Week 69: “New Transfers, New Missionaries.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had a great week of checking other things and places on my current areas such as Meetings and Appointments. We had transfers too, more on the bottom! 

Events: Appointments and Meetings

• District Council Meeting 

On the 23rd, we conducted our Virtual District Council Meeting. We discussed various topics and insightful discussions of Missionary Work. There were a few Missionaries participated on our Virtual: Elder Enriquez, Elder Dela Cruz, Elder Baylon, Elder Latonero, Elder Raguinan, Sister Mirandilla, Sister Villacanas and I. Also, a few of the Stake: Ward Missionaries in different Units in the Stake. It was fun to see other Ward Missionaries listening and participating on the Meeting. 

The whole district focused on the Key Indicators for the Week and Cycle. It was a good topic, because we had to learn to analyze on ways to reach our Numbers such as Goal Setting. I cannot type down the Numbers, but I am so happy for the effort we put on for the cycle. Each companionship brought different techniques and approaches on serving different areas. They worked hard on Finding, Teaching and Focusing on BGDs for the coming weeks. Elder Enriquez brought up, “We did an amazing job, on putting effort to reach out our BGDs and increase our faith to reach our Goals.” The Missionaries did an amazing job, getting into the work and focusing on their set out plans. I truly love the Missionaries in our Zone. 

The Pagbilao EldersElder Enriquez and Elder Dela Cruz shared a powerful workshop on, “Bearing Testimony.” There were no powerpoint presentation, it was a conversational delivery. They asked a bunch of questions, ask others on their insights, bear their testimony and add their insights too. I appreciate they asked us to participate on Practice Teaching with the Mauban EldersElder Raguinan and Elder Latonero. It was a great practice teach on sharing testimonies and evaluate after the teaching. We were able to share compliments and I had to add few suggestions. 

I really appreciate Practice Teaching. It is an opportunity to listen to other Missionaries suggestions. Improve to correct teachings quickly, without murmuring. It gives you the opportunity to be a better teacher and a missionary. I honestly not the best teacher out there, but I love to listen to other suggestions during practice teach. These I might share. 

• Teaching Appointments 

On the 24th, we had a carpool and travel to Ilayang Nangka Linang to visit the Malaquillas’ and Agpoons’. We invited the Alcorezas’ to participate in our teaching, and provide the opportunity to build friendship. While on the carpool, I kept hoping for the weather not to drag us. Hehe. Sounds weird there, but it rained bit and bit and there were thunderstorms too. 

It is not advisable to travel there, because the ground gets softer as the rain hits the ground. The ground gets mushed, and once touched the ground it creates a wide dip. I was really hoping not to rain heavily, because we planned out a good day and we have Ward Missionaries coming over to the work. It will be a disaster haha. But! Miraculously, as we got to the area. It did not rained! I was really impressed. The time we stepped straight to Linang, the ground wasn’t getting into the mush. I was so happy. 

I couldn’t help happily walking, and Brother Lito Alcoreza would cry out for rain. He says it will be the best experience for any missionary to get into the mud areas. Haha. The conversation was funny. I had nothing to say. I had a great time talking to him, he’s the Stake High Council. He is called a “Human-Encyclopedia.” He reads, and he explains it funnier. Haha! I enjoy listening to him. I had a fun time with her daughter, Amihan Alcoreza. She is very nice and pretty. I am having a great time talking to her like sharing  funny experiences in the mission. Just to break the ice. Then, Brother Gerald Semaning would make into the conversation. He makes the trail and the day funny too. He would share a bunch and a bunch. Interestingly, they have this dignified manner of teaching. Which I really like. It is not as conversational, but giving facts and testimony. I had a great time working and experience friendship with them. 

Teaching the Malaquillas’ was kinda worrying. As we were about to teach the Plan of Salvation. I am not saying, they have doubts or any concerns with the topics. We had to make sure they understand the Doctrine and the Principles bringing up to them. We are working on their commitment to attend church, because it is important to attend. It will lead them to participation, awareness and preparing to be baptized. We asked if they pray to know if Joseph Smith was the Prophet of Restoration. To their responses they said, “Yes!” They shared a few, and it was surprising because they studied his background. I was really impressed on their effort. They are good examples too, if we are asked to read and pray for something. We have to act on it. 

