Week 49: “Zone Conference with Lucena Zone.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! Just a few reminders for this email. It would not be longer as before. I did made the attempt to make it short and enough to give you details as to my whereabouts. And! I did make a few photo edits! 

Events: Conferences 

I listened to a few Conferences: Zone Conference with Lucena Zone and Mission Wide. I will divide it into different sections, because the program was a bit different. I had a great time. I get to see all the missionaries on our Zoom Meeting and talk with them for a short time. 

Mission Wide 

On the 2nd, we had our Mission Wide Zone Conference with all the Missionaries on our Mission. It was the exciting event. I had the excitement to see and meet with everyone on our Zoom Meeting. We were all stretched up and ready for the program to begin. We start off with a break down for our, “Kwan Challenge.” It is a kind of challenge wherein you are asked a question (if you were able to provide it) and participate by standing as a, “Yes” to the question. I hope it makes sense. Hehe. 

President and Sister Lohner had a bunch of questions (or statements) to all of the missionaries and given an instruction if ‘we do not do it’ then we ‘turn off‘ our screens as a sign of, “No.” It was funny and fun! My companion and I turned off our screen, because we did not planned out our, “Weekly Planning.” We had a few companionships lined up for the challenge: Sister Vitasa, Sister Tollo, Elder Arabejo, Elder Latonero, Elder Madriñan and Elder Baylon. There were a few statements given, and went to the last part. They were asked to ‘speed up‘ memorizing 42 Principles on, “Preach My Gospel.” It was fascinating and funny to listen to them. Surprisingly, Elder Baylon and Elder Madriñan won the Kwan Challenge! Way to go for them! 

After the challenge, we listened to a few talks. Elder Badar, our former AP sent out his departing testimony. It was powerful and emotional, he was the one of the greatest missionaries we had on the mission. Then, Sister Hurst delivered a loving reminder to take care of ourselves and be cautious to our health. And! A cooking video from a favorite family of mine, the Gaws. The Assistants pulled out a quirky video, and I laughed as the whole video set up for us. The Assistants discussed, “Linking Arms.” I guess the whole discussion with the Linking Arms extended additional information on our work with the Ministering Assignments. Elder Brown delivered a ‘very short and powerful‘ message about, “Integrity.” It was direct and well explained. I couldn’t ask for more. Lastly, we had a great discussion of the Prophet Joseph Smith and continued on President and Sister Lohner’s discussion on their geneology and the attempts they had to adjust on the mission. It was inspiring. I felt the impression to learn more on the Prophet Joseph Smith. 

We ended our Mission Wide Zone Conference. My companion and I had the opportunity to see and talk to other missionaries during our lunch hour: Elder Justaga, Elder Soccorro, Elder David, Elder Pecenio, Sister Vitasa and Sister Tollo. It was great to talk to them and get to know them better. 

Lucena Zone 

On the 4th, we had our Zone Conference with Lucena Zone by the afternoon. We continued on listening to a workshop of our Young Missionary Leaders about, “Obedience.” As we talked of Obedience, it included the following: Firm and Faithful, Focus, Flexible and Gratitude. We had a conversational discussion of the Prophet Joseph Smith as the example of Obedience. We were sent into separated rooms to discuss the principle to other missionaries. I met Sister Dangarang and Sister Abundo, they are awesome and ‘very pretty‘. We talked a few of our favorites of Joseph Smith, then we decided to share of Joseph Smith’s act to, “Focus” on his role as a Prophet. It was a great insight from them! The workshop provided were Sister Abiera and Sister Guarde.

Then, by the minutes left on our Zone Conference. We had the chance to listen to another workshop, Elder Cauilan and Elder Cabuyaban provided a great insight on planning. We were reminded to set goals and make plans on our work and progress in the mission. Focusing on the principle of, “Obedience.” It turned out well, I listed a few Goals I could possibly achieved for the cycle. It felt comforted to know the possibility to move forward in the mission. The workshop aas impressive! 

Lastly, President Lohner and Sister Lohner reminded a few things for us during the workshop: Don’t Look Back, Remember who you are, Healing Power of the Atonement, and Focus on your Purpose. It was a hit by a truck as I listen to the reminders. He explained, “Target to bring souls” and “Miracles happen when Obedience comes through.” It added my planning on tracking those reminders to myself while working. It was a memorable Conference. I do had the impression to try it out and see the outcome of it. 

Mission Updates: Cold 

We did not attend Friday Focus, my companion and I got really sick after a few days of travelling and going elsewhere to our areas. We did not feel right and we end of bed rest. Although times of sickness appears, we cannot stop contacting referrals. Our work kept going and it was the best feeling despite of getting sick. Right now, we are getting better. Hehe, do not get sick! 


I had to share a good impression on the Acostas on our online discussion of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Brother Marcial explained the wise decision of the Prophet of not translating the lost parts, but continued on the Account of Nephi. It clearly teaches us to move forward despite of the mistakes we’ve made. We do not need to do it over again, but to improve the action we made and learn from it. He added the Atonement of the Savior. There were times, I could feel inadequacy in the mission, but the Atonement set out the tone of forgiveness and move foward without fear. I felt great to be serving and doing the best I can to help others and invite them to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Other stuff to add up, I do have to clear out I did not participate on the Content Missionary. I thought of focusing on Bauan and Ibaan, because tough work pile of the areas. But, I could share a few I made this week! I hope you it, it will attached. Tomorrow, we will be having our interviews with President Lohner at the Batangas Stake Center. Later this day, we will be having a Sports Activity with the Ibaan Branch. 

This is all I could send out to you. See you when I see you! ♡


Sister Dilag

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