Week 71: “Fun Roller Coaster Ride.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I would like to share incredible things. It is not long as  I wanted, but enough to report to you. Everything shared down. I will say, I am having the best time with Lucena Zone.

Events: Exchanges, Meetings and Teaching Appointments

• Exchanges: Sister Labadia

On the 5th, I had the greatest experience working with Sister Labadia. For the time being I realized many great things. You will get it as you read on this part. Sister Labadia is new in the mission, she came a week ago. She is giving her best to serve. I really appreciate working and talking with her. For a few days following up with the Sisters, I spend most of my time getting her into the work and spend my time share experiences. She was dealing homesickness. It has been tough for her, but through exchanges. It was an opportunity for her to meet other Missionaries and see different views.

We gave her the opportunity to roam around Lucena. We walk to different spots (not far or short). Just to keep her at pace. We commute by Jeep to arrived at Tayabas. It was nice to see Sister Labadia looking around, all new to her. She would ask questions and she would share bunch of experiences. I appreciate listening with her. I realized, the best thing for any missionary is to be a friend and listen to her concern. Listening is very important, on that time I felt like I need to know her concern and feel her too. Exactly as I listened, I shared enough counsel for her to stay and to work hard. She is doing a great job keeping it on pace.

I think the best experiences with her were the sharing part. It’s amazing too see her study and as she shares, you could tell she wants to acquire everything she read. I couldn’t remember everything she said, but I could feel the Spirit. I appreciate her teaching too. She is taking it slow. I would give her suggestions and we would do practice teach. I really appreciate her time getting into the teaching. I know as she gets into the practice, she will get into the teaching.

I had a great time with her. I remember many great and hard things on my first day on training. It was so tough. I had to go through different trials and face challenges whether teaching, planning, using phone and getting along with companion. I honestly I am not perfect, but I could say I’ve come all the way here. I am grateful for those trials, I make good choices and I start to develop good habits. I changed. It is something I shared quite while with Sister Labadia, and it feels great to share.

• Meetings: District and Zone

On the 7th, we had our in-person District Council Meeting as a Zone. Our Zone had 10 Missionaries with 5 Companionships in different areas. Additional add up, this is the best zone! I love Lucena Zone. I will share quite a bit (I guess) of our time with the Meeting. Every end of the cycle and start of the cycle, we gather together and talk about our Key Indicators for the Month.

Elder Enriquez began the discussion on checking our performance last month. We discussed on some important key points such as our BGDs and PSMs. We wrote down names of the Baptisms for the Month of July and August. We addressed backgrounds and concerns of each individual and family. It was a great opportunity to hear from other Missionaries. It came to realize, ‘We are close to the Goal!” The Zone and District makes sure all of the concerns must be addressed and give suggestions to support the Baptisms.

We have the opportunity to share other ideas to make our area, ‘stronger than we found it.’ We set good goals and plans for the next cycle. We shared our thoughts and impressions on individuals and families ready for baptisms. We shared our challenges and concerns in our areas. We received suggestions on other ideas and back up plans to prepare for the bigger challenges. It was a great discussion!

Afterwards, we shared our insights like, “Obedience.” There were many things shared, but I appreciate a line I heard, “It is difficult to do, but assure great things will follow.” Then, we shared on our Weekly Newletter and other studies shared by the Missionaries. We learned alot from them.

Last, I appreciate at the end of our Meeting. We brought pack up food for the Zone and our Visitors. It is the best! The Barra Elders: Elder Enriquez and Elder Dela Cruz brought doxens of J.Co Doughnuts. Then, the Lucena Elders: Elder Baylon and Elder Felix brought three boxes of Pasta! Then, the Mauban Elders: Elder Latonero and Elder Raguinan brought carbonated drinks. Then, Sister Villacanas brought Ice-Cream and I made 4 batch of Homemade Cookies! It was tons of good looking food! I felt so full and I love every single one of them! I had the best time!

