Week 2: “Safety Zone and Safety Moments” Abraham District.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I will be serving in the California Sacramento Mission (Official Assignment) and the Philippines San Pablo Mission (Temporary Assignment.) I will be speaking English for 18 months. 

I am giving you updates on my training! I hope this finds you entertaining.  

I am currently training in the Philippines Missionary Training Center. It is wonderful! I saw my performance in the MTC and I think I am doing great! I will give you an overview of the training center, so missionaries are sent to train to know volunteering services and teaching the gospel; (1) Sisters will be serving for 18 months and (2) Elders will be serving 24 months. 

I will be training for 19 days (3 weeks) speaking English and practice teaching. 

I will be overviewing my week (explaining each day) in a week. 

Thursday (March 5th): Interested Person 

I had a great time with my companions, Sister Poster and Sister Samonte. We taught Sister Mikee Zyph (role-played by Sister Baysa) an Overview of Lesson 1 and we taught few principles. 

Friday (March 6th): Lesson Plan!

My companions and I are preparing a lesson plan. We are doing amazing. We share insights of our topic, flow and commitments for our Interested Person. 

My district “Abraham” and I, talked about goals and we focus on our schedule. We are getting into the point we need to be on time, “Punctuality Matters in the MTC.” (President Clark, 2020.) That line always cracks me up! We can be ‘a bit late’ but overall it matters we follow our schedule. 

Saturday (March 7th): Daily Planning and Daily Review 

Our district: Elder Lesano, Elder Dela Cruz, Elder Ledesma, Elder Valiente, Elder Yrauda, Elder Asingayan, Sister Samonte, Sister Poster and Sister Dilag is on track for Daily Planning and Daily Review. We are doing great. We know what we are doing and we focus on our goals. It’s interesting after we plan our day, we want to accomplish it, meaning we need to finish it. 

It’s like getting a research paper done by tomorrow. (I hope this makes sense, hehe.) 

We are productive and we follow our teachers, Sister Baysa and Brother Ballon. 

Sunday (March 8th): Hit Like a Truck! 

Uh no! Not Safety Zone here. It’s Sunday! That means we get to have our pondering moment! We had a wonderful Sacrament “Pioneer Branch”, President Clark his wife, President Tolentino, President Agustin and his wife, and President Navarro and his wife. They are all amazing. 

We had a wonderful discussion in the Relief Society Class and “Come Follow Me” Discussion with our District. Speaking of District, we had an activity, within the activity we get to understand Faith and our Purpose as missionary. 

In our activity we are focusing on “Faith.” It was a fun activity demonstration. Our Zone Leaders, Elder Ledesma and Elder Valiente taught us the lesson. Let me tell you, they are astounding! 

Lastly, we had time to watch, “Testaments.” It was so good, it hit me like a truck! I cried with my companions and zone! 

Monday (March 9th): Physical Activity

Physical Activity on our morning list! I love Sports, and I would love to learn and improve it! 

I played a bit of Basketball and a half of Badminton with my companions! For the whole zone and district, I played Volleyball. I love Volleyball! Our game is friendly and we get to know each other! 

Tuesday (March 10th): Provo MTC Missionaries, Amos District and Noah District

We heard the news of the CoVid-19, and I cannot stop thinking about my family, my companions families and my district families.

You are in my thoughts. I heard the news about the CoVid-19 is spreading in the Manila Area. I heard a week of no classes and work for employees. Remember the episode of Safety Zone about Cleanliness! Stay safe and wash your hands often as possible!

I got the chance to talk to Americans serving in the Philippines! I enjoy it! I get to know them and send emails! I love our funny conversations! Oh, Elder Core is in the Philippines MTC too, he’s from Sacramento! El Dorado Stake! It was nice seeing him along with his companion Elder Christensen. They will be both serving in the Philippines Legazpi Mission. 

I love the Zone B too! I talked to the Amos District, a bit. The Amos District are wonderful! I got to meet their Zone Leaders, Elder Baylon and Elder Rivero. Along with their district is Elder Castillo and Sister Gaspar. 

The Zone B sang, “We’ll Bring the World His Truth (Army of Helaman)” it was so good! The spirit uplifts the whole Brigham Young Hall. They performed it on our Devotional with guest speaker President Jairus Perez and his wife, Sister Perez.

And, Noah District! I went Trio again with the Sisters, Sister Dela Vega, Sister Santos and Sister Amper. Along with their district is Elder Del Rosario, Elder Lacaden and Elder Borer. They are so funny! 

Wednesday (March 11th): Safety Zone 

In the MTC, it’s important to watch Safety Zone videos. I finished them and I would go back if I want entertainment. It’s hilarious! It’s important to keep missionaries stay alert and awake. You can watch it too! Search, “Safety Zone” and it’ll appear on screen both on YouTube App and in Gospel Library Apps. 

I am grateful to be here in the Missionary Training Center. The Missionary Training Center, will teach you to be a missionary. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord. 

I will update you next week! I would love to receive emails from you. Please do keep in touch. I hope this email is entertaining-ish! 

Thank you!


Sister Jeth Haines Dilag 

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