
Hey there, I’m Jeth, and I’m on a journey that humbles me every step of the way.

I wear two hats in life—both equally important and fulfilling to me. First, there’s my aspiration to become a nurse. The opportunity to care for others during their most vulnerable moments is a privilege I hold dear. It’s a role that constantly reminds me of the value of empathy, compassion, and humility.

Then, there’s my passion for web development and design. In the vast digital landscape, I find myself humbled by the endless possibilities to create meaningful experiences. Every project reminds me of the importance of simplicity, accessibility, and user-centric design.

Balancing these two worlds is a humbling experience in itself. Whether I’m at the bedside comforting patients or behind a screen crafting a website, I’m reminded of the profound impact we can have on others’ lives—whether it’s through a comforting touch or a seamlessly designed online platform.

In both nursing and web development/design, I find myself constantly learning and growing, humbled by the opportunity to make a positive difference in the world, one person or one pixel at a time.