Week 67: “Productive Week.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! For this email, I thought of sharing a bunch of experiences on my current areas. I find these productive and fulfilling! 

Events: Meetings & Appointments 

These are some of the best experiences. I will like to categorize them on bullet points. I might share the days of working and coordinating. I could give a bit of extra tips too! 

• Coordinating with the Zone

On the 9th, we had our District Council Meeting at the Stake Center. We spend our time discussing on our insights, this includes studies, key indicators and workshop. It was really nice. Some of the missionaries shared their thoughts on the resources provided. As they were sharing, I could really tell on their impression, they understand the Principles and Doctrines on scriptural and lesson references. Which is great for a missionary, it acts as a testimony and a learning development. 

We discussed ideas and suggestions for our Key Indicators. The Elders’ shared most of the idea. Elder Baylon shared an idea on using pamphlets during discussions with investigators, but not intentionally using the whole pamphlet. Just a background on the provided lessons. He then added, on the first few appointments, we grab the opportunity to invite a soft invitation for baptism. As I thought of it, it was smart! In some cases, we can identify concerns and other lessons to help the investigator. It became a good impression to apply these ideas for our areas. 

Then, Elder Enriquez accumulated some of the names for our BGDs. It was a good idea! Identifying the concern of others and listen to other suggestions from other missionaries. It gives us the opportunity to act in faith and provide support for others. 

Afterwards, the Lucena Elders had their Workshop on Extending Invitations and Working with Stake and Ward Leaders. It was a good workshop! We had an activity on teacups, it was fun. Later on, the Elders asked a few questions on our work with leaders. We answered a few, and then they added some suggestions such as, service opportunities and gaining a good relationship with others. The Elders, invited everyone to participate on practice teaching, specifically on gaining trust on leaders. 

So far, it was a great meeting. At the same time, we met a transferred Missionary to our Zone, Elder Latonero. He is an awesome missionary, he’ll be working and serving with Elder Raguinan. There were changes too on leadership callings, Elder Enriquez was newly called District Leader for the whole Zone and District. It was awesome news too! For sure he can pulled off the Zone better, with a few responsibilities on his sleeves. Hehe. Kidding.

The Missionaries of our Zone were: Elder Baylon, Elder Rolloque (Lucena)Elder Enriquez, Elder Dela Cruz (Pagbilao)Elder Raguinan, Elder Latonero (Mauban)Sister Guarde, Sister Garcia (Candelaria)Sister Villacanas and I (Tayabas)

• Working with Ward Missionaries 

On the 10th, we decided to work at Tayabas with the help of our Ward MissionariesBrother Gerald Semaning, Brother Joven Cubillas, and Sister Babylyn Lorca. We met them by the Chapel, and they dressed up nicely. It was fun to be with them, you get this feeling of excitement to work! 

We travelled to Ilayang Nangka Linang, it is a 30 to a 45 minute drive to get there. As we came there, the Ward Missionaries were surprised on the area. It was mountains and a jungle, they were all excited. It was timing too, it wasn’t raining. It was a good walk and a stroll to visit the Malaquillas‘. We are focusing on them, they had children interesting enough to learn and apply the teachings of the Church. But, we want to gain trust with them, perhaps by the following days they might feel the Spirit as we get to teach them. 

As we came to their house, they were happy to see us. They waited for an hour, and they felt excited to learn. We gathered, and we shared a good lesson about the Church and it’s Foundation. We invited some of the Ward Missionaries to share their testimonies on the Atonement and the Church. It was really nice. It led them to attend church on Sundays and apply the teachings of the church. 

Afterwards, we walked an hour to the other side of the highway to ride a tricycle to Lalo. It is another 30 minute drive to get there. We couldn’t wait longer for the tricycle to get us from Linang. I could say it was a good walk, we sort of get to know each other. We talked about Missionary Work and other related topics. I gave them additional tips on teaching the principles and doctrines, using Preach My Gospel. We never felt tired as we got on the ride. 

As we dropped to Lalo, our appointment got cancelled, because we found out they had some errands to attend to. We spend our time talking of anything. Talking to Brother Gerald and Brother Joven was awesome. Brother Gerald is known for his Career as, “Papa Gelo.” Please give it a listen on the radio. I found out as we got into the conversation, we had similar likes on photography and a bunch of ideas for future collaboration. I hope as I get home, we get on the collab. It’s very exciting! 

• Visiting the Gerdans’ 

On the 11th, we were invited to visit the Gerdans’ at the Elders’ Area (Elder Baylon and Elder Rolloque). As we got to the Gerdans‘ I couldn’t help but making them feel entertain and excited. As I get on the talking. Just talking to Sister Elizabeth on her health and her stay in Pagbilao. Seeing Sister Lovely again, and just talk about her experiences. It has been awhile, since the last time I saw them. 

