Week 42: “Christmas Zone Conference.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! This will be a ton, more on Conferences! I hope this is entertaining to your eyes, and if not skip the best parts of this email.

ReportTeaching Appointments 

This week, we are all into finding roads and blocks of San Pablo. We couldn’t bike around, because we are along the highway. We couldn’t drive too, it’s not convenient to drive in our area. The best way we can do is – we walk. Haha! But, we also commute by jeepneys, not trikes and buses. I do missed the city feel of commuting. 

Quick Sharing: We went to this road upnorth and we had no idea as to our location we will be staying, but we felt prompted to go straight. As we walk straight, we were surprised to meet families running towards us! They were former investigators by former missionaries. It’s been a decade they haven’t heard from missionaries. I was surprised, and awed. I thought they were wackos, but they ain’t. They were real and the nicest families out there. The Barlettas, Alas-as, Plucenas, Penianos, and I couldn’t remember the other ones. There were too many of them, probably around 10 families. They gave us a tour on their area, their farming and definitely ‘bukid‘ peeps. I know, I’m a city girl never seen greens. This is too amazing to see their living. It was incredible! We were able to set up appointments with them, and it could be everyday, because they are a bunch of them. 

It was an experience, I would never forget. It was the best feeling and the greatest experience to meet these families. I wasn’t able to picture a bunch of them. I am lowkey shy, lol. I don’t want to hit the first approach on pictures, but for sure the upcoming weeks I will take shots with them. I love them all! 

EventsChristmas Zone Conference 

On the 16th, we had our Christmas Zone Conference held at the Mabini Chapel, Stake Center of San Pablo Stake with Sta. Cruz Zone. We had the greatest event, it wasn’t fancy or anything, but the Christmas Spirit felt on that day, and I loved every single minute we had on our Conference. I had an amazing time with the missionaries of Sta. Cruz Zone and newly called service missionaries, the Manuels. I was able to witness changes, by talking and sharing a bunch of experiences. 

Quick Story: I was impressed on our morning travels, we were picked up from a good friend Brother Allan from San Pablo 2. He gathered all of the Sisters in the van, and we went to different places. He gave us a tour on our farthest area, San Marcos. It was a long drive and one straight line. I wasn’t able to take pictures, but the scenery was definitely farm and coconuts, nearly mountains too. It almost looks like a jungle, but fascinating, because of the houses set up. We were grateful to able to see the outskirts of our area. 

We were dropped by at the Chapel, and I was goofying around wearing a Christmas Elf Hat. Everyone laughed as I entered the Chapel, and I laughed at myself too, because it was exactly as I would have imagined myself. As we got in there, I was surprised to see and meet new and old faces! I was able to meet and talk to Sister Oprecio, she lives in Paranaque and we both giggled and laughed together, with full of stories to share. I guess the language was into us and we both understand each other. It was funny, and I love her. 

We went to the hall, gathered and participated on a few activities, on a challenge and reciting 42 principles. To quickly skipped the parts of the questions, my companion and I won the challenge and reciting, 42 principles, memorized on Preach My Gospel. We received a good prize, it was awesome! 

We then, listened to messages of President and Sister Lohner. Sister Lohner discussed health care and showed slides with us. It was a great reminder and it was funny as she did the talking, explaining the health parts. She would say, “Hallelujah.” If we ever take good care of ourselves. Then, President Lohner explained our Liahona Challenge in the mission. We had a bunch of numbers to countdown and to report by the end of our week. It went straight up like holy cow! Haha. 

Also, the Sta. Cruz Zone had their workshop for us! We talked about the Book of Mormon on Chapter 5 of Preach My Gospel, and they asked a few questions with us. It was more of a conversational workshop, gathering thoughts and impressions of the Book of Mormon. It was a good workshop! 

The Assistants provided a workshop too. We talked about becoming a, “Witness of Christ.” It was more on conversational, they asked a few questions and gathered impressions and experiences from missionaries, and then we were assigned on our practice teaching with other missionaries. It was a good experience, I was able to learn from other missionaries and get to know them better! 

