Week 45: “Ala-eyh” Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, Batangas Zone.

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! I am currently at Batangas! I will be holding two areas with my new companion, Sister Catacutan. I will give you updates on my whereabouts! 

Events: Teaching Appointments 

Quick Story: I had a phone call from the Assistants on my transfer to Batangas Zone with a ‘surprise companion’, Sister Catacutan. I was excited to hear it from the Assistants on my area and my companion. I couldn’t hold, but fill out my luggages and head to Batangas. I filled out everything, and shortly after Sister Arbutante and I went to every part of our areas at San Pablo and attended sacrament services at church. I say my goodbyes to the ward and leave a testimony with them. I sobbed! I do love my nine-month stay in San Pablo 3A, San Pablo Zone. 

On the 5th, I was picked up by Brother Allan, one of the drivers of the mission, and a good friend of mine. I was the first to be picked up, and talking with Brother Allan was nice, he was father talking. I had the opportunity to see the mission holding San Pablo ZoneCabuyao ZoneLipa Zone, and to Batangas Zone. I was the last to be dropped off at Batangas Zone, closely near the sea shore with an island, to end of the Mission Map. It was tiring to get there, but fulfilling. I haven’t ride too long in the mission, it was a great experience. 

On the 6th, I had the opportunity to see my areas in a clear view. My areas are wide! We are holding 4 AreasBauanSan PascualMabiniIbaan and; an IslandMarikaban Island. I was definitely surprised on our areas, it was way too wide and huge for Sisters like us! I went straight up on my mind-asking, “Holy cow, can I do this?” Sister Catacutan would often tell me, “You can do it!” I am slowly getting there. We are re-opening areas and we will be travelling a whole bunch of this week. We set up plans to our teaching appointments, budget planning and a bunch more. We happened to have a concern on an Island we are holding, because we had a few Investigators. At this point, I have no clue as to the whereabouts on our area, but I am excited to see the outcome of our plans! 

On the 7th, I celebrated my birthday! I had a surprised greetings virtually on my current ZoneElder Cauilan, Elder Gamas (San Jose & Batangas 2), Sister Ancheta, Sister Magno (Batangas 1A), Sister Abierra, Sister Mirandilla (Rosario) and Sister Catacutan and I (Bauan & Ibaan). They are the best! I had a videocall from my Mission President’s Wife, Sister Lohner. She greeted and sang a, “Happy Birthday Song” together with my former companion, Sister Arbutante. The Bauan and Ibaan Wards happened to checked my Facebook Profile, and greeted on call and on messenger. We happened to celebrate it too. I had a few Members’ celebrating birthdays on the day, it was a great festivity with them. 

On the 8th, I was surprised on our travels to San Pascual and Bauan. It was a long travel, I thought it was ‘close‘ based on Maps, but it was long travel. We travelled to visit families and a few Members. I get to see them in person, and I got excited to get to know them and their families. It was the best feeling to meet them. Also! I celebrated another birthday and a few ones in the areas too. A bunch of birthdays and I love celebrating it with Sister Catacutan.

I was surprised on my travel to Mabini. It was an hour ride to get there. It was the farthest area I had in the mission. We rode a jeep to get there and not by bus, because there were no buses. We took a ride, and while riding I get to see Mabini Area, much better. It was mountains and a nearby seashore. It was amazing! Sister Catacutan would love to see my reaction on my impression on the area. I love it! 

We happened to stop by to the Imanos, they are a family of five and they happened to be members of the church. It was interesting, as we got there we shared talents. It was incredible! I shared mine of playing the piano abit (not good at it, but worth to try), but I was impressed on their awards and sharing. It was great to be with the family. I got curved over to the violin recitals of the family, they played Hymns using the violin. I was really impressed. I do love to listen recitals by the use of instruments. 

We had a discussion with the Imaanos. We talked about the, “Eternal Families.” It was great topic, they shared their temple sealing experiences, the blessing of accepting the Gospel, and the blessing to accept the Spirit as Members of the Church. It was fascinating. Somehow, they brought up a concern on, ‘attending church‘, because travelling was a big hit on them. The Chapel was too far and paying their transportation fees, is out of the bargain. They were hoping for a district meeting house in their area, but nothing came up until now. It was challenging, I could tell because I commute all the way to their home. I hope we could get a report on a meeting house. It’ll be convenient for the Members of Mabini. We closed our discussion, and we promise to visit them again.

