Week 43: “Merry ‘Long’ Christmas!” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! Merry Christmas to you! I have a quick update for you, I meant quick to say – longer post for you this week. There were great events happened previously, I thought of sharing it. 

Events: Teach, Serve and Sing

I had the best week of my entire mission. I had a remarkable time spending Christmas with Members, Less-Actives, Investigators and Sister Arbutante. I never thought I would get this close to the end of my mission. It was way too cool to recognize the days passing and another day comes. It was remarkable! 

Despite of, ‘not being able to witness carolling on streets‘ and ‘fireworks on Christmas Eve.’ I thought of, “Silent Night.” It was relevant for the week. It was quiet and unusual on our culture, but it added up my thought of an experience of celebrating Christmas two years ago in the United States. It was remarkable to look back, it was quiet and well-pleasing to focus on families at homes. 

Thinking of my experience brought good things to us in our area. I thought of ways we can approach every one on Christmas, despite of current situations. I was able to share my companion of singing Christmas Songs on Hymns and sang it over-the-phone to Members, Less-Actives and Investigators, but the risk of our voices will end up raspy. Well I did, but it turned out perfectly. It made their day a bit lighter and excited to celebrate Christmas. 

We sang, “Silent Night” on some point we blend other Christmases Songs such as Joy to the World, Angels We Have Heard, Hark! The Herald and many more.  It was wonderful. My companion’s voice was beautiful, she could blend and adjust the song through her voice. I think of all the songs, “Silent Night” was a hit for us. We blend it well, and I couldn’t share it here, because the video we filmed was so funny and it turned out funnier and entertaining. I might not attached it here. 

We randomly call the Members, Less-Actives and Investigators over-the-phone and sang bunch of Christmases Songs with them. We felt the Christmas Spirit through them. We would receive comments on our performance, “You both made my day, and I would love to invite you both over to our home.” I think it was the best line I ever heard since, then I felt the Spirit for sure, because I felt good. 

I quickly want to add of our apartment full of grassy greens and red balls covered. We bought too much designs and realized it would be the end of the year. We don’t know where to put the designs, and we couldn’t thought of bringing it. Hehe. It was funny of us to spend Christmas Designs for this week. 

I might have to share the Members’ they fed us good and celebrated Christmas with them. I felt loved and the whole family gathered in one home. It felt home too. 

On the 23rd, we celebrated Christmas with the Ibos at their home. It felt so nice to be in their home, ate good food, and it felt so nice to see their creative projects to us! We laugh and share stories endlessly and full of love. I love them! They are a ‘Power Family.’  

This is Sister Ibo’s comment as they dropped us home, “Yes sisters!!! We love the message. Sabi nga namin as we travel back, we never get to see yung Christmas star tonight because its cloudy pero we felt the “star”  at home. Thank u sisters!!!! Next time ulit!!!”

It made my week! It was a great comment! The Ibod are incredible and talented. I am so happy to be with them and get to know them better, with same interest. I do love them! 

On the 24th, we celebrated Christmas with the Pantigs, Llagas Families at their home. It was a delight and lovely Christmas with them. It was my first time to visit their house for many months passed. It was one of my bucket list of visits to visit. It was a ‘hooray’ for me! 

It was so nice of them to prepare the day with us. We were able to talk conversationally. We laugh and share endless stories, and it seems it couldn’t end up by an hour. It was great to be with them. It was unique and special. It was simple too. 

We ate a bunch, and everything was set up nicely. I love their table setting. It was interesting to see their taste on setting and the food was so good! 

I think the best part of our Christmas with them, was our Family Home Evening Activity with them. We had an activity on guessing Characters from the Book of Mormon. As they were guessing and gathered answers, we end up guessing them the last character. And surprise! We surprised them on our picture with them! I love them! 

On the 25th, we celebrated Christmas with the Hilarios, Kawits, Guevarras’ and Guerras‘ at their home, but not with the other two. We ate outside with the Hilarios and Kawits. I have not eaten nor stepped on Jollibee. It feels exciting to eat on the bargain menu again. It was so nice of them to order a bunch, I got excited and I thought I could eat everything ordered, but I couldn’t. Stomach says, “No.” Hehe. It was great! 

Later by the afternoon to evening. We were invited to celebrate Christmas with the Guevarras’ and Guerras’. These are my favorites! I love them, ever since I went back to my first area. They were the first to be withdrawn on visits. I love them. We celebrated great, we opened presents and sang along to feel the Christmas Spirit. I ate a bunch, I got surprised on their Baked Mashed Potatoes it was the best I ever tasted! My companion and I got the chance to sing Christmas Songs with them, and play cards with them. We end up taking pictures and talked many things. I love them so much! 

On the 26th, we celebrated Christmas with the Reyes, Evangelista, Medranos, Belarminos, Fajardos and Maligons. It was a superb day to be with them. It gets extremely tough to eat. Haha! I know. I couldn’t chuck everything on plate, I had to bring home the portion I couldn’t eat. 

We had lunch with the Medranos, Belarminos Nd Fajardos. It was awesome to be with them. I laugh on Brother Medrano’s jokes. It was too crack up to laugh at him. While the others’ are fun to be with. It was special. I never laughed much on this family, but it made my day. 

We headed to the Reyes and Evangelista. It gets better. We sang different Christmas Songs and ate a bunch. We dressed up into Christmas Elves and Reindeers. I love them, we talked much about family. We had an activity and shared a message with them. 

To the interesting part, we celebrate Christmas with the Maligons. I love to be with them, they are fun to talk and listen with. We had conversations went out of hours and minutes. It was interesting. We talked about the Members on “Giving rather than Getting as Jesus did.” It came into my mind, I should be focusing on those. As to, “What would the Savior Give?” and, “What would the Savior Get?” It felt comforted to understand the Atonement of the Savior. 

