Week 68: “Zone Conference with Lopez and Marinduque.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! For this week I decided to type down the best events such as Zone Conference and Meetings. I find this week productive! 

Events: Conferences, Baptism and Training.

• Zone ConferenceLucena, Lopez and Marinduque Zones.

On the 18th, we had our virtual Zone Conference with Lucena, Lopez and Marinduque Zones. It was an awesome opportunity to meet other missionaries on the west side of the Mission. The majority of the Missionaries were Elders’ and a few of the Sisters. To give you a background of the Zones: Lopez and Marinduque are both surrounded with Elders (there are no Sisters). I heard a few rumors there were former Sisters’ assigned on those Zones, but never knew ‘why‘ there are no Sisters’ assigned. But, the Elders’ are working really hard on their Zones, they are doing awesome. We have four Sisters assigned in Lucena Zone, and three companionship from the Elders. 

I hope you are getting into the idea of the Zones gathered together in one conference. I honestly devastated on the actual changes on our Zone Conference. We were supposed to have a face-to-face Meeting with them, but the Status of Lucena got into the MECQ Status. It was announced we cannot gathered due to the status, and it will be difficult for other missionaries passing on the boarding pass such as Marinduque. It was really sad, I want to see and meet other Missionaries on my previous Zones and Districts. Tough time on there, but ‘it came to pass.’ It was ‘okay‘ for us. I laughed with my companion, thinking on our lunch time. I have no idea as to what will happen, but I thought of bread. 

I will be jumping on the actual event. We start by 8:45am. An activity held using 42 Principles, reciting the fastest and reciting memorized scripture verse from the Book of Mormon. It was a fun activity, as I watched and listen (I also laughed), because they all of the missionaries are sane and amazing. I was too shy to recite, but my companion managed to answer one memorize scripture verse. It was fun! Then, we had the chance to listen to the departing missionaries testimonies’: Elder Perlas, Elder Cauilan, Elder Rolloque and Sister Guarde. It was heart warming and lovely. They worked really hard on the mission and witnessed miracles during their service. They are the coolest!

Later on, our Young Missionary Leaders discussed our Key Indicators for the cycle and review each of the former cycles. We see improvements and success in our Mission. It is really nice to see Missionaries working hard and smart. Aftewards, we shared our workshop with the Missionaries entitled, “Questions of the Soul.” This focuses on Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5, Using the Book of Mormon. We provided a few slides with stories from Alma and Amulek, relating to Missionary Work. We asked a few Missionaries on their thoughts and impressions. It was really fun, we had a great time.

After the workshop, the Sister Training Leader – Leads presented their Workshop on the Book of Mormon they shared ideas and impressions of the Book of Mormon. We heard Missionaries shared their testimony of the effective use of the Book of Mormon. Then, the Assistants pulled out a brief scriptural usage of the Book of Mormon in Finding and Teaching. It was really nice, they gave us bonus scripture verses. 

Afterwards, we had our Practice Teaching. We were pulled out into different breakout rooms. Later on, we met Elder Atienza and Elder Dela Cruz of Santa Cruz Marinduque, Marinduque Zone. We laughed, we met each other before. Crazy! But, we had an awesome practice teaching. Elder Pecenio (Assistant), happened to join us on our practice teaching. We are all impressed on our teaching, we heard suggestions from Elder Pecenio too. He is an awesome missionary! We had a fun time, the Sta. Cruz Marinduque Elders were amazing too! 

Then, we had our virtual lunch. Surprisingly, we were pulled out to different breakout rooms and we eventually meet the Candelaria Sisters of our Zone and the Lopez and Marinduque Elders with the Assistants too. The Marinduque Elders’ all gathered in one phone usage. We saw Elder Perlas, Elder Cauilan, Elder Cubar and Elder Sumiran. It was really fun to see them. We saw Elder Pecenio, Elder David and Elder Baliwas. It was fun, we take good screenshots and Sister Lohner dropped by on our breakout room. 

Eventually, we listened to the closing remarks of Sister Lohner. She shared a few of her stories on her childhood and grown-up. It was nice to listen her transition as she grows. She later then learned principles in her life, and it benefited her to become the person of Heavenly Father wants her to be. She shared lessons with us, and it was amazing. Later on, President Lohner shared his, it was nice and I really love the flow of the sharing. It hit me to listen the part of, “Obedience” it is so important as the Spirit will direct your path to Missionary Work. I thought of “Versatility” and “Newness.” I like those two words, and I had a great time listening to the idea on Missionary Work and to become a better person. I thought of setting goals and plans to be better in Missionary Work. 

Overall, it was the best event. It was really nice and I really appreciate Zone Conferences. It is a great opportunity to listen, to gather and see other Missionaries growing and improving. It is awesome to see my batchmates and other friends becoming a better person. 

• BaptismSister Elizabeth Gerdan 

On the 19th, the Lucena Elders’ invited us to witness the baptism of Sister Gerdan. It’s my companion’s relative! The Elders’ did a great job on inviting the Spirit through their planning and teaching with her. It is fascinating to see people getting interested on the Gospel, and feel the Spirit confirming to them. It is awesome! 

While listening to the testimonies of Sister Rona Lobos and Bishop Ella. I felt a good impression on Sister Gerdan, I know she will do great as long as she keeps her commitments and renew her covenants. She will be fine. It is cool to listen on her feelings, as she perform the ordinance of baptism. She felt joy and peace through the sacred ordinance. There’s so much she needs to see and hear. I am excited for her. 

• TrainingLeadership Training with President Brown.

On the 20th, we were invited to listen to a Leadership Training of President Brown. The event was held at Tayabas Ward, with a good number of attendance (in-person) and other Members joined virtual. It was great to see others getting excited on listening to the training with President Brown. You get this feeling of honor and remarkable to meet him. It was nice. 

As the training flow goes, he discussed the Principles of Teaching with Love and Focus on People, not Lessons. It was a terrific workshop, it focuses on people. I felt it was humbling as President Brown says, “These don’t come from me, they come from the Church. This means it comes from God, no one else should quote themselves.” It was a hit of bricks! Haha! Especially the part he added, “Everything you do as a teacher should point to that sacred objective.” There came to a realization on setting new goals and plans to be a better teacher and a student. It all comes down to learning. We act to listen, focus on the doctrine, ask questions and bear testimony. It was a wonderful experience. The whole Ward felt happy to listen and to have the experience to meet President Brown. 

Mission Updates: Additional!

• Collaborating with Lucena and Marinduque. 

Throughout the week, our Young Missionary Leaders assigned four Leaders: Elder Baylon, Elder Atienza, Sister Villacanas and I. We were assigned to create a workshop for Zone Conference in Lucena, Lopez and Marinduque. We were assigned to study Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5 on the section, “Questions of the Soul.” We had the opportunity to call as a group and discuss different approaches and stories using the Book of Mormon. It was interesting, because I get to listen to others’ ideas and realized they are awesome. There were specific times, I could write the insights they’ve shared and I would wrote it down. I honestly had a great time on our collaboration.

• Transfers

Nope. I am not transferring. I thought I was, but it did not happened. I will be staying in Tayabas with Sister Villacanas. I will be training a newly called Young Missionary Leader for our Zone, Sister Mirandilla. She will be back to our Zone in the same area, Candelaria. She will do great things on her area. It’s awesome to find out she’ll be training a new missionary! I am excited to see her and her new companion.

Things are getting excited for Lucena Zone! We’ll see by the next couple of days. ♡


Sister Dilag

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