Week 63: “Zone Activity” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had some interesting stories to tell. I thought of dividing the stories into different categories and by sections. 

Events: Teaching Members & Part-Members 

We planned and focused on meeting Members and Part-Members in the areas of Tayabas City, Lucena City and Sariaya. It was a fun week of finding and getting in touch with them. We discovered some cool stuff of the Members. As we are getting into the Members, we might invite them for our discussions with the Investigators. It was a great start for our work. 

• TayabasSister Hazielle 

Quick Story: We had a day of Finding other Members living quite farther in our area. We invited our Ward Couple Missionaries to join on the visit. We had long rides. We meet others. We planned out on teaching and inviting them for our discussions with the investigators.

We had the chance to meet the Ragudos‘, Gecales‘, Semanings‘, Limyocos‘, Lorcas‘ Elises‘, Sales‘ and Alcorezas‘. We had a quick meet up and planned out appointment for them. It was exciting! We might invite them for our teaching discussions with the Investigators. 

Yesterday, the Ward Leaders invited Sister Hazielle Luna to attend Sunday Services (Face to Face). She did! She attended the Sacramental Part of the Service and attended Sunday School Class. It was fascinating, as Sister Luna was getting into the lessons and gaining friendship with the Members! 

After classes, we invited the Espiritus‘ and Lagados‘ to join on our teaching with her. Something I find the Members to be interesting was the added information of the message. It was clear and informative. 

• Lucena 2Sister Catherine 

Quick Story: We had a day or two on meeting other Part-Member Families and a Missionary Referral. We travelled to different parts of the city and walk to different blocks. It was tiring, but satisfying, because we met ‘just the right amount’ for our work. 

We received a referral from a former Missionary in the United States. The referral’s name was Sister Catherine Tapdasan. She was taught by Missionaries previously on her stay at Mauban. She moved to Lucena to be with her family and live-in partner. 

We set an appointment for Chapel Tour, but she did not come. We began to be worried, and by surprise we received a text from her saying, “I cannot come, because I don’t have any money to pay for our travel.” On the text, I began to be worried and not pushing her to attend Chapel Tour, because of finances. Instead, we booked a different day to visit her. 

We decided to visit her on Sunday (which was ‘yesterday’). We met her and get to know her better. We visited her rental space, and it was small. She lives with her daughter and live-in partner. Getting to know her was smooth and heartfelt too. She shared her life and challenges as a Single-Mom. While listening to her, I could tell her life ‘will change’ if she commits to listen and apply the messages from the Church. 

We will be having a return appointment with her next week! I think everything will go on smoothly with her. 

• SariayaBrother Melecio

Quick Story: We had a day working with Sariaya. The instructions given to us was to teach online. We are not allowed to travel to Sariaya, due to long travel, widespread efforts and potentially high expenditures. 

For a day, we taught Members on different time sets and lessons. We get the chance to know them. We found out, they desperately wanting Missionaries to join on their Unit. I hope we have brand new missionaries to work with them.

I thought of sharing Brother Melecio Cruzado. He was taught by Missionaries for decades. I cannot estimate how long, but it was crazy long decades. He had previously Baptismal Dates, but refused. We taught him “Eternal Families.” Somehow he remembered a few of the key points, but he wasn’t into the commitments. I think it will take him time to get into the lessons.  For sure, we will help him understand.

Mission Updates: Activities 

• Transfers 

Just now, we received an update on Elder Cabuyaban transferring to Calamba 2nd, Cabuyao Zone. It was surprising! I thought he will stay in the Zone, for I don’t know how long hehe. But, it is a great news of him! We played Lawn Tennis with Elder Rolloque, Sister Villacanas and Sister Diantha Castro. We had a great time playing and just having a good time with the sport. 

• Zone P-Day! 

Another after Tennis, we had our Zone P-Day!We had a great time at the Stake Center with cool activities. Everyone came and we eat anything and share messages for Elder Cabuyaban. He is the best Zone Leader! He stayed in Lucena Zone for almost his life for 16 months. Never went to other Zones. He is amazing, he endure and helped the Zone. He will leave Lucena on Wednesday. I think his best lines out there was, “Proceed in that order..” and “Lucena Zone is the Best Zone!” Aw man, I’m gonna miss the ZL of Lucena. He is the best!

I think this is all I got for you. I am sorry for making this short, but soon I might go for some more. 


Sister Dilag

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