Week 74: “Leaving Home Soon” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! For this email, I thought of sharing everything! So far the greatest week I ever had! I will categorize these experiences into subsections. 

Events: Zone Conferences and Other Area Visits. 

Throughtout this week, there were cool experiences and meaningful activities with the Missionaries, Members and Leaders of each Unit. I had the greatest time experiencing joy and happiness through voluntary service. I will love to share these experiences with you. 

• Zone ConferenceLucena, Lopez and Marinduque Zones

A few weeks ago, the Mission announced on our Face to Face Zone Conferences happening by the end of the month. It was awesome news, it will be a nice improvement for the Mission. There were some months, we had to go through online to prevent gathering and possible sicknesses. Somehow, it planned out smoothly for everyone. Something miraculous happened, were the updates of the vaccines. It was exciting to hear from our Mission President and his wife announcing on our vaccinations. It will be provided near at our barangay or the nearest vaccination centers. Which we did get our vaccinations (but this will be shared in the bottom part). Some of the Missionaries in different parts of the Zone, were able to inquire and acquire for the vaccinations.

On the 27th of August, we had our Face to Face Zone Conference with the Lucena, Lopez and Marinduque Zones. I absolutely love love love the Conference. It was my last Conference and spending time with the Missionaries and Mission Leaders in different parts of the Zones. I had a great time. As the Conference started, our Mission President and his wife started with the ‘Kwan Challenge‘. This activity will ask different questions on ‘Ifs‘. If there activities able to brought up and put it by action like, “Were you able to do your exercise?” Or “Do you do you companionship study everyday?”. The response will be standing as a “Yes” and sitting as a “No.” It was a fun activity, and the Lucena EldersElder Baylon and Elder Felix won the challenge. They are awesome as ever! The other part of the activity were the 42 Principles on Preach My Gospel. It was an activity for memorization and reciting in a speed of seconds. It was challenging. Throughout my Zone Conferences, I never get the chance to recite. I looked at my companion and she doesn’t want to, but eventually said, “Yeah.” I love her! We’re able to pace it out and laughed while reciting the 42 Principles. It was definitely fun and we won the recitation! Then, for the individual part of the recitation, Elder Sumiran won on the recitation. It was fun to watch and see. 

Afterwards, we were asked to share our Departing Testimonies in front. I couldn’t help but realized many things. It was fun to see my companion, Sister Villacanas do the ‘rock paper and scissors’ to be first in line. I was first, and then shared quite enough for everyone to be inspired. I was going to cry, but I couldn’t. I felt joy and happiness as I shared. I felt the Spirit and I shared just enough, and to share I’ve been through tough experienced and awesome experiences with many things to consider and apply. I could tell, everyone liked it. Then, my companion shared hers, she has a strong testimony on focusing on the Savior. She went through tough times too, I’ve seen her growth too. As a companion, I love her testimony. She is awesome! We’re both awesome! Our companionship is awesome as ever!

Then, we had our workshop presentation with Elder Clave, Elder Felix and Sister Mirandilla. I had a great time listening with them and get to see their insights as they explain each slide. The slides were awesome, Elder Felix done it nicely. It was interesting he can pull off cool presentation. As the workshop goes, we start by a scripture verse and start our topic with a bunch of questions. We get to listen to some Missionaries insights and experiences. I get to realize many things while listening to them. I will say it was an awesome workshop. Oh, the workshop provided for the Missionaries was, “Using Time Wisely” focusing on Daily and Weekly Planning. Then, Sister Rio and Sister Pomarejo shared a workshop on, “Companionship Inventory.” Some Missionaries would do and others don’t? (Probably?) But! It’s an awesome workshop, there were moments I get to listen to other Missionaries experiences and insights on providing enough input for each Missionary to improve and to build confidence. I appreciate Sisters Villacanas’ insight she shared, “We should invite the Spirt, be open with our companion and don’t feel attack.” I find it important, it teaches to be humble and hear out their thoughts, because these conversations of improving were from the Spirit. We should grab it as an opportunity to learn and to grow. I love their workshop! Then, Elder Pecenio and Elder David shared theirs on, “How to Set Goals.” It was a nice presentation with a cool idea to use. We will be using a 3-Month Planning for our BGDs. I think it’s a smart move to think ahead and be wise on reporting. Through their presentation, I had a good impression on implementing the idea will make the Mission progress.

Afterwards, we had lunch and Zone Pictures with the Missionaries and Mission Leaders. Then, we had a group activity wherein we get into groups and share our experiences on our areas. We’re provided a subject to talk to, and we had “Linking Arms.” During the group activity the discussion was impressive. I never had a bold and direct discussion with the Elders. We had the Torrijos Elders, Lopez Elders, Gumaca Elders and us, Tayabas Sisters. The conversation went on different channels of topics like sharing coordination, communication and collecting information to Members are great sources for Linking Arms. There were a few shared their difficult struggles and there were times we shared possible solutions to help areas. It was nicely done. The Missionaries on our group were: Elder Policarpio, Elder Panopio (Gumaca Elders), Elder Clave, Elder Agcaoili (Lopez Elders) and Elder Alpuerto, Elder Atienza (Torrijos Elders). They are awesome! 

Then, Missionaries were gathered and shared their insights on the group activity. It sort of manage to solve and shared good insights on the activities. There were others shared their experiences, it was nice to listen to them. Later on, we listened to Sister Lohner and President Lohner. It was nice to hear their thoughts of Missionary Work like giving different example of activities while catching apples. While, President Lohner shared the Divine Companionship of the Spirit, he drew different drawings and indicated principles with scripture references. He asked questions on different Missionaries, it was nice to listen their spiritual experiences and there were Principles I’ve learned. Overall, I had a great time listening to their discussions. 

