Week 52: “Finally, a Year!” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! For this email, I thought of sharing my impressions of serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. I think it’ll be a great topic to add up Linking Arms in Bauan.

Events: Part-Member Families 

We were challenged by our Mission President to apply and conduct, “Linking-Arms” on our assigned areas. It is constructed by assigned Ministering Assignments visiting and teaching Part-Member Families. This includes weekly meetings with the Auxilliaries and Missionary Work; it must be reported every week and meet progress on our Unit. 

As I pondered on the challenge given to us. I felt challenged to do Linking Arms in Bauan. A few weeks, I had a tough time and somehow I felt the doubt of not achieving the goal given to us. But! Despite of doubts, my companion and I start out to plan out for Bauan and apply the Ministering Assignments. 

As we conducted our Planning, we felt inspired to report to the Bauan Ward on finding other Members. There were a list of Members with Drop Pins of their locations to find them. We invite them to look over to these Members and pray if it be right to visit them. As we talked about the importance of Members including Missionary Work, we had a three hour of planning out families. It was very impressive. I felt the Spirit strongly helping the Bishopric and the Auxiliaries for Linking-Arms. 

We provided an idea schedule and findings for the Members. The outcome of our output, turned out terrific! The Members remembered the Drop Pins of the Members’ Living and tried to contact them. We saw the efforts of the Auxilliaries and Members. It was a step by step process to see the flow working on the Ward. It was exciting to see everyone work in action! 

• A Compound of Member Families

Quick Story: We received a text from Bishop Aguila. On the text, he stated on our meet up with him at the Chapel to meet a Part-Member Family with a compound of Less Active Members. It was surprising message from the Bishop, and I was in awe. We were excited and we hit up the call to set up the appointment. We travelled to Aplaya near the seashore (and it was very hot, the sun lit’ up high). It was scorching hot, but it did not distract us to visit these families. 

As we stopped by on our long travel, we had to came out to turns and turns, as we got to the compound. Surprisingly, we met the Member families and we got to talk with them. It was a clan of Mañebos. It was interesting, and with a short amount of time we had to leave. We left a good hour on the compound, and we felt excited to plan out our visit and teaching with them! I honestly appreciate the effort of Bishop, he’s work and finding efforts to find them was miraculous! 

• A Part-Member Family 

Quick Story: We’ve been teaching the Olazos for a few weeks. They were taught previously for months, but stopped due to uncomfortable challenges. We were so grateful to received a call from them and wanting to learn of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was anticipated and we got excited to teach them. We taught them over the phone call and meeting with them in person. 

They were improving so well, but baptism was something they need to pray. They paused everytime we mentioned baptism on our teaching. It sounds kinda pressure, but not to extend of pressuring them. It was somehow an inspired feeling we felt to them. We invited them for baptism, but paused a few times.  

We had a lesson taught with them, and we talked about the, “Plan of Salvation.” As I mentioned on the part of the, “Gospel of Jesus Christ” and slowly mentioning the five Principles, they stopped as I explained sacred ordinances with a few examples. Then, Brother Olazo felt a strong impression to pray and study the Book of Mormon to know if everything we mentioned was true. It was interesting, because he asked a few questions of someone wanting to get baptized. It was a snapped to us, and we are excited to daily teach them. 

Afterwards, another day passed by and a few improvements were lining up on our schedule. We were excited to meet others and able to teach to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was miracle to see God’s plan for Bauan Ward. I am very impressed on the outcome! 

Mission Updates: Few Months, Left! 

Holy cow! I had been a year in the mission and it was so close to home. I could feel a few months will start up to end close. It feels exciting to see good output with great outcomes. I felt stronger as and with the persistence to endure with faith it became possible to learn. I felt so impressed to see Heavenly Father’s outstretched hand towards me. 

I am so grateful to be serving and to be learning many great things in the mission. Although there were tough times, but these plans were given by Heavenly Father to teach us principles to attain. I am looking forward on the coming months ahead. I would love to see and grow more! 

See you all soon! ♡


Sister Dilag

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