Week 70: “Crazy Challenges.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! More events to share this week. It was the craziest experience, but fun! Some of these experiences are private, and lucky you. You get the chance to understand the scenario and concerns. More down! 

Events: Teaching Appointments and Meetings. 

I thought of sharing these experiences into subsections. It will be in category, but not into dates. You might be surprised if the dates were not aligned. Haha. But, these are the coolest events and craziest I got serving. 

• Teaching Appointments: BGDs

Throughout the week, we reached out some of our BGDs for the month July. We are setting schedules for them on the interview for their baptism. We feel confident and assured, they are all ready for the baptism. We felt there will be no challenges or slip and slides for them. But! Way out of the picture, we experience challenges. 

One of our BGDs’ Brother Jayden, surprisingly drank coffee, because we got stressed on his school paper. The papers had a due date, and he couldn’t finished everything. Sister Villcanas and I decided to help him, it was ‘offered service’, but funny, because lucky him. Sister Villacanas went over to the Languages part, she went on fast. I had to go through the Math paper, there were too many. Haha. It took me an hour to finish it. It was Statistics, it’s been way too long, since I remember the lessons. But, surprisingly I got into the solve part! It took us almost 3 hours to answer the sheets. He was so happy, and he did not have to worry everything. 

Going back on his coffee-issue, or we call it Word of Wisdom. We were sad, as we went over on the Review for the Interview Questions. He cannot be baptized on the 3rd, and it’ll move to the 10th. We have to make sure the whole week on the 4th to the 10th, he does not drink or break any commandments. Until he gets baptized, those were important qualifications for baptism. We decided to contact him daily, and remind him not to drink coffee. It became better, and he made good choices. Brother Jayden is an awesome kid! 

Next, we had another BGD Sister Catherine. I have a soft spot for her. She was referred by a former missionary in our mission and we contacted her right away! She is amazing, she loves to listen and she does the commitments. She has a desire to be part of the church. We had a great time talking and explaining certain principles of the Doctrine. Something came into us, as we were almost half of our discussion with her, were the Commandments. Specifically, to the Law of Chastity. The issue she’s on was the part she cannot accept separating her live-in partner. It was too difficult for her to let him go, in a span of four years living together. I bet it was difficult. 

We were explaining her the Commandment. She was surprised on our explanation. In order for her to be baptized, she needs to be separate or get civilized marriage. She doesn’t want to be married to the guy and she was thinking of separation. But, she immediately felt overwhelmed on the decision making part, because it’s not easy. I couldn’t tell more details of her or the guy. We suggest it would be better counsel these to the Bishop or other trusted Members in the Church. She agrees to give it a try, because she has no one to tell. I strongly know the Bishop will help her, she may not be part of the Church, but the Bishop holds specific Priesthood keys, and he acts as a common judge. I know she’ll be fine as she listens to the counsel. 

While discussing and teaching her many things. We promise to teach her, and if she ever gets the invitation to be baptized. We will be happy to witness it. It seems her daughter might be the first to be baptized, and she will be moved not by this month. It could be next month, which I am home by the month of August. She is amazing, she has a good testimony and she can be a great leader for the Ward too. 

Last, another of our BGD Brother Ken Aquino. He had live-in issue too. He current stayed in a Members’ house for vacation. One of the family members’ were his girlfriend. She was a member. The family is very active in the church and they have various callings serving in the Branch. They let him stay due to lockdown case of the virus. He had a great time with the family. The family thought it will be a great chance for him to be part of the church. They gave the contacts and background. 

We contacted him and we had good discussions. He understood very well of the principles and teachings of the Church. We are grateful for the family, because they are teaching him. Not too later, we gave him the invitation to be baptized on the 3rd. He went on the Review for the Baptismal Interview, and we confidently felt he was ready. After, he had an interview with our District Leader, Elder Enriquez. It went well, he passed! But, he has a thing to do, he needs to ‘move out‘, because one of the qualifications. There should be no live-in with the opposite sex. Our Leader gave us a week to resolve the concern. 

We tried a bunch of times resolving the concern. We contact and try to contact others. We could get a response. We couldn’t go to Sariaya, because we were restricted to go there. We were so down, but we felt assured because the Branch Leaders approached us on calls. There were trying their best to resolve the concern. It appears to be his baptism will be moved not by this month, but the next month. He might be baptized on a different mission, he lives in Bulacan. So, he’ll be upnorth to the Philippines Quezon City North Mission. 