Lastly, we end up taking pictures and talk to different Missionaries. I was so happy to see my batchmates and they look so awesome. I got to see Elder Rivero and Elder Gaspar! It’s been a long time, since I saw them. Some of the Missionaries I had on different Zones and seeing them improved. I love my Zone, Lucena Zone is cool as ever! I love to see each and everyone! I had a great time talking and getting to see improvements. I felt so inspired seeing them and it makes me happy! 

• Other Area VisitsTayabas, Sariaya and Lucena Units.

On the 28th and 29th of July, we had the opportunity to work in Tayabas and visit some of the Members and Leaders of the Church. We had to say our ‘goodbyes’, although it could be emotional for everyone and includes me. I know I will see them again. We had to go through farther areas and drop by with short messages with them. We visit the Wards’, Ellas’, Lagados’, Lorcas’ Ambases’, Ragudos’ Daets’, Semanings’, Abisamis’, Esquinas’, Alcorezas’ and many more. I love everyone of them. I grew to love them and develop many things, but by far like seeing as Jesus sees. It makes all the difference. I bore my farewell testimony with them, I couldn’t cry, but I could feel I was. I had a great time working with amazing leaders in Tayabas. I will miss working amd coordinating weekly with the Leaders. Tayabas is awesome! 

On the 30th of July, we had the chance to travel to Sariaya. We got approved on the travel and we get to planned out our visits with the Members and Leaders of the Branch. As we travel to Sariaya, we met the Leaders of the Branch and we visit a few families and individuals on near areas. It was awesome to have lunch with the Branch at President Gunda‘s house. We ate much and it was nice! We share messages with Brother Ken and Sister Meive, it was awesome. Brother Ken’s baptism will be on Sunday. Then, we travel to the Cruzados’ residence, they live in a nice farm and good looking house. Actually, all thanks to Brother Michael, Sister Geai Fabros and Sister Felisa Cruzado, because we get to travel and it was far. Then, to the Maabongs’ we taught a lesson on Commandments. I had a fun time teaching. Last, we visit to the Meetinghouse and took pictures with them. It was a nice meeting house, with good attendance. So far, Sariaya is awesome! 

On the 31st of July and the 1st of August, we travel to Lucena and meet others. We had to say our ‘goodbyes’ with them too. To the Leaders and Members of the Ward, we had to go through the Investigators and teach other lessons. We had to eat all of their food each time we visit. Haha, I had a great time because I felt the missed from them. The families we visit were the Lobos’, Cuevas’, Reyes’, Andas’, Aguilars’, Lucentas’, Dialas’, Justagas’, Tolomias’ and many more. I could count, but oh man I could feel teary. I guess I had challenges and times I had to figure out on gaining trust with them, and find a different approach to help them. I had great experiences with the area. They are progressing so much. I grew to love the area too. Lucena is awesome! 

• BaptismBrother Ken Aquino

On the 1st of August, I was able to witness Brother Ken Aquino’s baptism held on the Lucena 2nd Chapel. It was so nice and solemn to see the Members and Families support Brother Ken. I could feel the sweet Spirit as they start with the program and the talks were awesome. We heard Brother Marlon Umilda on his talk of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Brother Reynoso shared his on Priesthood Power. Those were nice topics and nicely discussed. I could see Brother Ken felt good listening to those topics. Then, as Brother Ken went to the waters of baptism. He was so excited, I could really tell by his smile. He teared up, as he shared a great testimony. I cried, I couldn’t help but realizing I was able to witness a baptism before I leave home. It was the greatest realizations. I felt a strongly the Spirit, this is the greatest work. I’ve come to love and appreciate it. Last, everyone took pictures and filled with joy and love. I love the Sariaya Branch. It was awesome to listen and to see the joy on their faces. It was way to go! 

Mission UpdatesSomething to add on. 

• Vaccinations with the San Pablo Zone

On the 31st of July, we had our COVID 19 Vaccinations. We got it at the Quezon Convention Center. We arrived just in time to get there with the Alcorezas’ they picked us up and dropped us at the park. We got to hang out with them and talk much more. I love the Alcorezas’, they were there because they helped picking up our luggages and boxes. Then, we met the Missionaries of San Pablo Zone. It was so nice to see them! I was so happy to see friends and I get to feel the San Pablo Zone. I remember many great things with the Missionaries and the area. The Missionaries were Elder Pecenio, Elder David, Elder Estrella, Elder Namoro, Elder Mabini, Elder Perin, Sister Arbutante, Sister Barcarse, Sister Vallejo, Sister Rio, Sister Pomarejo, Sister Pangan and Sister Rodrigo. We got the ‘Janssen’ Vaccine. I couldn’t identify (I wasn’t able to ask) if it were the company of Johnson and Johnson. But, I couldn’t mind of it much, but it was one dose. It was a great opportunity to get it. I am so happy to get the shot with the Missionaries and Mission Leaders. President Lohner and Sister Lohner were there. We got our group picture and it was awesome! I was happy to see our Zone Leaders in our Zone, Elder Baylon and Elder Felix. They were to see and catch up some things with us and the Missionaries. They had a great time seeing others! Man, I love the Missionaries of San Pablo Zone. I love and missed them. It’s definitely a great blessing to get the vaccination! Way to go for travelling outside the country or anywhere else. 

Okay, this is the longest I got before I leave soon. I’ll miss writing down emails. I might get a book for this. I hope you enjoy everything written down. You are the greatest blessing. Thank you for reading everything. You may not remember everything I’ve written on my previous emails or skim down a bit. But, I am happy as ever. I’ll send out messages to you! If you ever want to keep in touch. 

Missionary Work is awesome! The best choice and the greatest work! ♡

Love you! 

With all the love,

Sister Dilag

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