Week 50: “Batangas City.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! A few to mention on this weeks email. I felt impressed to talk about my experience at Batangas City during our exchanges. It’ll be great to see the photos ahead. 

Events: Batangas City. 

I felt impressed to talk about Batangas City and the challenging part of Batangas. It was memorable and fun to be with Sister Magno, in just a day! 

On the 10th, we had our District Council Meeting at the Stake Center. We had a couple of agendas on our Meeting. We mentioned our Facebook Page and Key Indicators to focus on the Month of February. It was a impressive meeting, we shared a few ideas to help our area progress and to planned out our budgeting. I thought of the missionaries explained, “Being bold, but not overbearing.” I guess the point of the talking was, if you want to help them, say it directly. It was a strong line and clearly on Preach My Gospel, it tells us to be Bold and Loving to the people we teach and serve. 

We had another meeting with the Lipa Zone on our Mission Facebook Page. We had an hour of discussing our theme post for next week. Every one shared a few ideas for next week. All of the ideas were greatly explained, but it was challenging, because we had to stick to one idea and it took us a while to get into the idea. We got into our conclusion, we will be focusing on the, “Gospel of Jesus Christ.” 

Afterwards, we planned out to have our earlier exchanges with the Batangas 1st Sisters, because we had Meetings and a few agendas for next week. It might hit the exchanges a bit farther, so we do it earlier. I got excited as I find out, I get to have Sister Magno as my companion on our exchanges. 

On the 11th, we planned out a good schedule for the day at Batangas City. We will be traveling and teaching on farther areas in Batangas City. Sister Magno, lead the area and it was great to see her work in action! She invited a few Members to join on our travels: Sister Ara, Sister Michaela, Brother Emman and Brother Ephraim. It was impressive of them to join on our teaching! We head out to Tulo, an area uphill and farthest, and it was jungle area. We walked an hour to visit a family. We got there on time and we teach a good lesson about the, “Restoration.” 

We head back to the Stake Center to teach the Members on Missionary Work. It was impressive to watch. Then, we travelled to Soro-Soro to teach a Family. It was farther and it cannot be walked. We visited a few families on some parts of the area, we taught, “The Great Apostasy.” Sister Magno shared a video clip on our topic, then the others shared their insights. It was a great topic. As we left the area, we visited President Reyes, a Stake President of the Batangas Stake. Interesting fact, he served in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, 2003. It was great to talk to him and shared a bit on his mission. 

Then, we head out to a family at Kumintang. It was an interesting area with interesting people. I had a great time talking with them. We met Brother Ryan and his family. They are the best people I met! We had a good lesson on, “Commandments.” As we got into the lesson, we laugh and realized a few things to them. It was a spiritual pondering for me. I felt impressed to meet and reach out these people. I met Sister Marina and she was the best person to talk to! I laugh and listen to her conversations, and she cooked the best meals. 

Lastly, we decided to go home. We had a phone call from the Assistants and announced the transfers. Sister Magno will be transferred to Rosario. It was a hit for her and I do feel her. It was sad to leave a good area with great members working with Missionaries, and weekly baptisms lined up for next week and next month! It was hard. We went home, and called a few Members. Sister Catacutan and Sister Ancheta came home late, and talked on the earlier transfers. Later on, we helped on packing and sleep early. 

On the 12th, it was transfer day and we will be back on our assigned areas. I travelled back to Bauan and be back on the working agenda lined up for our area. It was great to be back with my companion. It felt good to come back home at the apartment, with a long day ahead. It was a great and unforgettable experience! 

Mission Updates: Transfers 

I will make it short, but we had a huge transfer list! All of the Missionaries will be transferring to different parts of areas and different zones. It was way too fast! We had an update on our mission, Elder Badar finished his mission term, he’ll be home soon! It was great to see his accomplishment. The greatest missionary I ever met in the mission, he’ll be definitely missed. It was inspiring to see missionaries ending their term honorably. I felt a good impression to work hard and to see God’s outstretched hand to us. 

I think this is everything. I will type out the best soon! 


Sister Dilag

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