Week 17: “President and Sister Davies” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I will be serving in the California Sacramento Mission (Official Assignment) and the Philippines San Pablo Mission (Temporary Assignment.)

I am giving you monthly updates! I hope this finds you entertaining.

Heads up! These are the best highlights of my week. Our Mission Parents of the Philippines San Pablo Mission are ending their Mission term tomorrow, July 1st, a teaching appointment about ‘Marriage’ and our District Council Meeting Workshop. I hope you are a fast reader!

For this week we had a consistent four to six teaching appointments, every day. All of these families and individuals were interested on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We provided scripture verses and video clips to know more of the Saviour. As we provided these gospel references, all of them are desperately wanting to know more. It’s exciting to see their willingness to learn more of the Saviour.


One of our consistent teaching appointments was a favorite family of ours, the Atonducan Family. The Atonducan Family is willing to learn more of the Gospel and Doctrine of Jesus Christ.

We had our teaching appointment with them, twice this week. We taught them Chapter 4 of Preach My Gospel, “Eternal Marriage.” Surprisingly it went well! Brother and Sister Atonducan had plans on getting married by August. Also, an opportunity for Brother Atonducan to get baptized!

Quick Background: Sister Atonducan is a member and Brother Atonducan is a part-member. We are hoping after their marriage, he’ll get baptized.

Quick Story: A week ago, I was picking up a baptismal schedule for Brother Atonducan. I was prompted by the spirit to message them. I asked if they were married and to my surprise, ‘they were not married, they are live-in partners.’

Brother Atonducan and Sister Atonducan are live in partners for 9 years and had 2 children. Living together, they are willing to apply the Gospel and attend church.

We had a concern, they need to get married. If it happens, Brother Atonducan will get his opportunity to get baptized. I had fast and pray twice this week on their families approval for their marriage. To our surprise, they were allowed to get married! My companions and I cried as we heard the news. We cannot wait to see their plans on August! I’ll let you know what happened to them.


We had our District Council Meeting! We were surprised to see the amount of our Elders, lessen. Elder Jamorol and Elder Dela Rosa (Nagcarlan) are moving out to their original area. Elder and Sister Brown picked them up and move them to their new apartment. I think it took them long to get to Nagcarlan, but for what I know it’s on the West Zone of the Mission. We missed them, alot!

Actually, a few missionaries moved out and went on transfers! We heard from the ZLs and STLs, that the Calauan Elders, Elder Baylon and Elder Gaspar transferred to Marinduque Zone. We can see the mission is slowly moving. We didn’t get it overboard, because President and Sister Davies had their flight back to the States.

Through our Meeting, we had our workshop! We focus on, “Teach When You Find, Find When You Teach.” It was a great topic! All of the missionaries in our District participated.

So during our discussion, I was assigned to explain the Principle of this topic. I asked the APs on their insights. So here’s what they got:

• Elder Badar – His idea was to send out Pasalong Cards, Name and Contact Number to people online. They had a good amount of interested people to teach.

• Elder Solis – His idea was so long! Haha. He shared his experience using OYM-ing and BRT-ing. He worked so hard to talk to everyone on his first area, to by his surprised he had an investigator to teach.

In short, OYM-ing and BRT-ing are the effective ways on missionary work. You will be surprised by the effects these ways. They both work together in the mission, and must applied constantly throughout finding and teaching.

End Term – New Mission President

I received President and Sister Davies’ last letter. Dang! It hit like a truck. It shed tears as I was reading the whole thing. It was a good read. We had a great amount of baptisms this month, 58 baptisms! The Elders and Sisters are amazing! They did a great job!

You will be surprised the timeline and history these parents did in the mission. It will leave a mark to every Missionary serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, under their time.

President Douglas Davies and Sister Barbara Davies are ending their term tomorrow, July 1st. They are the best parents in the mission. They are bold and loving to us! They devoted all of their time in the Lord’s work. There will great blessings, as they go back home. I surely miss and love them. I hope to see and visit them after the mission.

New Mission President coming up, President W. Scott Lohner and Kimberly Lohner. I cannot wait to see them. I hope they get here in time. The Philippines San Pablo Mission is the best mission!

Also, great news! My current temporary Mission President will be President Miguel Valdez. I cannot wait to see and talk to him again! He will do fantastic in the mission.

Anyways, these are the highlights of my week. I attached pictures for you to see! Also, the attached photo on our Youth Workshop and the best photos, as you scroll.

I hope this made your day! I would love to know your whereabouts. 

Sister Jeth Haines Dilag

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