Week 66: “Challenging Routes.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I will like to share a few experiences of this week. I will share on my exchanges with Sister Garcia and meeting with the Zone and Mission Leadership Council. 

Events: Exchanges & Meetings

• Exchanges

On the 1st of June, we conducted our exchanges with Sister Garcia and Sister Guarde. I had the chance to be with Sister Garcia. It was a good opportunity to get to know her and be there for her as a friend. She’s been out in the field for a month and a half. I had a great time working alongside on planning and teaching. Who would have thought of a brand new missionary can talk to alot of people? Haha! It is so cool to watch her wave and talk to some. It is incredible for a starter to talk some. She is amazing!

As she lead the plan. I notice her planning and teaching weren’t bad for a starter. She developed a good format on planning, she has a list of scriptural references and she asks for suggestions on teaching. As I observed, she acquire Patience. It’s a challenging attribute for a missionary to acquire, but it’s a goal she would like to develop. It was nice to hear it from her.

She lead the teaching. It was a great catch up with her. As she teaches, she immediately caresses if a person doesn’t understand the principle and doctrine. I figure out, she can pull out any doctrinal teaching out there. I had this moment with her, as we conduct our pratice teaching. She wanted to try ‘my way of teaching.’ It was nice of her to try it out, but it seems she’s comfortable on her own kind of way. I think it’s a good thought, because every missionary has their own kind of understanding to doctrine and on principle, and it reflects on the teaching. Additionally, it acts as a testimony. I had a good impression on her, and it was so nice to thought of it. 

We head out too. We travelled to Spillway to meet the Delgados’. It was a good travel, there were curved and sharp roads to meet. As we arrived, it felt nice, because the family was warm welcoming. We shared a scripture verse with them, and discussed the foundation of the Church. It kinda reminisce their church days. I guess my point here was there attendance to attend church services. They stopped attending, and in some point they had challenges. It seems they couldn’t manage to overcome. But, throughout the discussion they felt the need to attend and start to study the scriptures. There might be a chance for them to support their other relatives to be baptized. It was a good moment with them.

Afterwards, we had our evaluation. Sister Garcia started to write down notes for strengths and improvements. She is awesome on writing. She has nice goals, and I received mine too. I had a great time with her, she’s like one of my Sisters’ back home. She is the best!

• District 

On the 2nd of June, we had an in-person District Council Meeting. Where we get to meet other Missionaries in our District and Zone. As we arrived at the Stake Center, we met the Sisters and waited for the Elders. It took us minutes to wait for them. Surprisingly, the Elders dressed up nicely. They all wore suit and tie, and they look wonderful. I was smiling the whole time at them. 

During the meeting, we discussed our Statistics  for the week. We listen and share suggestions to increase the numbers and council for other BGDs. The Sisters’ provided a workshop, more of a discussion and practice teach on follow up and meetings with leaders. It was a great idea, we get to know abit of the concern of other areas and share suggestions for them. 

Afterwards, we had to go to the back of the Stake Center and take some shots. We dressed up so nicely, and it took us quite while to take a decent shot for our Cover Page. It was so nice to take pictures with them and it was fun too. We get to know the missionaries better, and being a friend to support them.

• MLC 

On the 4th, we had our Mission Leadership Council with the newly called Young Missionary Leaders in our Mission. It was so nice to hear the names of Elder Baylon, Elder Atienza, Sister Amper and Sister Badajos. I couldn’t help but smiling and just having a great time seeing them. The Agenda provided of the Mission Leaders were leaders, we focus on inviting the Elders’ Quorum President to the work. We listen to suggestions and great insights from other Missionaries. 

It was great to see Elder Cabuyaban sharing his success in Cabuyao Zone. For a moment, I felt it was a great idea to do the weekly planning and inform the Members on Groupchats, ahead of time. We might apply it throughout the week. I was happy to listen to other Missionaries such as Elder Baylon, Elder Andal, Sister Rio and Sister Abundo’s additional insights on Christlike Leadership and other Activities to use for the Zone. I had a fun time listening to our newly called Zone Leader, Elder Baylon. He did a great job answering the questions. I am so happy he enjoyed the meeting!

Mission Updates: Other Routes.

• Sariaya 

On the 4th, we had an opportunity to coordinate with Sariaya. It was nice meeting with them, I get to meet other members and leaders. As I get to listen, they provided a list of Part-Member Families and fellowshippers. It was interesting, they don’t have Missionaries visiting on their areas, but team effort pulls out greatly. The Members and Leaders set up nice goals and interested to participate on teaching. It was a fun time with them, despite of distances. I felt it will be a great Branch. 

• Tayabas 

On the 3rd, we had a day of visiting other Part-Member Families such as the Lagados‘, Malaquillas‘ and Pabularcons‘. We taught them the first principles of the first meet up. While teaching them, I couldn’t help but to share my companion on inviting for a soft invitation to be baptized. Surprisingly, a few had a desire to be part of the Church. It was worth it! Through jungles and cities, we had a good experience of checking other places. It was nice to look at fields and other terrains, and horses! I had a fun time. 

• Lucena 

On the 6th, we managed to teach and extend two baptismal goal dates for Sister Catherine Tapdasan (July 10th) and Brother Jayden Anda(June 27th). They are both exciting. As we taught Brother Jayden the Purpose of Life, he began to have the desire to be baptized.  We extended and he felt this excitement of being ‘new-again’. I guess it went pretty well for him. Then, we taught Sister Catherine about the Restoration through Joseph Smith, she felt a strong impression of Joseph Smith to be the Prophet of the Restoration. It was a really nice discussion, we invited Sister Sheen Lobos, Sister Charity Cuevas, Sister Audre Diala and  Brother Albric Justaga to share their testimony. It made Sister Catherine, sobbed. She accepted the date to be baptized. I am so happy for her! 

• Activity with Candelaria 

This morning we travelled to Candelaria to visit, Girasoles Farm with Sister Guarde and Sister Garcia. It is some kind of a tourist spot, where you can take good shots with flowers and other fields. We had a great time capturing different spots with different angles. We got carried away by the view. It is captivating! I had a great time. We took most of our time grabbing the opportunity to take good shots using a 50mm camera. It’s so cool to learn from other Sisters’ and I had a fun time looking around the view. Also! We bought souvenirs. You can buy any plants, just the succulents, but different options to choose. I hope the other Missionaries will get to experience the view. Probably soon! It was the best!

This is all I could share. I hope this made your day! ♡


Sister Dilag 

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