Week 1: The “Powerful” Abraham District

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I will be serving in the California Sacramento Mission (Official Assignment) and the Philippines San Pablo Mission (Temporary Assignment.) I will be speaking English for 18 months. 

I am giving you updates on my training! I hope this finds you entertaining.  

I bet you had a fantastic week, as I had right now. I am currently training in the Philippines Missionary Training Center. It is wonderful! I saw my performance in the MTC and I think I am doing great! I will give you an overview of the training center, so missionaries are sent to train to know volunteering services and teaching the gospel; (1) Sisters will be serving for 18 months and (2) Elders will be serving 24 months. 

I will be training for 19 days (3 weeks) speaking English and practice teaching. 

I will be overviewing my week (explaining each day) in a week. 

Friday (Feb 28th): Checking In

I had a wonderful Friday. I met new people both in different countries and in the Philippines with wonderful mission area callings. I met my District and Zone, and I had the greatest time getting to know my companions, district and zone! 


Sister Samonte (Barbados Bridgetown Mission)

Sister Poster (New Zealand Wellington Mission.)

District: “Abraham District” 

Elder Lesano (Chile Santiago East Mission)

Elder Dela Cruz (California Oakland & San Francisco Mission)

Elder Ledesma (South Africa Durban Mission)

Elder Valiente (South Africa Durban Mission)

Elder Yrauda (South Africa Durban Mission)

Elder Asingayan (South Africa Johannesburg Mission)

Zone A – Adam, Noah and Abraham 


Sister Baysa 

Brother Ballon

I received my nametag and it is wonderful! I love the missionary tag!

Saturday (Feb 29th): Leadership

My district is powerful, we held leadership skills and practices, as a district. I have my Sister Leader Trios (Sister Samonte and Sister Poster.), we have Powerful English Speakers (Elder Dela Cruz, Elder Asingayan and Elder Yrauda), we have Zone Leaders (Elder Ledesma and Elder Valiente) and District Leader (Elder Lesano.) Let me tell you, we work hard as a District! 

The Zone A are doing an amazing job, being on time and focus on training. I love to see every training missionary improving and training to be better missionaries. The sisters are doing great, they are all responsible on their assigned assignments. I love them all!

I had the opportunity to escort two Sister Missionaries: (1) Sister Ampar and (2) Sister Santos, on their endowment in the Temple. They both cried as I am. I remember my endowment and I felt the spiritual ambiance around them. 

Elder Muir and I were able to have a small chit-chat about the Temple. Throughout our conversation he said, “Missionaries must know the importance of Temple Ordinances.” I love Elder and Sister Muir they are both wonderful!

Sunday (March 1st): Fasting

We had our ‘first fasting’ in the MTC. It was amazing. I fast for three things: (1) Family and Friends, (2) Missionaries in the MTC and (3) Mission Field and Visa Approval. 

We had our wonderful meet up with the, ‘Pioneer Branch’ under President and Sister Navarro. They both are hilarious but strong in teaching! I felt hammered everytime President Navarro says doctrinal and spiritual discussions. It’s a great impact as a missionary. I love them both. 

President Scott Clark is my MTC Mission President along with his wife, Sister Clark. They both are amazing and wonderful MTC Parents. They glow with the spirit! I love them both. 

Monday (March 2nd): Interested Person

We had our first Teaching we call it, “Teach an Interested Person.” We taught Sister Mikee Zyph (Roleplayed by our Teacher.) We focus on BRT (Building Relationship with Trust) and an overview of the Restoration. As we taught we were guided by the spirit, we were able to give an overview of the principles of Lesson 1: The Restoration and an assignment for our next appointment. 

Our companionship is improving, we brainstorm our teaching methods and other ideas that we need to execute to our Interested Person, Sister Zyph. 

The challenging part of our teaching, is we need to teach it under English. My companions are improving, I taught them the proper way of asking, introducing and teaching (without slangs) in our teaching. 

Every night, we have companionship goals and personal goals. It is incredible to see companions grow and learn together! 

Tuesday (March 3rd): A “Miracle” Teaching 

Going back to our Interested Person, we made a Medium Lesson Plan (we are only given 15 minutes to teach.) We focus on the whole Lesson 1: The Restoration. I divided bullet sections on the principles we are going to teach and it was a great flow. 

Unfortunately, not everyone in teaching the person is the same. Some were told to teach Lesson 1: Principle 1 and Principle 2 and others said other stuff. But, I told my companions to rely on the Lesson Plan and the Spirit. 

I love my companions, they shared their thoughts about teaching: 

(1) Sister Samonte quoted, “We need to know their needs.”

(2) Sister Poster said,  “We must rely with the spirit.” 

I participated in Choir we performed, “Joseph Smith Medley,” because we have a devotional with President Schmultz (Area President of the Philippines) along with his wife, Sister Schmultz (she is the sweetest.) 

President Schmultz said, “The Book of Mormon and the Bible worked together as one…” We are grateful to have the Book of Mormon in our lives. I know the Book of Mormon is a book of change!

Wednesday (March 4th): First P-Day! 

I am currently having fun with my district, doing alot of responsibilities and alot of planning for the next day.

I am grateful to be here in the Missionary Training Center. The Missionary Training Center, will teach you to be a missionary. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord.

I would humbly leave my testimony,

“I know that Heavenly Father is mindful and loves us. He gave us challenges and trials to overcome and understand the full purpose of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know through application of the Atonement, we can go back to the presence of our Heavenly Father we will be field with the Spirit that directs us through our mission. If we act according to our faith and diligence we can have potential families and friends to be taught and invite them to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know Prophet Joseph Smith restored the fullness of the gospel and the church. I know we have a living Prophet Russell M. Nelson gave us important messages to be reminded of God’s timing and purpose. ” (Sister Dilag, March 2020.)   

I will update you next week! I would love to receive emails from you. Please do keep in touch. I hope this email is entertaining-ish! 

Thank you!


Sister Jeth Haines Dilag 

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