The Savior gave his love to all ‘yea, remember that he cometh to redeem the world.’ (Hel. 5: 9) through his Atonement. He knew it would be hard for himself, but he thought of everyone. He knew all of us will come unto him and be glorified as our Father. He would get the love he deserved, it is by using the Atonement through our lives. It was unique thought of mine, and it was special. I do thanked Elder Maligon of the Area Seventy. It was a remarkable inspiration from the Spirit, coming out of his words. I do sustain him in his calling, I felt the spirit by his words. 

Elder Maligon stated, “You (Missionaries) brought a special spirit, that none of any one could have. Why? It is your dedication and endurance to see the hand of the Lord directing you. You are set apart to the carnal world. As you work with it, you will recognize the humility to be with the Spirit and to work it out to those you teach and share. If you work, then they will feel the Spirit. It is the Special Spirit.” It added my knowledge of the Spirit and setting apart. It felt better! 

There were too many, and I couldn’t remember a few. I wish I could have recorded it or some point write it, but I wasn’t able to thought of it, because I was caught up in the moment of listening to his advices. It was so impressive and relatively simple. 

I will add up to the message part of everyone mentioned. We talked about the Savior’s Birth and significantly increased our Gratitude on the Savior’s infinite love to us, the Atonement. I know we can change and use it on our time. I testify, it is sealed and cannot be removed. I never thought at this point I will be grateful for the Atonement, I have never been impressed on His love for us, in which I couldn’t do, but He did. I felt comforted to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ both lived. I should be grateful, and you too should be.

Mission Updates: Best Events! 

These are the best events and I think the most memorable to remember on my service. I had been warmly touched by these events, and to look back at it, I am ever so grateful. 

Mission Gathering 

I had the greatest night with the Mission. We gathered, watched and sing along with the videos showed on Zoom. They played Pentatonix, Jimmy Kimmel, Gentri, Tabernacle Choir and many more! It has been the longest time, I finally got to listen to them, and it felt so fun and funny at the same time. 

My companion and I decided to wear our Christmas Hats to goof around on Zoom. We really want to make our Christmas worth, so we put on the hat and other designs to our heads to be fun! We sang so loud, but the mission couldn’t hear it, because we are on ‘mute’ lol. Our Mission President and his wife put on their Christmas hats, and the Assistants too, and then slowly the missionaries wear it on! It was the best! 

Funny too, they played, “Joel the Lump Coal.” It was hilarious! I was like, “Grabe, it’s been too long to listen to that song haha, wow talaga!” I had the best time and made a few laughed. I loved it. 

Guevarra, Guerras & Baliwas

On the 27th, we celebrated Christmas with the Baliwas, and Guevarras’, Guerras’. It was a splendid time, I laughed with them and conversations were so long. I couldn’t remember the funniest lines, but it was so good and it was the best. 

We had lunch with the Baliwas and filled up the table with much. I love their table set up, I ate gulaman and it was so good. Elder Baliwas our Church Service Missionary ate with us, because he is relatively with the Baliwas, so uh cool I would say? Kidding! He was cool to talk too. We laugh and joke and countless of times, I couldn’t chuck, because he cracked up good. I had a fun time listening to Brother Froilan, he speaks so cool. Sister Abish and Brother Mahonri they are the coolest. Sister Rubi, oh my holy socks, she is the coolest mom I ever talked to! She is girl boss! Haha. We would look each other if we agree on everything we talk too and joke around. Haha love her! But, anyways, this family was really special, I love them. 

We had dinner with the Guevarras and Guerras. I love them! We got a text of coming over to their home to eat and talk a bunch. I got hesistated to go to them, because they were family. We laugh and talk and ate a bunch and a bunch. President Sander cracks good jokes, he is the best. Sister Gigi is so funny as well, she had a good point, and Sister Julie definitely laughs at us! We then watched and sing-a-long on Social Sing and Serve on Light the World. We were impressed to watch and listen to singers and influencers. We had an activity and we laugh, and the best part of it, we had discussion with them. They are really close and very special to me. I came back to this area, and to be with them on my mission, it has been a blessing. I am grateful and I love them! 

Sang, “Silent Night.” 

My voice went raspy this week, it was not good and it went so low on tune. My companion and I compiled and recorded videos on our random singing songs. We happened to practice, “Silent Night” after our Mission Christmas Gather. We start to make different versions of it, and it was fun. Sister Arbutante would make different singing versions, and I stick to the low part of my voice. We blend it so well! It was unforgettable and special. I love my companion so much, it seems as if she were my Sister and family. Since, we both will be serving together in the same area. I love the time we spent on Christmas together. I know everything I felt, she did too. It was amazing. Going back, we show our performance of “Silent Night” to the Members. They laugh, and I would laugh too. I love to make them laugh, it made my day! 

Sunday with President and Sister Lohner 

My Mission President and his wife, send out a text and phone call to us on their plans to visit our ward. My companion and I were happy to see them on Sunday, and they do too! It was their plan and get to see our ward in a better view. We sat with them, and introduce them to the Area Seventy, Elder Maligon, Stake Presidency, President Andal, our Counselors, Brother Kiko Domincel and Brother Del Pantig. 

By the end of the Sacrament Services, they complimented our Ward. The coordination of the ward was great and the members are so nice. It was great to see them, and we end up talking and pictures. It was even special, before the year ends. It was a great present. 

Phew! I couldn’t chuck! It is a long email, and I am happy to share. Sharing is caring! I hope next week will be exciting, and make it count before the year ends. 

Love y’all and take care! 


Sister Dilag

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