Week 57: “Close to Mountain Peak” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Lucena Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had a great experience by visiting families near the Mountain. I couldn’t express my gratitude for experiencing different terrains and various locations on my areas. I will share some of the experiences below. 

Events: Mountains and Cities 

I would like to share a couple of experiences on my current areas: Tayabas and Lucena 2. I had the opportunity to see other provincial areas and other families living by Mountains. I will divide these into sections for you to read: 

• TayabasMountains 

On the 30th of March, we planned out to find other families near the mountain part of Calantas. It was an interesting planned out, because we never tried to go farther on our areas. We tried our best to track down a few families on our Area Book Map, but slowly could not estimate time and transportation. We asked a few Members for suggestions and details on families near the Mountains. The Members came up with a Family live near Mt. Banahaw. We felt impressed to ask for our Ward MissionariesBrother Shemnon Ambas and Sister Diantha Garcia for our search.

We came to the side of the road and upnorth we go by the Mountain. There were no buildings, no transportations and no street lights. It was challenging, we had to walk forward and go for a hike. We did not expect to walk upnorth and it was challenging, and I could feel the exhaustion. But! The good part of walking sas the view! We get to see greens, fields and horses! It was magnificent! 

We walked an hour and 30 minutes (back and forth) to meet the family. As we got to the walking, we ‘tao po-ed‘ the family. Surprisingly, it was an American and Filipino Family the Wards. They came from Seattle, Washington. We felt excited to meet and talk to them. They were surprised on our long walk and rushed to let us inside their home. They felt impressed on our long walk! It felt impressive to see Lucena City and Marinduque Island by the Mountain. It was fascinating, and I couldn’t take a shot of it, because it was too far for the camera to take the shot. I might give it a go, by some other time and day. 

As we get into the talking, we found out the wife was not a Member. She was desperate to be baptized, but got postponed several times. She felt discouraged and presumed it might not be the right time for her, but with excitement she felt excited to know more of the Church. We had a lesson with her about, “Faith” and connect with the story of Captain Moroni. She felt the Spirit strongly, and she wants to listen more. It was exciting and the walk to the Mountain was worth it. 

On the 3rd of April, we planned out to travel to Alsam (part of the Mountain). We had to ride a tricycle to get there and I couldn’t say much on the transportation, because it was way too expensive. We had to walk and give it a hike to meet a Family, the Labitigans’. They were referred by the Bishop, and we decided to give it a shot to visit them. It was challenging, because the paths we went in were zig-zags and potentially there could be snakes. So far, there were no creepy animals on the trail. 

We stopped by an unfinished road, and we give it a stop, because we felt the family lives near. We asked a few on the location, but cannot answer back. We tried to figure out on getting into the other side of mountain, without stepping into snakes. Somehow, Brother Shemnon Ambas (Ward Missionary) figure out a different trail to go to the other side, he felt strongly the family lives near. It was fun to watch him do the trailing and finding!

Surprisingly, we get to meet the Labitigans! They were surprised and happy to see us. It has been too long for others to visit them. Some of the Members, cannot afford to visit them because the trails were too dangerous and during the rainy season it starts to mud. It was dangerous, and it was an awe. We get to have a lesson with them on, “Families.” We somehow took Brother Shemnon to lead and Sister Diantha Garcia (Ward Missionary) to take the other part. It was fascinating to watch and listen to their performance. I had a fun time! 

• LucenaCities 

On the 31st of March, we planned out to search other Families near Bocohan. It is an area presumed much of the Member Families. We were giving it for a go to find some, but not confident enough for the search. We invited Sister Sheen Lobos (Bishop’s Daughter) to join to our search for Members. It was a fun time. We get to see different places and we taught a new person, Brother Darwin! 

It was funny, because we stopped by the side of the road. We looked over to our Map and looked over some pinpoints for the Members Household. We couldn’t find them and it took the whole afternoon for us to ‘give up’ finding them  Then, Brother Darwin (including his family) invited us over to their home. We were surprised! They never met Missionaries, and they asked a few questions on our purpose. We felt desirable to share a message with them. We had a discussion of the, “Book of Mormon.” They asked some, and we couldn’t keep up with them. It was a pile, and I would chuckle on my answers for them. 

On the the 28th of March, we had dinner with the Dialas‘. It was a great day with them. We get to know them better and we had a discussion on, “Joseph Smith.” We shared insights on the Prophet to be the Prophet of Restoration and other Ordinances performed. It impacted my thoughts of the Prophet of Restoration. I felt excited each time they shared new insights and interesting stories. It was so cool of them. We get to know them better and they served good food. I love their Adobo, and I couldn’t describe the texture and the taste of it. I am not good in describing, but it was so good. 

Mission Updates: Hiking 

My current areas had different terrains and different parts of Mountains. I will be hiking and walking far and wide. I wasn’t expecting of rocks and muds on trails. I had to adjust a few times to get into the flow of working. It was fun! I grew to love the areas and the people I had taught. I am grateful for Sister Guarde, she definitely is a sister-sibling! I love her so much. 

I thought of sharing a cool experience while walking down to the mountain. We stepped to muddy piles and slippery rocks. We caught up with snakes (small ones) and we see different animals along the trail. The river was magnificent, it’s called the Iyam River. It was so beautiful. The bridges were interesting too, it was made of Bamboo! There were thicker ones and steadily between the bridges of lands. It was interesting. Visually, it looks dangerous, because a bamboo vertically on the bridge. It looks challenging too, because of the running water by the river. Hehe. 

I had no idea as to these locations will get me. But, I had a fun time with every thing I saw above and below the land. I would like to share more, but I tried my best to make this short to read. See you soon! 


Sister Dilag

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