Week 18: “Funny, I Made It Doubled!” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I did a bit of changes on this email too and interesting photos attached. I hope this finds you entertaining!

Heads up! Funny thing, I made you teleport by time. My bad! My last weeks email got wrong! I had it doubled and it was way too funny. It was suppose to be, “July” not “June.” It went to top to bottom! I type way too fast, that I didn’t check again for errors. Yikes! Hehe! I’ll make sure to check before I send it. Hahaha! I’m glad I made you laugh on my last weeks email! Hehe!

And, I hope you enjoy reading. As far as my hands are soaring on typing down and your eyes flicker, kidding hehe. I appreciate your effort! This week was funny and productive!

Teaching: Sister Velasco and Ulan Family

This week was fully booked! We had 5 to 7 appointments, everyday! I am really impressed on our investigators and part-members spiritual growth as they come closer to the Saviour. They are willing to learn more and it’s exciting to teach them. I have a couple of stories to share:

We had a new referral, Sister Velasco! She was referred by the Arangurens’ of San Pablo 3A Ward. We had appointments with her thrice this week and we were able to teach the Restoration.

We had this one time she cried to fullest. It really hit the peak of my spine. I was teaching Prophets, and I was focusing on our current living Prophet, Prophet Russell M. Nelson. She cried as she shared her understanding of our living Prophet. I am so impressed, not only that I get to learn from her too.

Also, the Ulan family (yep, it literally translates, rain.) It was also raining that time. We had an appointment with them. My companions taught, the Plan of Salvation. Sister Guzman and I wasn’t teaching. Sister Amper and Sister Limnoan did the teaching. They did a job well done!

My companions did a great job pulling off Plan of Salvation, it’s one of the toughest lessons to teach. It’s an ovewhelming discussion. Usually, we showcase visuals to better understand the topic (which we don’t have visuals at that time), but this family was great! They understood the whole topic, very well. We asked alot of questions (for a step back if it gets too overwhelming for them). To their response they weren’t confused. They understood it! I was really impressed!

As they were about to end the discussion, the whole family was looking for us (the sisters who didn’t speak, lol) saying, “Sisters, saan po si Sister Guzman at Sister Dilag? Sister Dilag, Sister Guzman!” In my mind I was like, “Holy cow, ano yun? Haha!” So they missed us (daw). Sana all missed di ba? Kidding. We were flattered and I flushed too! I haven’t met them in person, they were like sharing their day. It was adorable! I hope we could go out and visit them!

District: District Two, the ‘Chill’ District

We had our swaps on Wednesday. We attended District Two. We went to a more behave district, kidding. We have our complete APs, ZLs and STLs on the line. It was a chill. I am so happy to see familiar faces.

The missionaries in the District are: Elder Galang, Elder Raguinan, Elder Lopez and Elder Nisperos (San Pablo 5) Sister Gonzales, Sister Gaspar and Sister Barcarse (San Pablo 2), Elder Gaspar and Elder Baylon (Calauan; transferred to a different zone), Elder Bulanon, Elder Namoro and Elder Rivero (San Pablo 4; we swap districts) and including us (San Pablo 3A) with the APs, Elders Solis and Elder Badar (Alaminos).

The Elders of San Pablo 4 visited our District, so we swap districts. Elder Galang announced President and Sisters Davies are Gone and so does our Calauan Elders, are Gone too. Of all good words to use, he used ‘Gone’ as a crack up joke. Not bounce off, left or transferred. Haha!

So, we had our Workshop Discussion with them. We discussed the, “Importance of Members” on Preach My Gospel. It was a great discussion. We set up our powerpoint and their insights were direct and ‘very’ well said. I enjoy District Two, it’s was a great DCM!

Mission Updates:

Sacramento: New Mission President

We got a new Mission President in Sacramento, it’s the Zimmermans! Hooray! I heard and read President Dave Zimmerman is a cool Mission President and has alot of energy! I hope to meet them soon, or might not. Hehe. We’ll see how it goes.

I was hoping to see and meet the Hymas’ on time before their end term, last July 1st. Sadly, I went curve balls for them. I got a message from them, they left on time. I was sad and happy, they served a good three years in the field! They ended their mission term the same day as the Davies’ on July 1st (I did this the correct way!) Oh, The Hymas’ are so loving! They love the Missionaries of Sacramento.

San Pablo: Current Temporary Mission President

As you know the Davies’ left the country and I bet they’re nicely home in the States. It feels weird they’re not around. We didn’t had our Sunday Devotional with them. It was really funny, I remind my companions on our Devotional and I realized they’re not around. I flippin’ missed them!

Oh well the Lohners’ are not here, yet. They should be here by now, but I heard flights were unavailable. They’ll be here alright, might be sooner the least.

Speaking of, the Valdez are here! We will be having interviews on Wednesday (face to face). The whole San Pablo Zone will be gathered at the Stake Center. We might get transferred too, it’s a rumor but we’ll see.

News Flash

I teared up abit this week too! I realized that half of my mission, I was able to touch lives by simply sharing lessons, scripture references and the spirit. Who would have thought right? I thought I’m out ‘just to teach everthing out on textbook’ but no, it’s all about the spirit.

“You can’t go forward in this work without ‘the ultimate teacher.’ He must be part of your companionship. … Don’t ever forget that the Holy Ghost is the key to that knowledge.” (Jeffrey R. Holland)

What did you do interesting this week?

My companions and I visit the San Pablo Stake Center. It has a wide landscape, because at the back of the Stake Center there’s a walking distance to the lake and Mt. Banahaw. It was glorious! My feet are wanting to hike, so badly. The lake seems great for kayaking (but we are not allowed, it’s bawal in the mish). I hope sooner on hiking activities, we’ll get the chance.

And we snuck up a bit to visit San Pablo 2 Sisters, we asked the APs if we could visit, we were allowed but not longer. We cannot ‘linger-longer.’ Hehe. It’s a term used on every third Sunday like gathering after church services in the States.

I sang alot of Hymns this week! I love singing, that something alot would say. Two Hymns this week I love, “Time is Far Spent” and “Where Can I Turn for Peace.” Both are soulful, and “Beautiful Saviour” it’s a primary song! It’s a good one too!

My companions and I did a little artwork. I’m not really artistic, some said I am, but I am not. I think you should see. I tried, but here’s what I got (see attached photos). I made a layout draft of the San Pablo Mission Logo! Hehe. It’s mesmerizing right? Haha! I hope it’s eye-catching!

Sunday Devotional: Linking Arms

Sister Amper and I had a talk in our Ward Devotional of San Pablo 3A. It was a great discussion. We discussed, “Linking Arms.” I set up our Powerpoint (see attached photo). As we were discussing, a few leaders and the Area Seventy, Elder Maligon shared their testimonies. It was hands down an incredible. I love a good freely conversational discussion, it’s my favorite approach to use! I’m glad it went well!

Phew! I bet this is overwhelming. I attached too many photos than before. I think it’ll be way more interesting if I made up a call for you, kidding! Well that sums up my week. It was ‘very’ productive and my introduction changed. I’ll answer a few questions sooner!

Thank you for reading! Let me know updates on you. I would love to see and read it! ♡


Sister Dilag

Sacramento • San Pablo

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