Week 48: “Facebook.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I will be talking a few for this email. I had a bunch of work out to cut out my time. I will make it clear and quick for you!

Events: Meetings & Exchanges

I guess for the most part of this email, I will try my best to remember everything. Hehe. I am having a difficult time to remember the best events of the week, because it was cool to see everything end so well! I do love the week.


I had exchanges with the Rosario Sisters. I was assigned to work with Sister Abiera at Bauan for a day. It was a great opportunity to work with her, and she was one of my list of missionaries to be close with. My experience with her was funny, we were kinda shy at each other, but later on we start to laugh out and share miracles on our part in the mission. We became very close, and I personally love to work with her. Sister Abiera is an amazing preacher and a great missionary! I had instances I felt the Spirit on our teaching and our relationship has been really close.

Quick Story: We had this one time at Bauan, we planned out to call the Media Referrals on our Area Book Planner. We had a jam packed of referrals, and we did not get chance to call them. We called 7 of the names listed, we start to have a discussion with them and we received a return appointment. It was pretty cool! Another miracle happened, we planned out to travel at Salvador to visit the Bisas. They work with missionaries in Bauan. As we got to their home, the whole family exclaimed to see, Sister Abiera for the first time! I was so happy to see their smiling faces at her. Sister Abiera taught the Bisas’ long ago (Bauan was her previous Area). It was a surprise visit and we delivered a wonderful message about, “Hope.” We watched a video of a palsy man (this could be found on Gospel Media), the story went on describing the experience of serving the palsy man and received the blessing of service. It was timely for the family, and I love the impression of watching the video.

We travelled to Rosario, to meet my companion and stay for the night. We were late as we attempted to try to travel, but instances we missed our ride to Rosario. We miraculously ask a few tricycle drivers to drop us to Rosario. It was nice of them to drop us there, we got there for 20 minutes rather than an hour. It was miraculous too!

After the day, we had our evaluation. We shared a bit of our experiences. I shared miracles happened on Bauan and I couldn’t deny the fact, I do enjoy my exchanges with Sister Abiera. Beyond of my compare, I witness miracles working with her. I grew to love and improve my work in Bauan and Ibaan!


I have a few meetings to share, but I might talk about our meeting this morning about, “Facebook Page.” The Philippines San Pablo Mission will be having an online activity finding and sharing on Facebook. It was a great opportunity for the mission to grow and in some ways to develop a sense of, “Change.” I was somehow excited, and despite of the imperfections the mission had. It became a blessing of Change.

The Batangas Zone decided to call two missionaries to get into the Facebook Page Content and Online Messaging, Sister Magno and Sister Ancheta. It was settled, and the two were excited to learn and grow on the technology advancements provided by Church Approval. The whole zone, will be brainstorming ideas for content and other possible posting online. We’ll be starting to post ours, this week!

The mission will be receiving a few desktop laptops for content missionaries in the coming weeks ahead, for video edit and photo edit. I think it’ll be exciting! I cannot wait to see and watch as the missionaries grow to sell their talents on finding people to teach and sharing the gospel to others.

I think the news is out! We’ll be implementing Facebook on the Mission. If you get the chance to search it on Facebook visit: Come Unto Christ in Lipa and Batangas. See you there!

Mission Updates: Sharing

I thought of sharing a part of learning on our, Come Follow Me Manual on Doctrine and Covenants 6-9. I had an impression on Oliver Cowdery’s responsibility to write the translation of the Gold Plates. I clearly could not imagine his patience to listen and write on the words dictate from the Prophet Joseph Smith. It must have been an exerting effort to write down the translation for the benefit of the people to read the Prophet’s words from the Gold Plates which can be read today, The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

I studied out on the Lord’s promise to Oliver on Doctrine and Covenants 6: 18-20. The advice from the Lord assured to Oliver to, ‘to receive admonition of Prophet.’ It came in mind, we must gain a testimony of the Prophey Joseph Smith as an admonition to his diligent service of restoring the church and the translation of the holy scripture. I do have a testimony he was called of God to restore the Church of Jesus Christ and translate the Book of Mormon.

Anything else to add up?

Uhm, not much but I am getting busy throughout the week. I guess I am on my 11 month cycle on the mission. It kinda sounds weird. Time is running too fast, and hard to paused it. Bauan and Ibaan are progressing, we had set out potential 10 BGDs for our two months. Sister Catacutan and I are on fire for working both of our areas! I’m starting to feel immune at the work. Does it sound right? I guess? Well, things are changing up abit and so does me. I wish to read your emails soon! I will in the short time if I can!

Love you! See you soon! ♡


Sister Dilag 

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