We had the chance to message Brother Ken, and we talked much of things and the concerns addressed to him. He understood and he had plans going home to Bulacan. He thought of learning of the teachings in Bulacan. He is amazing. It seems to us, we might not able to witness his baptism on our area, but cool to find out he’ll accept the invitation. If he gets back home. We hope we get to coordinate and get into his transition to the other assigned missionaries on his area. 

• Meetings: MLC and STLT

On the 29th, we had our training with the newly called Young Missionary Leaders for the Sisters. The newly called were: Sister Launico, Sister Barcarse, Sister Mirandilla, Sister Gaela and Sister Limnoan. It was a great chance to meet the other Sisters’ in different zones participating and accepting extra responsibilities. Some were training a brand new missionary while accepting the call. It is awesome! During the training the STL Leads: Sister Pomarejo and Sister Rio shared important points in the training such as Christlike Leadership, Follow Ups, Phone Audits and Exchanges. It felt like my first training again. Something I appreciate as discussion goes, were the sharing part. I felt a good impression on Sister Oprecio, “It does not matter how all-knowing, it matters if you listen and be a friend to the Sister.” It make sense and I shared a few too. It was a great discussion and my last to attend STLT (Sister Training Leader Training).

On the 2nd of July, we had our Mission Leadership Council Meeting with the Young Missionary Leaders with the Elders, Sisters and Mission Leaders in our Mission. We had five agendas. We talk about our monthly report on our Key Indicators. We say out the Actual Goals accomplished by the cycle, and by the following months we set Goals to achieve for the month. Something interesting in our report, we were reminded on the Standard of Excellence brought in the mission. We make sure, we can stretch and help the zone. As the number goes, it was a great number high enough to accomplish. Although, I couldn’t witness the actual goals by the following months. I am so happy to help the our missionaries in the Zone. 

Afterwards, the Assistants followed up on our Christlike Leadership. Some of the Missionaries shared good insights of Leadership, others testified the power of acquiring Christlike Attributes. Another insight shared were our experiences working with the Elders’ Quorum President. Everything is going smoothly, other Missionaries shared their experiences and ideas on gaining a good relationship with the President. I was able to share mine and others too. 

The Referral SecretaryElder Cabuyaban and Elder Nisperos shared their report on the Media Referral Key Indicators. They were able to explain the process of building connection with the Media Referral. The Elders’ asked if I could share mine of an experience, I shared Sister Hazielle Hong-Luna. It felt great to share, I love my time helping her receive the Gospel. Although, she wasn’t able to be baptized and experience joy on being a Member. I truly love sharing her story.

Then, the STL LeadsSister Pomarejo and Sister Rio shared Accountability. It was a great workshop, they reminded on our work and use of technology. We make sure everything is Missionary Purpose. I learned many things and I will likely to apply it. Later on the AssistantsElder Pecenio and Elder David shared Use Time Wisely. They gave us a loving reminder to make sure everything is aligned on our purpose. I really appreciate their sharing and workshop. 

Mission Updates: Working with the Leaders 

• Random Sharing: District Leader 

Just some random sharing. On Saturday, our BGD Brother Jayden requested for an in-person Baptismal Interview with the District Leader. We let it happened, and our District Leader, Elder Enriquez with his companion, Elder Dela Cruz came on time. We had a carpool with the Bishop of Lucena 2nd, Bishop Lobos. It so nice of them. While waiting on the interview, Bishop Lobos entertained Elder Dela Cruz. It was fun to see them laughing. After the interview, Elder Enriquez started talking and liked Bishop Lobos. He likes him alot! He laughs and learns alot from him. He wishes he would work with him. I think both of the Elders’ wished they worked with him. But, overall the laughter is not exactly as laugh and laugh, it was more on sharing fun and unexpected experiences. After the talking, we got a phone call from the Elders’ saying, “You have the coolest Bishop and Leaders in Lucena 2nd. We wish to work with them!” I had a great time listening to them. I honestly the leaders are the coolest I ever met too. 

• Another Sharing: Leaders in our Zone. 

I had a fun time coordinating with the Leaders of our Zone. We have two new Young Missionary LeadersElder Felix and Sister Mirandilla haven’t experienced MLC. So, Elder Baylon and I helped them understand the important reports such as Reporting Actual and Set Goals Monthly as a Zone. It was good a conversation of letting them understand the topics and agendas. I could really tell we are building a strong unity for the Zone. I am excited for Elder Felix and Sister Mirandilla’s leadership role for the Zone.

This is all I could share. So far as the list goes, more to next week! 


Sister Dilag

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