Week 19: “Yay! Pilot Testing for the First!” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attached interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining!

Heads up! This week was miraculous! The mission launched it’s first! We had our Pilot Testing in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Zone Conference, and we had our step-out-of-the-door proselyte! I’ll explain further as you get along this email.

Also, I’m glad you like our last weeks email! It definitely is worth the shot to read. I will keep this coming for you.

Pilot Testing

We had our Pilot Testing this week. We are slowly interchanging in the mission. We can only go out to visit, once or twice every week. Travelling is a big concern, it’s either we walk to the nearest teaching appointment, we asked a member to pick up, or if it’s a 5 mile and no transportation, we would walk until sun down. It’s challenging, but we have to visit!

For this month, we expect to have three baptisms, unfortunately they were all rescheduled. It was even tougher. My patience was rising above it’s sea borders, I have to learn it the hard way. There might come, it may not be today, but sooner!

My companions and I had the same thought of visiting them. At that time, we didn’t know when exactly but I’m glad we were able to get the chance because these people need our presence! So after our Zone Conference, after a couple days we decided to commute all the way to Sta. Felomina, it’s a 20 to 30 minute commute to Del Remedio up there. It’s almost close to the Borders of Calauan (which is not our Area).

Teaching: Sister Marilyn

We visit a few families in Sta. Felomina: Pullo Family, Claro Family and Sister Marilyn. I will talk about Sister Marilyn. She touched my heart the most.

Sister Marilyn is one of our Potential Baptisms. She already build her testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Prophet Joseph Smith. You could tell, she is ready to get baptized, but through sudden changes. She couldn’t get baptized, because she can’t attend church. It almost seems easy to attend but, she doesn’t have much. The house she lives in with her 4 kids, is an old crooked wood house, with no water and no electricity. The surroundings were a bunch of trees and muddy roads. To imagine it, it’s a very poor area. To cut it short, she has nothing to provide for her family.

I felt awful. I remember, as we were stepping towards the muddy road to her house. She greeted us with joy and tears saying, “Sisters! Dumating na din kayo! Na miss ko po kayo, tara pasok po kayo. Pasensya po sa bahay medyo hindi handa, pero tuloy kayo!”

You can imagine the house it was about to collapse! Good thing it wasn’t. We went in and we started to have a conversation, and my companions had to take off the mud on their shoes and take the restroom. My companion, Sister Guzman greeted the kids, while I was talking to Sister Marilyn.

I replied, “Maraming Salamat Sister, kumusta po kayo? Ano maitutulong po namin sa inyo?” As I was asking, I couldn’t help but I start to get teary. Although she didn’t have much, she is willing to listen to us. I was like shookt!

Sister Amper and Sister Limnoan taught them the Plan of Salvation. We only had limited time, because they have to eat dinner. Oh, their kitchen was like province type like fireplace but not really fireplace, more like camping style of fireplace. Hehe woops!

My companions did a good job, although we didn’t finished we end up bearing our testimonies.

I suddenly burst to tears, they had nothing! I cannot imagine on their current state. They still live the gospel even though they had nothing (Gosh! I said this twice). I ended up my testimony, I know Heavenly Father will give them the right time to lift this heavy adversary. Then, we left.

This is the challenging part of the mission, is going home on time and not ruining the moment on our teaching appointments. It’s like we want to stay longer but can’t. Pasensyahan nalang kami ni Sister Guzman, pero I would always say, “It was nice to letting our stay, but we have to go now.” 🙂

I might have to postponed a bit for these stories. I know you want to read more (at may pa suspense). It will take us tomorrow to finish it. I might talk it out next week. I promise!

Zone Conference Highlights:

We had a great Zone Conference, it was very timely. We thought the mission will be sitting like a dot, but we ain’t sitting like a dot anymore. We had our gathering at the Stake Center. We are advised to follow safety precautions such as being distant and frequently sanitize! All of the missionaries of the San Pablo Zone are getting along with the protocols.

• Mission Leaders: New Temporary Mission President, Temporary Mission President’s Wife, and Couple Missionaries

The Mission Leaders are so loving and family-like to every single missionary in our mission. I honestly felt so blessed like there are no words to describe. They will give you whatever you need. We never felt stiffed or chastised. We have great leaders! We currently have our Temporary Mission President, President Miguel Valdez and his wife, Sister Valdez. We got our Couple Missionary, Elder and Sister Brown. Let me tell you, they work miracles!

• Missionaries: San Pablo Zone

I love the San Pablo Zone Missionaries. The greatest of the greatest (the best way to describe them). We got a few outstanding BRTs and Extra-Millers, also we the real OGs here. They are hands down oustanding. Honestly, all of the missionaries of the Philippines San Pablo Mission are outstanding!

The Missionaries of the San Pablo Zone are: District 1: Elder Opiña and Elder Manglicmot (Catanauan), Elder Badar and Elder Solis (Alaminos), Elder Jamorol and Elder Dela Rosa (Nagcarlan), Sister Badajos and Sister Pangan (San Pablo 1), Sister Guzman, Sister Limnoan, Sister Amper and Sister Dilag (San Pablo 3). District 2: Elder Galang, Elder Lopez, Elder Raguinan and Elder Nisperos (San Pablo 5), Elder Bulanon, Elder Namoro and Elder Rivero (San Pablo 4), Sister Gonzales, Sister Barcarse and Sister Gaspar (San Pablo 2).

