Week 64: “Back Out” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! For the highlights of this week. I will mention of visiting other Members, Potential Investigators and a Back-out Investigator. 

Events: Teaching Appointments

I had a fun week of teaching and contacting potential investigators over the phone call or meeting them in-person. It was a good start to get into the areas. I will categorize them by section: 

• Lucena 3: Suaybaguios’

On the 18th, we were invited to have a teaching and dinner appointment with the Suaybaguios‘. It was great timing. I’ve been waiting to meet and see them, during my mission. I want to say thank you to them in-person, because they support my mission in many surprising ways. Additionally, it was Elder Cabuyaban’s final dinner (woops, I don’t know if it is) appointment.  We thought of preparing for the activity and a few discussion from the Elders. 

Before that, we went to Cotta. We met the Elders. We talked about Transfers, and it felt weird for Elder Cabuyaban to leave Lucena Zone. He served 17 months, without going elsewhere. It was crazy! You could tell his endurance and diligence serving Lucena. I honestly felt siblings with him. We are so close to him! 

As we went to the Residence. I immediately smiled and waved so happily to see them. Just seeing Sister Marjorie, makes me happy. I was happy to see Ken too. We were so young, and I was surprised to see him working at the MTC. He speaks Thai so fluent. I saw Shannon and JB, and they grew tall. I think the funniest call part I heard from them was my first name. Some recognize by my first name and not my last name. It felt weird, as I heard it again. Geez, haha, I could tell I’m scratching my head in a funny way. 

I was so happy, and the Suaybaguios’ were so happy. We talked and we mentioned a few of our past experiences. I talked of my mission, and other stuff I learned as I came in. It was a fun moment with them. Then, President Ben came in, and I was so happy to see him! We had a great discussion about Faith, and we planned out an activity. Surprisingly, the Elders did not know they wete included. It made the discussion even entertaining. It was fun! I had a fun time, and it will never be repeated again. I’m grateful for the experience with them.

• Lucena 2: Tolomias‘ 

On the 19th, we were invited to the Tolomias‘ for a birthday! I never met the Tolomias’, I heard of them a few times from my former companion, but we never planned out to visit them. It could be possible, but the GCQ Status made it difficult for us to schedule them. But! With changes happened and permission from the Leaders. It made it possible to visit others! 

During the day, we were done working and visiting other Investigators in Lucena. We included Sister Sheen Lobos and Brother Sherwin Iglesia to join with us on our work. As we received the phone call to visit them. It was a great opportunity to meet with them. I wanted to meet and see them. I heard of their daughter serving in Tacloban, just recently before she left Lucena.

As we came to their house. It was a good looking house. It was fine and the design was artsy. They had a gaming section, and more of an entertaining home. We were welcomed. We had a good corner to celebrate Sister Lilet’s birthday! We had a fun time talking about Missionary Work and Brother Ronald’s Conversion. I could not brush off Brother Ronald’s conversion, it was so cool! Just to give a quick story for him, he went to difficult trials. It became a habit, and then something hit him. He attended church and later on became a Bishop. He had numerous callings in the Church. It was a good story! 

I had a great time listening to their daughter’s experience in Tacloban. She is doing so well in Tacloban. They talked about her areas and the Baptisms going on her area. She is working hard, and she hasn’t been gone for a month. She is doing missionary work! She is a great example. I wish I could meet her. 

After the discussions, it was so nice of them to drop us back to our apartment. They are so humble! It was so cool of them, to share their experiences and challenges to us. I had a great time. 

• Sariaya: Brother Ken 

On the 21st, we planned out for Friday as our work day for Sariaya, but through online discussions. We are not allowed to travel and visit Sariaya. Due to travel expenses and time deficiency. We had to go through online to teach to them. I think the difficult part of working was poor signal quality. It buffers. There were static sounds, and there were times we need to adjust. 

We taught a Potential Investigator, his name was Brother Ken Aquino. He is the nicest Investigator. We had a good discussion on Nature of God. We gave him a quick outlined procedure of our discussions. We explained the importance of listening to the messages and we give him a background of the Church. He became interested. We later heard, he wanted to learn more of the Gospel and if it be his time to be part of the Church, he’ll give it a shot. 

It was so cool of him. I think the advantage was his relationship with his Girlfriend was a Member of the Church. He is close with the family and I think they taught him few Principles of the Church. It was cool of them! 

• Tayabas: Sister Hazielle

On the 18th, we received a phone call from Sister Hazielle Luna while on our meeting with the District. We did not respond to her phone call, because we were on the meeting with the others. I was surprised on her phone call, I had thoughts she might have questions on her audio listen or reading articles from the Church. 

Later on, we called her back. As she answered, she was hesitant to talk about her situation with us. She became open, and she expressed her sorrow. I felt sadder, as I was hearing her excuses and work. The bottomline was she cannot go further with the lessons and attend church. She needs to consider her husband, and her baptism might stop. I paused, and the whole time just listening to her. 

She cried. She admittedly wanting to be part of the Church. She wanted her family to be sealed, but she thought of her husband. It seems, he couldn’t agree on her decision. Eventually, she will be going back to her old ways of attending her church. I was really sad. 

I talked a few, and explained the promises given to her. If she endures and prays for inspiration from the Spirit, she will receive guidance and direction for her. She really wants too, but she had to paused. After the long phone call, I couldn’t help but to pray and I cried for her. I felt really sad, because it’ll be discontinued. I am challenged, whether I might not be the one to help her, maybe other Missionaries can. 

Sooner on Sunday, we invited her one more time to attend virtual sunday services. We were expecting, and I was waiting for her to get in. Sadly, she did not attend. We received a messaged, and she will be attending to her church. She then added, “Sorry Sisters.” She removed herself from other Groupchats. I was very sad. 

Something I learned from this experience, is we cannot control everyone’s agency. Even Heavenly Father can’t. Although, he can change our view in life and trials given, but we cannot force anyone. I think by inviting and fasting, there is a possibility of the Spirit softening her heart. I felt peace, as I learn to recognize Heavenly Father’s plan for us and for her. Maybe there will come a time for her to understand. There will be much more of her, she will find the Spirit again sooner. 

Mission Updates: Transferred Missionary 

• New Zone Leader 

We received the update announcements on our New Zone Leader, Elder Baylon! He’ll be staying with us for a long time. He is new in the area, he will be serving with Elder Rolloque. Since Elder Cabuyaban stayed in Lucena as a Zone Leader for way too long. Other Zone Leaders had to stay due to little amount of Missionaries, and a few ended their Mission Term honorably. Geez, I missed Elder Cabuyaban, he made the Zone even cooler and on the top for our Numbers. He is the best of the best!

Actually, the other night. We had a Zone Prayer with Elder Baylon. We welcomed him to the Zone, and I think he is having a good time hearing us. He hasn’t seen all of us, maybe we will be planning to meet up on our District Council Meeting. It’s been a long time I haven’t seen him in person. I cannot wait to see him! 

• President Lohner’s Birthday

On the 21st, we celebrated and greeted President Lohner’s Birthday on our Friday Focus. Sister Lohner showcase a slideshow of all of the photos gathered from President Lohner. It was fun to see all of the pictures, and some commented simple words of President such as, “Loving, Inspiring and so much.” We couldn’t help but laugh and chuckle on his pictures. Since the day he was born and until he grew with his own family. 

President Lohner is the best Mission President! He is dedicated and acts with love. I cannot express much, but I am very grateful! 

This is all I could share for now. More to next week! ♡


Sister Dilag

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