Week 54: “Perhaps, the Greatest Achievement.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I would like to share highlights of my life: I had done a lot of walking, I saw interesting places in Batangas, I met the greatest people with incredible stories and ‘far beyond the greatest achievement’ of my mission service.

Events: Mabini & Bauan Stories

We did explore our area, quite a bit, by walking and finding other parts of Batangas. I am impressed on the walking effort we brought ourselves. It seemed we sharpen to be the best missionaries. I felt joy each time, we received answers on our prayers and the miracles brought to our work. I would like to share experiences with you. 

• BauanMeeting the Remions & Nyudas.

Quick Story: We decided to travel to As-Is, Batangas to visit a Member Family, Remions and Nyudas. We were invited to eat lunch and bake pastries with them. As-Is is a long way mountain road trip to Lemery. We had a long-gap on our area borders. It is divided to the Cavite Mission and San Pablo Mission. It is interesting to see the mountain range, we get to see the sea part of Batangas City (near Lobo). It was wonderful to see! 

I had a great time with the Remions and Nyudas. They are so nice and excellent on teaching! I am so impressed each time we share a principle and it goes deeper.  It was very impressive! I never thought I will be encountering great families with wonderful stories. 

I would like to share Sister Brigette Remion. She is the best women I met on my mission. She is kind and sweet, and very humble. We got into a discussion about, “Women” because it was, ‘Womens’ Month.’ She read an article part of the apostle stated, “Men and women should share same responsibilities…” It was a good statement. She added a few lines to us, “Never let yourself down, be free and be strong in front! You were given gifts, neither men or other women may attain. Build yourself and show effort on those gifts.” I couldn’t remember the other lines, but it was so good I had to  write it down on paper. 

It did make a point on my mission, both Elders and Sisters share the same responsibility with the same purpose, “helping them receive the restored Gospel.” It makes sense, we should be equal. There are quite differences with power and authority, but through gifts given by Heavenly Father. It made it possible to show uniqueness, whether skill or talent. We use those gifts without sudden fear or assume judgment. We should stand firm and tall on those gifts and enhance them better. 

• MabiniMeeting the Kings.

Quick Story: We planned out to travel to Mabini, Batangas. It has been too long, since we visited Mabini. I think it was last month, we give it a shot to visit other Members. I will say challenging area, it was rough too. The area is mountain, although it had buildings and houses with people in it. The transportation fare is very costly and we cannot go further much with the expenses. We had to walk sometimes, if we feel to use on the walking. 

I love Mabini, it is very interesting. I do love the landscape, even though it is challenging. But! I do love the surroundings and the places. There are houses on mountain peaks! It was interesting, if we get the chance to meet members living on mountains, we get to visit them. I had times, where I would laugh because going high up could be exhausting, but seeing uphill with other houses was remarkable. I think walking down on the mountain is dangerous. It’s a slide figure, so whenever we walk downwards, we had to step tip by tip and being careful not to fall. I would chuckle a bit to see myself slip sometimes, but no matter the slip, I would get up and work. 

I would like to share a family, the Kings. I love the Kings! They owned a sea machine business, “Sea King.” They create oxygen tanks and other materials for Sea and Ocean. I was so impressed! I had a great time with them talking with them. I love Tatay King and his family. I would jump with excitement just to see their work. It was fascinating to see their carving for guns (for capturing fish) and other interesting stuff. They were Members of the church for so long, and their history was very amazing. They helped others to Come Unto Christ by sharing experiences and testimonies. I hope you get the chance to meet them. 

I was hesitant to help them on their work, but it seems entirely impossible. But! The Kings invited me to go for scuba diving (after the mission). I got excited, because I would love too. I do have a few months left. They made my day, they would teach me interesting things on their work! I love them! I will visit them after the mission. 

• Interesting PartSea Activities

I think the most interesting part with them, were their live-in areas and interests. Sister Brigette Remion will be flying off by April to Siargao. She invited me to come visit them and we would explore other places. I got excited, well obviously, I cannot promise, but it sounds promising. I will definitely invest on visiting her and family. I heard good places to try out, like the ocean and other sea tunnels. Brother Lysander King, will stay in Batangas. I might give him a visit and try out things by sea. I would love to try out new things with them and find interest on sea. I think it’ll be worth the wait to meet them, after the mission!

Mission Updates: Baptism

• Baptism 

On the 13th, we witnessed the baptism of Brother Danniel Gadon and Sister Glory Grace Gadon. They are both siblings, and find interest on learning more of the Gospel. Teaching them was remarkable, it touched parts of their lives and particularly to Joseph Smith. It is rare to convert someone to the gospel, understanding the role of the Prophet Joseph Smith through restoring the Church and the Gospel. 

There was this one time, we came to visit them to prepare for their Baptismal Interview. Brother Danniel brought up a very powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Prophet Joseph Smith. He felt each time, he read the words of the Prophets in the Book of Mormon. He felt the gratitude of Joseph Smith restoring the Gospel, he felt joy and peace to find out more. He wanted to feel the Spirit and receive personal revelation through prayer and studying the scriptures. I find it impressive! I was really touched and I felt blessed to help him receive the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The baptism was great! We had a good amount of Members and Friends witnessed the baptism. President Crisanto, came for a talk on the baptism. He mentioned, “Ordinances” and the “Authority of God.” I couldn’t remember the lines, he specifically spoke to us (which were good). I remembered his line during the talk, “No man cannot perform an Ordinance without the Authority from God.” I do testify on the Authority of God given by Men, the power of Priesthood. It is restored in the latter-days. It became a key to perform ordinances and miracles. Without the Priesthood, we cannot defend and approve the performing ordinance. There has to be an authority from God, it must be revealed by revelation through Prophets.

I cannot express my gratitude to be serving in Batangas. It touched my heart to see my growth in the mission. I felt the Spirit strongly helped my service and work for the area. Perhaps, this is the Greatest Achievement and I love my work! 


Sister Dilag

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