We finally got the chance to meet up and talk, but keeping our distance. All of the missionaries was able to talk, and all of them are incredible. You can tell by their countenance, they are glowing. Here are some updates on these missionaries:

Calauan and San Pablo 4 Elders: The Elders are amazing. It is so interesting, they workout and being creative. They told me, they made out certificates and awards in their apartment! It was so funny! I got the chance to meet Elder Bulanon, he was smaller as I would imagine, but he has a bigger heart. I could feel and tell his sincerity whenever he teaches rhe gospel. Elder Rivero is currently a trainer and handles two areas, Calauan and San Pablo 4. I was really surprised he could manage both with Elder Namoro. Elder Rivero’s English is top-notch, I enjoy the conversation! It was great! He got the Nebraskan Accent. Hehe. Elder Namoro is the funniest but the nicest missionary to talk too! I knew his concern and I had to pray for him the other day. They had a baptism last month! It was cool!

San Pablo 1 Sisters: The Sisters had a special number. Sister Badajos is a college graduate in Finance, and I’m jelly she’s so skinny! I workout twice a day and I couldn’t achive a smaller physique like hers. She is currently a trainer to Sister Pangan. Sister Pangan has an incredible voice! She sang a favorite of mine, “Lead Me Into Life Eternal.” It melted my heart. I love it! It is also interesting, she is working her hardest to get into the language barrier and her teaching (both in Tagalog, English and Cebuano).

San Pablo 2 Sisters: The Sisters had a couple of baptisms! They are incredible. I bet my nanay, Sister Gonzales is training Sister Gaspar and Sister Barcarse to the best of her ability. Also, Sister Gonzales will return home shortly!

Nagcarlan Elders: The Elders are powerful! Elder Jamorol. He is the nicest missionary! We had similar understanding of the gospel. We get along pretty easy. It was a great conversation. Also, fun fact he is an actual hip-hop dancer, it was even interesting! (we are not allowed to dance, it’s bawal in the mission). Also, Elder Jamorol’s companion, Elder Dela Rosa is taller! I had an complete opposite on our virtual meet ups! I was surprised they knew my District mate, Elder Asingayan! It was even more interesting.

Catanauan Elders: Another heart warming story from Elder Opiña and Elder Manglicmot. Both of them cried as they were talking about their area in Catanauan. It was a difficult area. They handle a branch that is close to the beach. I cried too as they couldn’t eat whenever the Grandma (they taught) doesn’t have food to eat, because she wants to attend church. So she saves money to attend. It was heart warming.

Alaminos Elders: The Assistants, Elder Solis and Elder Badar are interesting too, they are like Alma and Amulek whenever they speak. Elder Solis is a great missionary. He has alot of stories to share and what he likes to do, but we had little time. He loves to sing, he loves acoustic. Elder Badar is so funny too, and he is humble and patient!

San Pablo 5 Elders: I met Elder Galang for the first time, he was a bit smaller than me. I honestly was expecting he would be taller based on virtual conversation. He loves to bike! It was interesting, I love outdoor activity. He will be home shortly (same as Sister Gonzales). Elder Nisperos and Elder Raguinan are currently training. They are incredible! Elder Lopez spoke really well in English. He’s a great photographer. I love Photography, he showed a few of his shots. It was great! Also, he’s from Cebu. I completely understand he’s current status and work related stuff.

No casualties involved, we are all maintaining our composure.

• Mission Concerns: We Need More Missionaries

The Missionaries are shrinking! It was a huge concern for the mission. There were a number of closed areas that are in need of re-open. Some of us are not fully trained, a few are not done with their training, and a few ones are leaving on their end term this year! It was a pain in the neck, we need more Missionaries! I think in the long run we will get missionaries coming over to our mission! I hope we could get them in time.

Also, we got mission updates! We have the highest baptisms this month! We were clapping our hands on our Sunday Devotional. No wonder, Pangulo decided to have our Zone Conference set up. It was a great blessing!

• Mission Discussion: Missionary Purpose

The whole discussion is focusing on our mission purpose. We live in a very timely timeframe where smartphones approach. It sometimes drags away our purpose. The APs advised us to study the story of Nephi.

Laugh with me! So funny our San Pablo Missionaries Video was out (i hope you were able to see the video). I got comments on my voice, well who do you know, kidding! They love hearing my voice from time to time. Honestly, I was expecting a few Elders to speak English but, most of them spoke Tagalog. Mahusay sila! Claps. Claps.

It was great to see all of them all in person! My eyes were like big puffs! I was completely chuckled out because all of the missionaries were way different as to ‘what I was expecting on virtual than in person.’ Hehe. It was so funny of me!

Okay, hear me out! I never meant to be funny (duh, obviously I am). I don’t know if there’s a huge difference, but there is! It looks like the missionaries physique is evolving. I meant to say that there is a difference! Gosh! I can’t explain it in English hehe, pero meron talaga. It seems the Elders are getting slimmin’ toned and the Sisters are getting chubbier? Hehehe! Holy cow! I can’t believe I am saying this! It was good laugh, though. Quarantine Physique Missionaries, at it’s finest!

Open up! I will say this, “I love the Philippines San Pablo Mission.” It is so difficult to leave such an amazing and beautiful mission. I thought (before entering the MTC) wasting my time here, but I am falling for this Mission Area. I want to finish the rest of my service here. I haven’t received any updates on my original assignment (I don’t mind). Honestly, I’ll be fine because I will flyoff and drive back to Roseville heading to Sacramento!

Alright! It’s a wrap! Well this is a long one. Hehe. Pasensya na enjoy ko mag type. Hehe. This has been the greatest week. I did promise (last week) to answer bunch of questions on my mission changes. I think you’ll have to wait longer or might not, kidding!

Before I end up typing, I would love to see and read your emails, and the best part reading your email is seeing your pictures and videos! Just send anything out of the air and of the sun! ♡


Sister Dilag

Sacramento • San Pablo

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