Week 38-39: “Thanksgiving.” Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone.

Hello! This is Sister Dilag. I am currently serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission, San Pablo Zone. I am waiting for mission changes on my original assignment to the California Sacramento Mission. 

I will give you weekly updates on my current mission. I will also attach interesting attachments! I hope this finds you entertaining! 

Heads up! Another week ahead! I apologize for not sending out my email the other week, but hey another long email post for you! Hehe. Two weeks were a upswing and downsizing: Transfers & New Faces. I bet this would be long.

EventsTransfer Week

A week ago, we received announcements on our transfers and a few Missionaries will be ending their term on the last transfer cycle: Sister Madriaga, Sister Rafon, Sister Lianto, Elder Danico, Elder Valdez, Elder Policarpio and (snap, I forgot the other Elder). These were Great Missionaries!

Also! We were able to witness half of our Zone leaving and transferring to a different Area. It was sad to see great missionaries leaving our Zone: Sister Gaspar transferring to Cabuyao Zone, Sister Pangan to Lipa Zone, Elder Jamorol moving to Lucena Zone, and Elder Gamas transferring to Batangas Zone with Elder Solis stepped down and moved farther away to Batangas Zone. It was great to see them moving on to the next chapter of their mission, but I was also sad to see them go away so soon.

Another update: Elder Opiña came back to the Zone! It was great to see and talk again to my former District Leader! Yay! Elder Dela Rosa transferred too, to San Pablo 4. Funny, he went all around the San Pablo Zone. Hehe. It was a good laugh! Elder Perlas, stepped up as the Assistant to the Mission President! I was so happy, as he got the call!

Also! We have a good amount of Missionaries on our Zone: Elder Epat is back to the Zone too! He was my former District Leader in Lipa Zone! I was so happy to see and talk to him again! Elder Socorro came back to San Pablo Zone, it was funny to see him staying in San Pablo Zone. Sister Ocfemia is our STL on our Zone, and she is the kindest Missionary! Sister Cusile and Sister Vitasa both of them on the same area, moved together in San Pablo Zone!

As I look over the names of the Missionaries transferring, it felt great to see the big change in the mission. It was great to see amazing Missionaries working alongside to our Zone, former Zone Missionaries transferring to a different area with great views and former Missionaries ending their term.

It is awesome to be with Sister Arbutante, to have Sister Liam, Elder Estrella, Elder Javier, Elder Justaga, Elder Sumiran, Elder Dela Rosa, Elder Perlas and Elder Badar staying in the Zone. I bet it’ll be a great Christmas and New Years for every one of us!

MeetingDistrict & Farewells

I thought of sharing a quick of our Zone. We were allowed to have Zone Activities together, and it was great to have them around. I was surprised on our activities it was the best! We stayed near the San Pablo 1 Sisters’ assigned chapel. We play songs, share a few of our talents and talk a bunch on our transfers. We felt really sad of them moving along, but it was great to hear testimonies of our great missionaries! I love all of them. I love San Pablo Zone.

The other day on our transfers. We had phone calls with the Elders and Sisters of our Zone. We cry and laugh, it was a crazy mix for all of us. I cried as Elder Gamas was saying his goodbyes, because I thought he’ll be leaving on that ‘very’ day of transfers, but funny, he’ll leave in a couple of days. I laughed and cried again. And! I cried mostly for the Sisters too, Sister Rafon and Sister Lianto left the mission, I had the best STLs. I do will miss Elder Solis the most! He is an incredible Assistant! He’ll be far away to our Zone and he cried on our District Prayer. I had instances to cheer him up, because it’ll be his last cycle! Elder Jamorol is sad too, but he’s chill with it. It’ll be his last cycle with Elder Solis too! Oh geez, alot of changes! It’s hard to see part of our families leaving quicker. I love all of them!

On the last part, I had a great time with the New District: Elder Epat, Elder Sumiran (Nagcarlan), Elder Badar, Elder Perlas (Alaminos), Sister Ocfemia, Sister Liam (San Pablo 1) and Sister Arbutante and I (San Pablo 3). We had our Meeting near the San Pablo 1 Sisters’ Chapel. It was a fun time, we shared and collaborate on our ideas. It feels great to be with them! We laugh, counsel and hangout abit after our Meeting!

Mission UpdatesQuick Transfers!

Do you missed the other Missionaries?

Awww. Again, yes! I couldn’t believe they left so soon and quicker! I was surprised on Elder Solis’ stepped down, but I know he’s happy and he’ll be fine as a regular missionary. He served well as the Assistant and I think he’ll be great in Batangas Zone with Elder Gamas. Elder Gamas happens to be a District Leader, and he transfers and jumps around the mission. I think it’s his fifth or sixth transfer in the mission? Crazy bounces there, but I salute his dedication to move on! Elder Jamorol, I will definitely missed him, the coolest and chillest missionary. Sister Rafon, I will miss her funniest comments and  impressions to everyone, she is a clown! Sister Lianto, I will definitely miss her presence, she listens carefully and gives great counsel. Oh geez, while typing it. I missed every single one of them, and it bugs me! But! I know they are happy and I know I’ll see them after the Mission. It is a promise!

Are you happy for the Missionaries stayed on your Zone?

Yes! I am happy to see them stay in the Zone. I’m glad Elder Estrella did not move around the mission. He’s a clown on our Zone and definitely a great listener! Sister Liam stays too, and calls as STL on our Zone, she’s currently a trainee. Elder Javier, Elder Justaga and Elder Sumiran, phew! I’m grateful they are not moving anywhere in the mission. I am glad for their stay! I don’t want them to move around. Elder Badar, we’ll end his term as an Assistant hehe, he’ll be training Elder Perlas. I don’t want to think of Elder Badar’s end term on February, but I try not to think of it. Elder Perlas stays in the Area for a long time. Elder Dela Rosa, he transfers alot in the area on our Zone. It was funny to see him bounce to one place at a time. Sister Arbutante, I’m glad she stays. I love my companion! I do enjoy her company with me. I do love them all!

How long will you be staying on your Area?

I don’t want to – kidding! I love San Pablo 3. My stay here has been remarkable for everyone. There were things that needed to be sorted out. And! It’s been incredible to see the progress of our area. We have been receiving referrals! Members are working with us. Dinner Appointments every night with the Members. We were able to walk around our area. Great exercise for the both of us. I wasn’t allowed to drive, because my companion needs to drive too. I did not get the chance to drive in the mission. It is sayang, but it’s okay. I think walking and roaming around the area by our feet, feels great!

• #GiveThanksPosting

We do not celebrate Thanksgiving in the Philippines, but we do participate on the #GiveThanks journal posting on social media, perhaps this email might be worth to showcase my gratitude for this Thanksgiving Month.

I am grateful to be serving in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. It is a wonderful mission, it has been the best mission experience of my life. I am grateful to meet and talk to wonderful missionaries with great callings and responsibilities in the Mission. I am grateful for their great counsel. I am grateful for the healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

I am forever grateful for the big change I had grown on my service with the Lord and his children. I grow to love and cherish my days here. I am grateful to share my loving testimony to you, God lives! I know through the Atonement of the Savior, you can be healed. I know by persevering our prayers and reading the Book of Mormon, you will feel enlighten. Although, challenges are difficult to overcome, but through the grace of the Atonement, you are forgiven.”

Thank you for reading my email. I think this is the shortest I ever wrote – kidding. It feels great to indicate my testimony. I hope you get the chance to post #GiveThanks on your social media or weekly email! 

You made my day and I hope this email does too! I hope you have an incredible week! ♡


Sister Dilag
Sacramento • San Pablo

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