We taught them the Plan of Salvation on Question 1: Where do we come from? Going on with the teaching, we make sure they understood the stages and gifts brought by God. So far, they don’t have questions. As we got to the part of, “Agency.” I invited Brother Gerald to share his impressions on Agency. He delivered a good message and he shared a few scriptural references to prove them it is a gift from God. Afterwards, it was so good I felt the Spirit and Sister Amihan shared a wonderful testimony. It was the sweetest as I heard from others. The Malaquillas’ were happy, and interested to know and learn more of the Plan of Salvation. It was fantastic! 

Afterwards, we head straight to Lalo. While travelling I would laugh at Brother Lito’s stories. He would talk about Army and Air Force topics. He works at the BJMP. It drives him to share. I had a great time, and he dropped us to Lalo and teach Sister Doris Esquinas. Teaching Sister Doris was awesome. We finished a few of the first principles of the Lesson. We discussed the Restoration through the Prophet Joseph Smith. She was familiar with the story and experience of Joseph Smith, but she had to come through the discussion to remember his success and experience. 

As we finished the discussion, we came into different questions. Somehow, would help her receive the answer. We asked if she would like to be baptized, and she said, “Yes.” It was good to know, but she had to go through the commitment part of attending church and study. We don’t want her to feel bothered, or would tear down her faith on her religion, but we really want her to feel the Spirit testifying theses things are true. I think it will take her sometime, but she will be baptized by August. I hope it will come up with her. 

• New Transfers, New Missionaries

Starting by the 22nd and onwards, we received updates on Transfers with New Set of Callings and Brand New Missionaries in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. It was great news, as the Brand New Missionaries come from different areas in the Philippines. This means, travel and passing on the boarders are in good set up. It is incredible to see these Brand New Missionaries  made it to their original assignments. 

There were 8 Brand New MissionariesElder Araya, Sister Dela Peña, Sister Corpuz, Sister Alibania, Sister Labadia and Sister Alvior (I forgot two other names). We are so happy to see 5 Brand New Missionaries on our Friday Focus on our Virtual Meeting. They are so happy to be on their original assignment. It makes me happy to see them! 

The other Missionaries ended up their term by this cycleElder Perlas, Elder Cauilan, Elder Rolloque, Sister Guarde, Sister Catacutan, Sister Laniton, Sister Agoot and Sister Diaz. They are all amazing. I had a good time to see and get to meet them in person. They develop strong testimonies and I could feel the Spirit through them. These Return Missionaries will do great things on their home areas. 

Another exciting update our Zone had transfers too. We received a Brand New Missionary! The Missionaries in our Zone are: Elder Baylon, Elder Felix (Lucena)Elder Enriquez, Elder Dela Cruz (Pagbilao)Elder Raguinan, Elder Latonero (Mauban)Sister Mirandilla, Sister Labadia (Candelaria)Sister Villacanas and I (Tayabas). It was wonderful news! Elder Felix received his calling as a Zone Leader with Elder Baylon. Sister Mirandilla received her calling as a Trainer and a Sister Training Leader. It is a tough one for her, but she will do great things for the Zone. Both of them came back to Lucena Zone. Sister Labadia is Brand New, she came from Tacloban and she speaks Waray. These Missionaries are incredible, I am looking forward to meet and get to know them better!

Mission Updates: Add up! 

• Follow Ups 

I was assigned to follow up everyone companionship on our Zone. To check out for our Media Referrals in the Mission. We had our newly called Referral Secretaries: Elder Nisperos and Elder Cabuyaban. Haha. I laughed, because he received another calling in the mission. This tells he provides a good role in the Mission. He calls us by the night, and ask questions on our approach to Media Referrals. I  think he’s doing a great job. We found out the Referral Secretaries and Social Media Specialist receives a laptop to track down Media Referrals. It was cool! 

So far as this goes. This is the longest. Haha. I truly appreciate as you go along with this. I will be making cookies for the Zone this week or by next week too. By far the best week!


Sister Dilag

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