I was able to talk and meet with the Sta. Cruz Zone MissionariesElder Cauilan, Elder Bulanon, Elder Clave, Elder Latonero, Elder Mornaol, Elder Aquino, Sister Oprecio, Sister Pinguel, Sister Limnoan and Sister Tollo. Also, San Pablo Zone MissionariesElder Badar, Elder Perlas, Elder Opiña, Elder Dela Rosa, Elder Estrella, Elder Javier, Elder Socorro, Elder Justaga, Elder Epat, Elder Sumiran, Sister Liam, Sister Ocfemia, Sister Mara, Sister Cusile, Sister Vitasa, Sister Arbutante and I. We laughed and shared a few! It was the best! I think of all the best parts of the sharing we had was our departing after Zone Conference, we shared the same van with the Sta. Cruz Missionaries, helped us carry our stuff to our apartment and talked a bunch of experiences. The best!

We went on activities such as Practice Teaching and a whole bunch, the best part of the activities were the Nativity. All the Christmases Songs were played, and I loved every single song played. We were in a circle, sat on every chair, on each chairs we grab a copy of the songs and narrations, and each of us narrates and sang along! I was the first to read the first part of our narration. It was the best, I felt the family Christmas Spirit on our Zone Conference! At the end of it, we took pictures and received presents! I had a great time with them. 

At the end of our Conference. We sang our Mission Song, the San Pablo Mission Song and ended up taking pictures with the Missionaries! It was the best part! I love every single one of them and it’s a blessing to be with them! I am grateful for President and Sister Lohner, with the Browns, Hursts and the Assistants for pulling off a great Zone Conference. 

Mission UpdatesInterview 

Not later this week, I had an interview with President Lohner. It was the best interview I had for so long. I laughed, chuckled and added my testimony on the Liahona. The best parts were I commented on our Liahona Challenge went up! It went 2.0! President Lohner laughed, because it had to double up the subparts of our challenge. Way way up in the game!

It went funnier as President complimented on our weather, “Sister Dilag, does the Philippines get into the Winter part as of like snow?” I chuckled and said, “Yeah, it does, we get mud during winter.” And laughed so much, it was the funniest line I ever said and he did too. Oh, I missed it. Good laugh to start the day and week! Lol, because I’m brown that’s why, lol kidding. Hahaha! I love to make someone laugh. 

Another update, this Christmas Week we are fully booked with Dinner Appointments – woops lol, hehe. I meant to say Member Lessons with them! Hehe. A week of lunch to dinner, and breakfast by the mid of our week. It was bomb! I could say the best week I had. I’ll be eating and teaching with them, along with my companion. We got excited, and couldn’t wait to perform on the caroling part. We will be singing Christmases with them. I do love to sing, and my companion does too. I hope we won’t make the weather too bad as we sing. Kidding! I love this upcoming week ahead. 

Another another update! Holy cow! This year is getting quicker and quicker. I cannot believe it’s almost ending, and a few days left it’ll be a different new year. I have no idea as to the changes next year, and I hope things will be better, and slowly going back to normal. Phew! It was a long work ahead, I had seen the hand of the Lord helped me. I am grateful for the months I served in San Pablo. It has been meaningful and more special. 

Last! I got packages for Christmas! I was surprised to received a package from my family in Quezon City and the other package from my Mom’s friend at Lucena City, the Suaybaguios, Sister Marjorie! I love them, they are the best of the best! I was able to open it earlier before Christmas, I got excited and I ruined the box, because of my excitement. To my surprise, I got enough of things for the upcoming year. Haha! I love them all, never expected to be this good, it’s a blessing to have them. Eternally grateful for supportive families! Also, President and Sister Lohner was so kind of them to drop by the package for us! I love them. It was good to see them, I love their smiles and we were able to talk great. 

I had a great week. Nothing much on the teaching appointments, but the best parts out there are the unforgettable ones, Zone Conferences are the best! I hope you agree too! 

Maligayang Pasko! ♡ 


Sister Dilag 

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