Week 73: “The Longest, I Got.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! Things are doing great in Lucena Zone. We are having a job well done with the weekly reports and constantly striving to work smart on our teaching appointments. So much for our work, read down below. 

Events: Workshop, District and Teaching Appointments 

So far, the best week I had! I had a great time checking up with the Missionaries in our Zone and Leaders in our assigned Units. Things are getting better. I learned many things working with the Members and listening to advices from the Leaders in our Units. I honestly have a soft spot for them, I couldn’t deny my love for them. I get attached, because I felt family on my current stay. I will share quite some in the list below: 

• Teaching Appointments: Working with the Leaders and Ward Missionaries 

Throughout the week, Sister Villacanas and I are doing a fantastic job working with the Leaders and Members of our current assigned Units. We are communicating and work closely with them virtual. If there were significant times, we passed by them and gave a conversation, we mentioned our investigators and potential members for the Church. It is pretty amazing to see everyone is missionary minded. I guess, if we consider giving time to be straight out on our purpose, by sharing and serving, things will turn out great. I realized many things, my companion will compliment and realize our companionship develop many interesting things and our relationship grew stronger. It reflects each time we plan, teach and study together. Members and Leaders would ask questions, if we ever get into a hard time, we would answer “No, we try our best to resolve things.” I had a good relationship with Sister Villacanas, and I am excited for her, as she does great things before her term ends. 

On the 20th, we had a fun experience with the Ellas’. We ate lunch with them and share good conversations of just anything. Anything could make us laugh or entertained. It was a good lunch, because our Zone Leaders, Elder Baylon and Elder Felix were there. They were invited! I had a great time being with them. They had this great spirit with them. The Ellas’ had a great time with them, as the Elders’ entertain with them and just share stuff of theirs. They even speak Ilokano, which I look at them funny. The point is, the Elders shared a good lesson and we shared testimonies. It was a great discussion. There were the Youths’ of the Ward: Sister Shelem Ambas, Sister Leigh Anne Limyoco, Brother Elijah Limyoco, Sister Brigette Ella and Sister Sariah Ambas (well, she’s YSA). It was good time with them, we get to talk and entertain with them. We even took good pictures, and the meal was great. 

On the 23rd, we visited Brother Jayden Anda. He got baptized last Sunday. We had to visit him, because he needs a review of the lessons. We came into him, and taught him simple principles with the Doctrine provided for him. I think while teaching him, I appreciate his honestly of feeling, ‘tough to be a member and need to apply everything.‘ I could remember telling him, to take things slow, because God doesn’t demand his children to apply everything, but He wants His children to learn and improve. Telling these to him, he felt comforted and excited to learn more. I was surprise, by his reaction. I was away on my areas for a couple nights. My companion was with a different companion, at that time we had exchanges (often others’ call it ‘splits‘). They talked and shared him on the phone. Brother Jayden asked were was I, and they replied I was in a different area. He sobbed and quiet. I kinda smiled to know he’ll missed me. I figured out the answer, because while teaching him, he was kinda scared of seeing me leave. It was nice of him. This kid is awesome. 

I kinda remember many things, but I will address the phrase, ‘move forward with great faith.’ I had this written down on my boards on the table, and it’s a reminder of, ‘people come and go, and you should too.’ And another, ‘you need to change, and the mission changes you.’ And last, ‘there’s no way, you are going home honorably by not changing your nature.‘ It makes sense, it doesn’t connect much with Brother Jayden. But, I definitely had some pretty good thoughts, while he acted sadly. I realized, I changed and improved. Thinking of going home, makes me excited, because I will apply everything I learned in the mission. Phew, time speeds up like lightning! 

• Zone: District Council Meeting 

On the 21st, we had our face to face District Council Meeting. It would be my last face to face with the Missionaries along with my companion, Sister Villacanas. We are both happy to get into the physical meeting, and share different discussions to make the work better and motivating. I really appreciate the effort of our Mission Leaders allowing us, for our meeting. We get to listen on others’ insights and listening to other Ward Missionaries in the Stake. They are awesome. The Ward Missionaries of the Lucena Stake were invited: Brother Manuel Fabrea, Brother Gerald Semaning, Brother Vincent Lobos, Brother Jared Sayson, Brother Ezra Ventura, Sister Marycon Importa and Sister Sheen Lobos. It’s awesome to see them. Another, the Sister Training Leader Leads, joined the meeting, but online. They joined via Zoom with the Mauban Elders’ (they were sick, and couldn’t get in for the meeting). It was nice to have them. 

