Week 16: “What a Week!” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I will be serving in the California Sacramento Mission (Official Assignment) and the Philippines San Pablo Mission (Temporary Assignment.)

I am giving you weekly updates! I hope this finds you entertaining.

Heads up! This is by far the most compiled email throughout the week. I had alot to share, but it’ll make your eyes sore as you read it. Kidding! Hehe. I had a busy week, it was a great and challenging week. I hope this made your day!


I was able to teach the Plan of Salvation of two families, Pullo and Atonducan. It was a bit of a challenge, my companions think I should give it a swing. It was a great discussion! I had fun teaching them. The spirit was so strong that we invite one of them for baptism. We had a schedule for them! Yay! We’ll see what happens. I’ll let you know!


I had a tough ‘Wednesday.’ I received a message from my family saying, Lolo ‘passed away.’ My grandpa died of old age (side of my dad). At that time, I was teaching the Plan of Salvation with the Pullo Family. I was able to finish the discussion and leave an assignment for them.

So I wrapped up and messaged, Sister Davies (MPW). I had a few minutes to call dad. We had a family prayer and I talked dad for a few. We discussed the importance of the Plan of Salvation, the plan signified the love of the Saviour, to reunite with our families. He knows one day, he’ll be able to see and talk to his parents in exaltation. We know the Plan of Salvation is a comforting message to reunite with our families.

Funny Story: My sisters had to kidding around mom at the house. They were making her scared by letting her feel the presence of grandpa, because she doesn’t like ghosts! So they had to make every movement scary. I got a message, she saw Lolo’s appearance, once in a while. Haha! I love them.

Meet My Dad

I thought of typing down my dad. It’s Fathers’ Day! So why not share of his conversion and background, #MeetMyDad.

Jorge Dilag is a great man in a variety of ways. He is a best friend, a ‘kuya’, a loving husband, a dad and a great convert. As the Eldest of his siblings, he was the first to introduce the Gospel into his life.

There were two Elder Americans knock on his door. Surprisingly, he never knew the Book of Mormon to be an Another Testament of Jesus Christ, until the Missionaries invited him to read. He was a bit skeptical, as to ‘what the blue book was.’

Until, one summer he decided to read the Book of Mormon. He had strong feelings to the book and gained a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He got baptized on the 2nd of Oct 1992.

Dad hope to see his family attend church and get baptized. They later on got baptized (also served in the mission) and got into the church, because of his persistence and diligence in the mission work.

Dad went on a mission to the Philippines Cebu Mission, he met wonderful people, culture and language. He met his Mission Parents, President and Sister Haines. They both loved dad as a son, and provided him after the mission.

He was a great example of great leadership and companionship. After his devoted time in the mission, he finished college with the help of his Mission Dad! He attended University Ward – Manila (Pioneer, ‘Manila YSA Ward’).

He married his best friend, Lilibeth Mendez (my Mom and a Returned Missionary to the Philippines San Fernando Mission) at the Manila Philippines Temple.

Dad currently has four wonderful children and a loving wife. He had numerous callings in the church and a competitive work, abroad.

Overall, the greatest coach of my life. I love my dad! 

Happy Fathers’ Day to your dad!

Farewell Zone Conference

I had a great Zone Conference! President and Sister Davies’ Farewell, virtually! Every single missionary participated. The whole entire Zone Conference was splendid. It was a spiritual delight. I took a good amount of notes.

So our Zone Conference is a 5 hour discussion. We had workshops and a discussion with the Mission President and his wife, along with the APs! Here’s a few bullet points:

• “We live and serve in the day when thousands of years of prophecies are being fulfilled. The keys to gathered scattered Israel are operative, and the elect are to be found in every area of every mission, “upon all the face of the earth.” (President Douglas Davies, June 2020.)

• “When performance measured, performance improve. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.” (APs Elders Badar and Solis, June 2020.)

• “We have not come this far, to ‘only’ come this far.” (Sister Barbara Davies, June 2020.)

San Pablo Stake – Youth Workshop

We had an amazing workshop via Zoom! We interact with the San Pablo 3A Ward, providing and opening new opportunities to share the gospel.

There were a good number of participants interacting and testifying of the Restoration of the Gospel. The whole ward was fascinating! They are willing to post online and share it with a wide variety of audiences.

We have a video (attached) for posting! It was a great video! All of the Missionaries of the San Pablo Zone pulled it off, greatly. They are all amazing! Also, Sister Gaspar compiled and edited the video! It took a night to finish it.

The Workshop Poster was creative! Great color schemes and icon advertise. Overall, it was fascinating to have workshops! It gave a new opportunity to spread the gospel effectively!

Sunday Devotional

A great Devotional from Elder Michael Teh. He pulled off an amazing talk. It was great to see him! Here’s a few bullet points:

• “It is not necessary to bring excessive baggage that would prevent you from flying.” (Repent Now, Repent Daily.)

• “Do not Rationalize. Even if the mission rule is not clear to you, ‘just obey.’ The Lord will teach to your understanding.” (Obey with Exactness.)

Alright! That sums the whole week! Feel free to share stories of your dad. I bet you have an incredible dad. So type it down! I would love to read it and see pictures!

I hope this email of mine, made your day! I hope you find this entertaining-ish. Hehe.

Sister Jeth Haines Dilag

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