Week 59: “Working Indoors.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! We catched up a few of our Key Indicators for Baptism and Confirmation and New People being Taught. It was fascinating to see the hand of God manifested to our work. I would like to share some with you.

Events: Contacted Some Referrals

• ContactsMedia Referrals

The entire week became very challenging. We received an update on our quaratine lockdown by the end of the April. I think it was too long to wait to get outside. It somehow made the work challenging, because we had to come up with multiple and several ideas to reach out our BGDs and NPs for the cycle.

Miraculously, we received 11 New People being Taught to our Pool. We managed to have a good conversation with them, offering a few principles outlined by doctrine and booked for the next day to teach. It was miraculous, it somehow outgrew my love towards technology. It provided ways to reach out others and inform others to learn more of the Gospel.

The Media Referral over our Area Book Planner implemented the whole Mission. We came up with different approaches to communication and coordinating with Members. It was another way of God’s help towards our work. We seemed not to be discouraged and we increased much of our faith to everyone with taught online.

I would like to share a recent experience with my companion Sister Guarde. We had doubts of not reaching 10 New People for the week. It became impossible to reach the number, because we couldn’t go outside. It made us stressed to look for ways to reach out. We thought of the basics we could think of; phone calls and messages.

We became skeptic to our performance, but highly in doubt we pray for guidance. We fast and pray for the whole cycle, and we think of strategies to work into our goal. The other day, we decided to contact Recent Referrals from the Area Book Planner, and we swipe many times. We got to the point we reached 11 New People being taught on our Key Indicators. We were fascinated by the work of God. Heavenly Father helped us to call and communicate others. We received three families and all are interested to learn more of the Gospel.

I honestly had doubts on the Media Referrals on our Area Book Planner, because based on previous experience, most of them are not interested. Somehow, it was perfect timing to contact them. I realized Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways. It’s cool to see the outcome of the Referrals Contacted.

• BaptismSister Anna & Brother Jeremy

Our weekends became exciting! We had baptisms both for Tayabas and Lucena 2nd Wards. It was fascinating to see conversions of Sister Anna Cañar-Dionela (Tayabas) and Brother Jeremy Quidlat (Lucena 2). I would like to share them to you.

The Missionaries taught Sister Anna for a year and a half. The discussions postponed due to COVID19. Somehow for a few months, the Missionaries continued the discussiom and managed to give her an in-depth hint of blessings of the Gospel and Church. She felt a good impression on the teachings of the Church. She search and read the chapters of the Book of Mormon. She gained a desire to be part of the Church for her daughter and husband to be sealed in the temple and perform Temple Ordinances for her Ancestors.

It felt impressive to see her grow and learn from the Church. It added her knowledge and an increase of faith to diligently find out more to herself. It was so cool of her to read the Chapters of the Book of Mormon. She asked a bunch of questions of 2 Nephi on the Isaiah Chapters. We couldn’t explain much, but it was enough to say it for her.

To cut it short on her background, Sister Anna is amazing! As we witnessed her baptism. She cried with joy to be part of the Church and to receive blessings through the Power of the Priesthood. She brought a strong testimony on Sealing and thanking the Members and Missionaries for teaching her. I felt the joy of serving her and helping her received the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Another being taught was Brother Jeremy Quidlat. He was part of a big Family, the Quidlats. They were Recent Converts of the Church previously baptized by the month of January 2021. There were challenges ahead teaching Brother Jeremy. It became clear to us he needed to had those challenges for him to learn and grow.

Teaching Brother Jeremy was fun! I had a fun time helping him studying the Book of Mormon. Whenever he asked a question, we will provide answer just enough for him to understand. We do not give him other terms or unfamiliar phrases to him, he might go for it, hehe.

There was this one time, Sister Guarde was surprised by his attendance to church. She told me, ‘he never attends church.’ It was surprising! I don’t know what came into him, but maybe we felt strongly it could be ‘change of heart.’ We asked his experience of attending church services and sacrament. He shared his feelings and it was enough for us to figure out, he felt the Spirit. He felt impressed to be baptized. We were surprised to listen on his excitement to be baptized!

Brother Jeremy had a solemn baptism, there were a few attended and witnessed the baptism. It felt special to see Brother Jeremy taking the next step of being part of the Church.

So far, I had the best experience of witnessing conversions and baptisms. It was wonderful to see the hand of the Lord helping them through adversaries and challenges.

• FamiliesRodas’ & De Chavez’

We received referrals from the Members of the Stake. We taught them over-the-phone call and video call via Messenger. It became memorable for them to meet Missionaries and to get in detail with the lessons provided for them.

We taught Sister Angelina De Chavez, she was referred by the Elders of Lucena 3. She would like to be taught by Missionaries and provide her a good information of the Book of Mormon. We hesistated to call her and give her a background of Missionaries and the Church. It came to the point where we ask, if we could give her a video call online. It was nice of her accept our invitation for a videocall. We get to know her family and they are all interested to learn of the Gospel. We found out their 15 years of not having discussions with the Missionaries. I think it was the right time for them to get into the Doctrinal Lessons and provide them Gospel Resources.

We taught Brother Johnrey Roda, he was referred by a Member of Lucena 3, Sister Adi. She often visits to Tayabas to meet her relatives. She befriend the family and somehow inquire more of the Lessons. It was nice of them to get into the lessons. Sister Adi, immediately hit us for a call and she explained the background of the family. It was nice of her to give us information of the family. We decided to give them a call, and we taught them a few Doctrinal Principles for them to understand. They are amazing! I think we need to adjust our time. We had a hard time scheduling their time, they prefer to be taught 9:30pm onwards. We had to ask permission, and we were given the chance to taught them. I think discussions for them will be easier to understand..

Mission Updates: Tayabas is Cold!

• Weather

I had a fun time in Tayabas with all of the scenery and mountains. I start to appreciate greeny greens and nature. It sounds funny, because I see buildings most of my time. But, it feels remarkable to get a feel of the field.

I love the weather of Tayabas, it’s very cold! It’s windy and not over drying. I could work much with the cold weather, I think I am getting used to it. With the hot areas in Batangas, I think it is opposite with Tayabas. I am having the greatest time in Tayabas, it is a simple living.

• Interviews

We had interviews with President Lohner, and it was so nice of him to listen to our needs and success. He appreciated our effort on finding families and he gave us a few instructions on our callings. He gave us a few advices on work and a few suggestions. It was so nice of him!


Sister Dilag 


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