We had a fun activity provided by the Candelaria Sisters: Sister Mirandilla and Sister Labadia. We had a game on passing the message by whisper, and dictate the sentences or phrases in a different language, ‘Waray.’ It was fun and challenging, because we had to listen a few times and get it right to pass the message. I get frustrated, because I am so used to the game, but I guess it’s been a long time I haven’t had activities. I love a good activity. It was fun, I really appreciate the Sisters’ discussion. I am so happy for Sister Mirandilla, she trained Sister Labadia really awesome. She improved much, and I could see her potential serving longer in the mission. It makes me happy. 

So far as it goes, I had a fun time with the Missionaries. I get to see their potential serving in the mission. I get to know them better. I grew to care and love them like family. I remember a former Zone Leader of our Zone, Elder Cabuyaban sharing a thought, “Lucena Zone is a belonging Zone, it makes you stay and it makes you feel productive.” I get it now. We end up taking pictures and just talk anything. I really love the Zone, it is the greatedt zone and the great blessing I had.

• Workshop: Young Missionary Leaders of Lopez and Lucena Zone.

Throughout the week, every 9:30pm we had nightly  collaboration discussions for our workshop presentation for the upcoming Zone Conference next week Tuesday. It is exciting to have the last workshop, collaborating with Elder Felix, Elder Clave and Sister Mirandilla. These are awesome Missionaries. I get to see their desire and potential to be incredible leaders in the Mission and after the Mission. We get to share most of our understanding of the assigned discussion to us. We shared experiences on our daily and weekly planning. Elder Felix, shared his experiences gathering list of names and put it on the plans to make it organize. While, Elder Clave shared his follow ups with the Zone, sharing difficult times on actual plans, and he shared good key points on planning. Then, Sister Mirandilla shared her experiences on her former and current areas.  Elder Felix, provided an awesome powerpoint presentation, by far the best looking presentations I see on my previous of workshops. He is awesome! They are awesome! I am so happy to meet and talk to them, before I end my term. 

• Exchanges: Sister Labadia 

On the 21st, I had my last exchanges with Sister Labadia. It was memorable and I had fun spending time with her. While travelling to Candelaria she shared bunch of experiences. Things were interesting and others were her trying times. I guess seeing her overcome those, makes her turn into a better person. The Atonement of Jesus Christ really worked through her. I really appreciate times she would cry and asked bunch of questions and experiences I had. I realized many things, I remember my former experiences from the hardest times and to the best times. I realized there are many changes, habits changed and improved many things. I feel like a whole new different person. I am grateful she asked those questions. I felt greater happiness and joy to move foward in life. While, sharing my experiences with her, she cannot believe or understood my experiences. She was amazed. I was amazed too. I feel like it was nice to share it with her, but she should keep up with the pace. She needs to have a better path and make righteous choices while on the mission. She’ll do great things and hard things in the mission. She inspires me, I felt so happy to work and help each other throughout our work together. I love Sister Labadia!

Mission Updates: Anything to add up?

So far as life goes, things are getting better. I couldn’t say much, but the way I deliver the message all comes to love. I studied, “Charity” I guess I got hooked, because one of the Missionaries in the Zone, Elder Enriquez kept reminding of Charity to others. “And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” (Moroni 7:47). I find it difficult, but it sounds easy. As application goes, it requires practice and patience. Understanding every individual and being selfless to others. It should be acquire, it is a ‘Godly Attribute.’ To become like the Savior and a better person to everyone, we must exercise Charity. It shows whenever you plan, teach and serve others. The spirit will work consistently, as you see others’ as Jesus sees. I had to exercise it more often, and make an assurance to love everyone. 

Too many to share, and it goes way long. But, I hope this made your day, as yours made my day! ♡


Sister Dilag

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