Week 51: “Giving Away, Ibaan.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I had a few to share a few good ones and some challenging parts. I thought of bringing it out, as you scroll over to this email to get a better view. 

Events: Unexpected Events

I will indicate parts of the week and share of a few pondering moments. It was unique and special. I thought of as you read the email, you find this amusing. It was definitely unexpected. 

• Baptism: Nepomuceno Family

We had a baptism! It was unique and ‘very’ special – 

Quick Story: For a month and half, we taught Brother Jared Nepomuceno the Lessons required of him to finish. Brother Jared willingly listened to the lessons and applying the principles taught him. I was impressed on the amount of time, we accumulated for him. I never thought we would get a baptism with him, because he had a full-time job and time wasn’t in control. But! I saw God provided time for him to listen to the messages. I witnessed the time came out perfectly for him. It came to a point we had daily discussions with him and he committed all the commitments given to him. Then, he accepted the invitation to get baptized. It was a miracle! 

We attend his baptism on the 20th! It was a pondering moment, as we saw him getting into the waters of baptism. I couldn’t help but to be grateful, to teach and to learn from Brother Jared. We help him understand the Gospel and live the principles designed to all God’s children. It increased my charity for others to feel the same way as Brother Jared felt. 

Afterwards, we ended the event nicely. We talked to the family and the members. We talked about the blessing of participating on Church Activities. And, it was a fun talk with all of them! We are excited for Brother Jared to be part of the Church and to make a covenant with God. I am very excited to see the family grow and learn. 

• Giving Away: Ibaan 

A hard week for us – 

Quick Story: Shortly after the baptism of Brother Jared. We received a phone call from the Assistants. They announced, Ibaan will no longer be our turf (we are not handling Ibaan). The records were passed to the Rosario Sisters. The Assistants further explained, because Ibaan was too far from us (geographically speaking). My companion and I was so upset, it went quiet. I was so down to hear from this, we dealt a few good people with a good consistent teaching. It was difficult to let go, a good area. It was progressing. 

After the phone call, I get to remember the good families of Ibaan. I will missed the a great area with great people. It was a hard week to let go. I thought came in mind, ‘it was okay.’ I thought of this phrase, because I know God had another plan for us and for the Rosario Sisters to handle Ibaan. Despite with all, I thought of the good side of Ibaan like, “I will visit Ibaan soon” or “Ibaan will progress so well with the Sisters!“. I’ll say, “Accept and Adjust.” I’ve been thinking of this over and over again during my service, and it helps combat certain doubts. I felt calm to just clearly put it on my mind that everything will be okay. 

• Fun Stuff: Ibaan 

I will add up the best experience at Ibaan – 

Quick Story: On the 16th, we travelled early to Ibaan to meet the Members of the Branch and other Part-Member Families. It was an exciting travel and meet-up with all of them. As we travelled, it was challenging. We had to ride thrice to get to Ibaan, and ride a tricycle to another part of our area. We spent more than we could spend. We get to meet other Member Families, we met the Villanuevas and the Panilas, we ate good food. Then, we went straight to Sto. Niño it was farther, and we ride a tricycle to get there, we met the Salcedos. They had an interesting household, they live uphill near the river. It was like a hiking experience. Afterwards, we visited the Cuyans to meet the family and to share our studies. It was a tiring day, but it was worth it! I attached pictures of the families, if you want to see. 

• Studies: Sustain  

I quickly want to share a good commentary from the Apostle, Elder Christofferson, “Forget about yourself and what people may think of you, whether they are impressed or disappointed or anything else. Just focus on what I want to give them through you. Focus on what I want them to hear through you.” I had a good impression on this commentary, “Just do what you can and don’t do what you can’t do.” I think everyone should be sensitive on others capability to serve whether they can do it or not, and not please everyone, but to please God. I do have a testimony on God’s will and it be his will then let it be. I know he will give us the exact blessing of our desire. 

Mission UpdatesBauan

I get to write this on my area, “It Gets Hotter in Bauan.” It is so hot, temperature is rising, people are flooding everywhere on the streets and commodities are increasing. But! By far the best experience. I know I will never experience this again, so I just make it to experience it. The great experiences I had was the seashore near Aplaya, it was cold and windy, the people living near the shore was fun to see and talk to. The uphills and downhills of Bauan are interesting too, as you go top of the mountains, you get to see an interesting view of the area. I had this experience, we were walking home after our visit with a family, and we saw the landscape of the area and the city lights was interesting to see. I love Bauan, it is a very interesting place, I had a good time.

So much to talk, I do enjoy writing this down. I hope you get to read of this. I hope to see you all soon! 


Sister Dilag

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