and Batangas Zone. She will be my Trainer in the call. I got called as Sister Training Leader – Trainee. Surprise! 

• Calling

I am currently a Young Missionary Leader in my area. I am surprised by the call and humbled to work alongside with Sister Estrella. She is an incredible missionary! I cannot wait to work in Lipa Zone and Batangas Zone. 

• Area 

I am staying in the Lipa 2nd Ward. Let me tell you, this ward works miracles! All of the members and leaders are willing to help whenever and whatever we would ask. The highlights of this week, I had my first MCM (Missionary Council Meeting) and on Sunday I had my virtual introduction and testimony. I love this ward! I am looking forward to serve here. 

Also, to give you a background of Lipa City. It is a city landscape. You may want to visualize it, tall buildings, congestion, traffic and honking! I love this area, it felt home. 

Teaching Appointments 

I had a ton of teaching appointments on my second transfer. I think 7-10 teaching appointments. Gosh, I couldn’t remember, but I am burnin’ up. I love our discussions with the families we teach. I might share a few stories: Collado Family and Rapsing Family.

• Collado Family 

The Collado Family is part of our upcoming baptisms. They got baptized a few days ago, Saturday. You bet, it was my first baptism! I was so happy to witness the family get baptized. “You never know how much the Gospel can make you happy.” Oh, before they got baptized. I had the chance to teach with them in our few teaching appointments. I appreciate listening to their testimonies and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It will leave a mark on my mission. 

• Rapsing Family

The Rapsing Family is part of the members of Lipa 2nd Ward. Actually, I had dinner with the Bishop, Bishop Rapsing and his wife. I had a great conversation with them. We talk about, “Conversion” as we were talking I felt prompted to talk about Lehi’s Dream of the ‘Tree of Life’, it can be found in the Book of Mormon, “…they did press their way forward, continually holding cast to the iron rod, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree.” (1 Nephi 8:30). 

During our discussion I connected thr verse to their conversion, “As we continue to ‘press forward’ to the Gospel of Jesus Christ we will continue to receive and feel that joy.” It was a great discussion, the Rapsing Family loved it! I had a fun time in our family discussion. 


I might have to add up my studies in our upcoming weekly chains. For this week, I focus on studying the, “Role of the Holy Ghost.”

In Preach My Gospel: Chapter 4, Recognizing the Spirit. In a section about the difference between the Holy Ghost and the Gift of the Holy Ghost, “The Holy Ghost is the right to have, whenever one is worthy, the companionship of the Holy Ghost.” To make it quick, recognize the role of Spirit, “that ye may know the truth of all things”, (Moroni 10:5).

I had a great companionship with Sister Estrella. There were instances I could feel the Spirit telling on ‘what to teach’ and ‘why we should teach.’ I was able to adjust quickly and getting along our teaching appointments. I had realized the Holy Ghosts’ important role in our teaching, “without the Spirit, ye cannot teach.” 

Alright, that’s a wrap! I appreciate you reading my email. I think this is longer as to our last weeks’ email. I had a lot to share, but it can wait to next week. We’ll see how it goes. 

I hope this made your day, and you find it inspiring. I would love to receive updates on you, send anything out of the air and sun. Keep me posted! ♡ 


Sister Dilag

Sacramento • San Pablo 

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