I love seeing my companion (Sister Villacanas) smiling at her relatives, she feels home everytime she sees them. It is quite rare for a Missionary to meet and teach relatives. It was nice of them to let us ‘dine in’, while waiting for the Elders’ to join in. We get the chance to talk with the others’ and they wanted us to sing. Which we couldn’t, although I wanted, but I really can’t. It was fun of them. 

Then, the Elders’ and Brother Jared Sayson arrived just in time for the discussion. We discussed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we had on-the-spot teaching parts and explaining Steps and Principles to each of them. It was a great collaboration with the Elders’. I learned a bunch from them, and their teaching was spot on! 

• Service with the Palads’ 

On the 12th, we provide service for the Palads‘. We ride a 30 minute drive to Ayaas. The area is wide and jungle like. We get the chance to roam around the area and find other opportunities to learn. As we came, Sister Glaizza approached us and took us to their home. We were happy to see Sister Grimma, and she was cooking. The whole house, smelled so nice. 

She took us for a stroll to the jungle, and we got excited for the service we will be offering. As we got to the part of the jungle, it began to rain and the road became muddy and slippery. It was hard to get there, and we manage to get a few good ground spots to get there. We saw Brother Gamaliel hooking up coconuts. It was so cool to see, and they took out some for their farming. 

Basically, they gathered coconuts for their farm business and they sell it. There were too many coconut trees, and all we had to do was help them on a few hooks, gather the coconuts and take out other plants out in the way. I honestly had a fun experience. I smiled the whole time, I even jumped on my first experience on hooking coconuts, taking out plants and other fun things. The Palads’ laugh and they had a great time, and my companion couldn’t help but chuckle, because it was my first experience to do coconut farming. But! I am being ever so careful, Brother Gamaliel closely check on my hold and grip everytime I get into the work. 

I realized, it’s a tough job for a beginner. Maybe, if I get into it daily, I might get used to it. Afterwards, it rained heavily. I was soaked badly, and the others too, but they remained working, because they had a due date to get in.  My companion, went on her way on getting away from falling coconuts. I couldn’t help, but helping the others getting it done. It was a tiring, yet a productive day. 

We went back to the Palads’ house, and we were all mud and stuffed. It was cool of Brother Gamaliel to give us Banana Leaves as an umbrella while walking on the rain. It was a great experience, I never experience back in Quezon City. I am so happy for the experience! We ate and talked bunch of mission experiences, Brother Gamaliel served in the Philippines Cagayan De Oro Mission, we found out his former trainer was the current Stake President of Lucena. He shared interesting stories and he emphasized the word, “Obedience.” He had a strong testimony of Obedience and seeing the hand of God helping him with his family. I had a wonderful time listening to them. I love this family! 

• Sister Angelina’s Baptism

On the 13th, Sister Angelina De Chavez got baptized. It was a great experience to witness her joy and comfort to be part of the Church. She received the confirmation of the Spirit, as she performed the sacred ordinance. Something great of her baptism was the support of her children, although her husband couldn’t make it. She felt joy, as her children witnessed her baptism. It was a sweet tender experience for her and family. 

Additional, we had dinner with the Dimlas‘ and Ellas‘. It was special, because we get to know them and listen to other experiences such as trials and challenges. Something I had a great time with them were the miracles and blessings brought to their family. I kinda had a teary eye moment, while listening to Brother Lexan. He is strong and wise as ever! I am so impressed on his desire to help himself and his family. Added with his parents too, they shared very hard challenges. Eventually, led them to stable wealth. I love to hear their experiences, and they are all inspiring! 

Mission Updates: Official Release

I had my online interview with my Mission President. I received my release date. I will be ending my term on the August 4th. Just announcing the date out, it feels remarkable. I honestly feel so happy to be serving in the best mission. I grew to love the people, area, other interesting cultures, acquiring attributes, and applying the Atonement. It created an on-going learning development for me. I had a month and a half going on, and I really want to make it count before it ends. I just realized so many and great things, even typing down weekly letters is amazing. I wouldn’t even stop, but I could tell this is a great remembrance. 

I have alot of things to do such as getting pictures, enhancing my teaching, build a good relationship with members and other missionaries. These are the greatest blessings in my life! More to come, and I will be actively participating and looking forward to meet up challenges. It helps me grow and become better.

This sums up my week, it is longer as it is. Just as I promised on my other emails. But, I hope this made your day!


Sister Dilag 

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