• Teaching Appointments: Lucena

On the 8th and 9th, we taught our BGD Brother Jayden Anda, a few important principles to learn and apply. We help him understand Commandments and exercise Faith to Heavenly Father. We kept visiting him and remind him to keep commitments. We were concern on his coffee-concern, but it seems he doesn’t drink anymore. He get rid of the Coffee in the House. He tries his best to follow the example of Jesus Christ. I appreciate he studies the Book of Mormon too, and he prays before going to bed.

While those are happening to him, he had his virtual Baptismal Interview with Elder Enriquez (District Leader). We were praying for him to pass and remember his commitment to follow the example of Jesus Christ. We received an update from our District Leader, Brother Jayden passed! He can be baptized on the 17th! He needs to exercise his faith and keep commitments. We are so happy for Brother Jayden! He will do amazing things, if he gets baptized. We will see next week!

Then, we visited the Reyes‘, Sister Catherine Reyes and Sister Kescha Reyes. We found out, they were moving out on a different house, but in the same location. We were so sad on the news. It was hard for them to move out, and get into a different house. But, good thing some of the neighbors were nice of them for letting them stay in a good house. It was enough for them to stay quite long. We are happy for the news.

Except on the part Sister Catherine, was having a hard time with her live-in partner. The live-in partner could not separate her and she couldn’t let go of him, because he gives them support for their finances. If she lets him go, she will have a hard time finding ways on sustaining. I could tell Sister Catherine is going through alot, and she cries. But, something came into my thought was motivating her to get a job. Explaining the benefit of getting a job and financially sustain. She was planning on getting a job and she will start by there.

Surprisingly, we taught her 11-year old daughter, Sister Kescha. She is willing to be baptized, and approved to vouce her for an active Member to help her stay in the Church. She is doing a job well done on getting into the lessons. She learns and applies quickly. She shared her hard and difficult experiences growing up. By our surprise, she thank us for teaching her the Gospel. She found greater happiness and peace. We are excited for her preparation on baptism, she’ll be interviewed tomorrow. We set a plan on the 17th for her. I hope it goes well for her. She is doing awesome!

• Other: Media Referrals

On the 9th, right after work. I had a meeting with the other Young Missionary Leaders regarding on Media Referrals. It was a short discussion on checking and suggesting few approaches. It was a good meeting. I learned a few from the Secretaries on contacting and providing the best discussions for each individual. It was great to see other Missionaries too. I think something Missionaries can do, right after work. Try to look over the Area Book and find possible ways to approach Referrals. Some may be contacted, while others may not. This is where we get to exercise our faith to look for other opportunities either on call or search on the apps.

Mission Updates: Anything Else to Add up?

I had a ton to add on this part! I love LucenaZone so much! I grew to love the areas, zone and missionaries. I am so happy for find greater joy and happiness serving in the Lord’s time. I realized many great and difficult things in the mission, but everything became better through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. My whole mission, became a learning development. I received personal witness and testimony on decisions and choices while serving. It is incredible to see the hand of God working through it all.

I had a wonderful time with my companion, Sister Villacanas. She taught great things in life. We may not have a perfect relationship, but I found joy growing and learning with her. I grew to love the Missionaries, some may not be perfect and others struggle, but with good approach and support. I could definitely feel the need of listening and helping them.

I realized too, supporting on others’ callings. Just being out there and understand their thoughts like listening to ideas from others leaders and missionaries. It takes to listen and understand their point. It takes Humility to work on. It is challenging to acquire Humility, but I witness great things of Humility. The ability to see others’ as Christ sees. The opportunity to look for ways to reach out others. And! Getting out of your comfort zone. If you don’t like it, but it is a commandment. You do it.

I flippin’ love my mission! The best decision I ever made. I’m glad I stayed. Many things to learn and days are coming so close! More to next week!

Love you all! See you soon!


Sister Dilag

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