On the 9th, I was ‘definitely‘ surprised on our travel to Ibaan. It was farther and farther! We had to ride twice, a jeep and another jeep (sometimes a bus) to get there. It was formerly Elders’ Area and we are holding a remote area. I wasn’t expecting to be this challenging. I thought I will be holding cities, but not remotes or a bunch. It was challenging! Hehe. 

We travelled closely an hour and a half to get there. It was hot and we would sweat vigarously. I wasn’t comfortable, and I would be sweeping off the sweat of my face. But! As we get to Ibaan, it was a beautiful provincial area. It definitely made my travel worth to see it. We waited for a Member, Sister Melanie to pick us up and visit a few Members at Ibaan. We walked a few miles, I couldn’t tell much of our walk, but it was alright. 

We stopped by a few uphills and downhills to visit Members. We visited the LamacsGarciasVillanueva and Brother Michael. It was fun. We offered prayer and send out a message with them. It was a great experience. It was surprised of them to meet Sisters and not Elders. Ibaan happens to be Elders’ area and not Sisters. It was a great experience. 

But! Going home was challenging! Sister Catacutan and I would wait for 30 minutes closely an hour for the bus to pick us up to Batangas. We had to ride a bus to go to Batangas and another ride to Bauan. It was a tough commute, and it was a good experience to travel. We happened to set an appointment for Ibaan on Saturday, to save time and budget. 

On the 10th, I had not attended church services at the Chapel, because the area was not entirely accessible for sacrament services. We had sacrament services with Sister Elsa and her family. It was quick and we head to the Mañebos to watch Sunday Devotional. But! Haha. Unfortunately, we couldn’t watch it, because the signal was terrible. We decided to teach them, and the discussion went on smoothly. We had two new people joining on our discussion and interested to learn more of the church. 

We talked about the, “Restoration.” It was an interesting discussion, because one of the Brothers’ of the family pulled out an interesting question on, “Why do we need the Book of Mormon?” Sister Catacutan pulled out a good answer to his question and the Spirit touched his heart. It came to mind, he understood of the purpose of restoring the Gospel and the Church. It was a good feeling and a witness to see it happened! 

I will say everything turned out to be great in Bauan and Ibaan. It was interesting and encouraging to help others to Come Unto Christ. It was tough, but shortly after a ‘remarkable‘ feeling. 

Mission Updates: A Bunch! 

I couldn’t say a bunch and a bunch, because everything happened so fast. I will be shocked to see the days ended quickly. I am surprised on everything going on at Batangas! It was like sailing on a boat with big drifts and waves. It was definitely a great experience. It felt remarkable. 

I had a videocall of all the Missionaries ended their mission term, honorably! They are the best of the best: Elder Solis, Elder Valdez, Elder Suaybaguio, Elder Jamorol, Elder Ibera, Elder De Guzman, Sister Montevirgen and Sister Mara. I will missed them, they became a part of my mission. I hope to see them soon! 

Also! I will give you a quick lookback too, I do missed San Pablo Zone. It was the best zone. I missed every single on of the missionaries. I had Duo phone calls with them and it was hard to say goodbye. It was hard to say goodbye with Sister Arbutante, and I do love her! She was the best companion. I had fun times with her and funniest experiences with her! I do missed the Members and every one taught! 

It was funny too, I thought I was leaving on Thursday on the day of my birthday. We happened to set appointments with the Members of San Pablo 3A to spend time with us, but soon as I got the call I happened to get to Batangas earlier than I expected. All the appointments set up, were cancelled. I left quickly, shortly after Sister Arbutante received her new companion, Sister Merelos. I was so happy to see her train a brand new missionary with an awesome area! I know she will do great things! 

Sister Catacutan and I happened to be close, and a few times in the day we would laugh and do bunch of goofs on our day, but on working hours we get serious on our workout for us. We had to balance Meetings and Areas for now. I hope to see a bunch more this week and upcoming weeks ahead! 

You are the greatest gift!

Happy Birthday! ♡


Sister Dilag

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